Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1606: Being motionless is a fool

After walking through the sea of ​​peach blossoms, several large mountains, several valleys, and large tracts of woods, Li Yun and others came to Xining Town.

This is the farthest place Yu Mei'er has ever walked out. Her world is only Xining Town and Huanhua Valley. She used to travel between the two places, but this time, she wants to say goodbye to Xining Town. To the unknown world.

Li Yun and Liu Peng joined together, gave the horses to others to sell, and asked Le Zhiyin about their next journey. After learning that they would also fly back to Baihua Valley, they decided to travel to the provincial capital again.

"Really, that's great."

Le Zhiyin seemed a little lost when he came to Xining Town. Now that he knows that he can continue to walk with Li Yun for a while, he is a little happy.

But when I thought of the separation only two hours later, I felt uncomfortable again.

The soft intestines are endless, sweet, but more of the worry that makes people toss and turn.

Le Zhiyin had only seen the description of love in books before. This time, she really felt the torment of this kind of emotion. For a moment, she felt that she had read so many books before, and they were no better than the impression she gave her right now Deep.

It just made Le Zhiyin feel that it was a pity that she could not ride in the same car with Li Yun, but even so, occasionally looking back and seeing his car behind her, she felt a little satisfied.

Regarding Le Zhiyin's current performance, Su Tanmeng was anxious in his eyes, wishing to drag Li Yun out to give him a painful beating. Who told him to make Zhiyin uncomfortable.

"Okay, sit quietly, don't move!"

Li Yun had a headache in the car. It was definitely the first time Yu Mei'er had taken a car since she could remember. She was sitting in the passenger seat. Li Yun fastened her seat belt, but she still couldn't stop this curiosity. Yu Meier in a restless mood.

"Don't move your hands."

"Don't move your feet."

"Don't move your body!"

"It's a fool not to move! I'm going to move!"

Yu Mei'er finally said angrily. After snorting, she was really motionless with her hands on her chest.

Sitting behind Wang Mengyan couldn't help but laugh, and told her about the car. The clutch, the accelerator and even the screen of the autopilot system of the car can all arouse Yu Meier's curious questions.

The two girls were whispering, but they finally calmed Yu Meier.

Sitting behind Liu Peng looked enviously at the beauty with snow-white skin in the front seat. He didn't expect that Brother Li just went to the mountains and brought back a peerless beauty, and this beauty was still white and scary. , The length of her black hair is far beyond ordinary, everything about her is so mysterious.

Wang Mengyan thought he wanted to know the identity of Yu Mei'er, so she turned the topic to this trip, focusing on the identity of Xia Yu Mei'er.

The three were chatting, Li Yun focused on driving and soon came to the provincial capital.

Here, he will stay for two days to rest, thinking about what to do next.

Therefore, after getting off the bus, Le Zhiyin and others will officially bid farewell to Li Yun, and they will also **** Granny Shen back to Baihua Valley. Moreover, they will not go with Li Yun to other gangs in the rivers and lakes, and they will not go with Li Yun again. Reason.

"Little Junior Sister, if you are not used to it, you must come to me, I will arrange it properly for you!"

Granny Shen grabbed Yu Meier's hand and said excitedly.

Yu Mei'er is the last concern of Granny Mietian in the world. She has worked hard for this old life, and she wants to make the little junior sister happy in the future.

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