Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 568: Creativity

"Liu Yang, have you worked as an advertising and creative director in **** company before?"

"Yes! This is my resignation certificate."

Liu Yang nervously looked at the two interviewers sitting opposite, one was the famous Lu Ming, and the other was the chairman of Super Technology, Li Yun, a swordsman in black.

Of course, he can only think about the title of the swordsman in black, if he really wants to say it, it would be a fool.

Lu Ming glanced briefly, and said, "You came in a hurry. I believe you have known our company."

"Yes! A little understanding."

"Since you are asking for the position of advertising director, then I'm not welcome, so I just asked."

"Mr. Lu Ming, please ask."

Liu Yang said respectfully. It stands to reason that he is a director of a listed company seeking a position in such a small company. It must be considered condescending, but with Lu Ming in front and also serving as his interviewer, Liu Yang will only Feeling flattered.

This is Lu Ming after all!

Lu Ming alone is better than his old boss and the entire company. It is unimaginable to be able to interview him in person!

"I don't have much time, the game has just been released, and the extra questions are not asked, just one question."

"Please say."

"If you come to be the advertising director of Super Technology, how can you promote this "Angry Chicken" to more people?"

Liu Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this question is not a difficult question, many companies will ask it.

"and many more."

Lu Ming stopped Liu Yang, who was about to speak, and pointed to Li Yun with a smile: "This is our chairman Li Yun. He just bragged to us that his target download of this game is half of the world's people. , Which is 3.5 billion!"

"3.5 billion downloads?!!!" Liu Yang was taken aback, with an expression of disbelief.

Not to mention 3.5 billion, it is 1 billion, he finds it very difficult, no, even 500 million is enough.

Liu Yang had already estimated that even though there were 30 million downloads in the first three days, once the heat has passed, it is likely to plummet, and in the end it will only be about 100 million downloads.

"Yes, it is 3.5 billion!" Lu Ming said with a smile: "Then you can make an advertising creative according to this goal. Don't worry, as long as we use your creative, we will definitely admit you. If you are not satisfied with the salary, we will also Pay what you are satisfied with."

For many unscrupulous companies, it is shameless to steal ideas by interviews.

Li Yun said: "As a special reminder, our company does not have sufficient funds now. We will only have money when we sell more games in the future. Of course, if your ideas are good, major shareholders will also consider additional investment."

There are so many restrictions, but Liu Yang has already prepared.

He talked about watching the video, and then laughed: "My idea is to use the battle between the two beautiful shareholders of the company as a gimmick to promote, or even open a special competition, or, if anyone can be at the same time If you complete all three-star customs clearance at the same speed, you will receive a reward."

"Competition, reward..."

Lu Ming's eyes lit up, and he said with interest: "Continue to talk about the details."

"Yes. Regarding rewards, it can be divided according to time. For example, if you achieve an achievement in three days, you will be rewarded with one million, and if you achieve it within a week, you will be rewarded with one million. The publicity effect is achievable..."

Li Yun smiled and said: "If the results of the eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu are counted, I am afraid that few people in the world can achieve it."

"That's why it is a gimmick, it can arouse people's unconvinced psychology!"

Liu Yang said: "The reward is probably like this. I also have a suggestion for the competition. For example, in the finals, you can invite two more beautiful shareholders to participate, so that it is more exciting!"

"No." Li Yun refused directly. "Xiao Jiayu may come, but I won't invite her, Missy."

Li Yun would rather Super Technology not make money, than add trouble to the lady and make her tired.

"Uh." Liu Yang choked directly, wondering if he had said something wrong.

"However," Li Yun smiled at him again: "Your creativity is very good."

"In other words," Liu Yang was pleasantly surprised for an instant: "Do you agree to my entry?!"

Li Yun looked at Lu Ming, and he smiled and said, "Of course you can, provided that you are satisfied with the 5w salary and you can start the job immediately."

"Satisfied, satisfied! Very satisfied! I can join the job now!"

Liu Yang immediately agreed that 5W's salary is not high for him, but the company's prospects are definitely not trivial!

"Okay, from now on, Liu Yang, you are an employee of Super Technology. I will give you the first task."

"President Lu, please give instructions!"

"Go hire four of your subordinates."


"Our company does not yet have a marketing department. In other words, you are a polished commander, haha!"

"Yes! I will start working immediately!"

Liu Yang reacted immediately. Now is the time to race against time. Be sure to seize the news breaking point of the press conference and publicize the creative just now, which will trigger a greater downloading boom!

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