Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1605: The doors are closed

Yu Mei'er finally started a fire in her kitchen and cooked breakfast for everyone. After eating, she would officially leave here.

The more it was time to leave, Yu Mei'er seemed to be more restless, and she kept walking behind Li Yun, as if she was extremely upset if she didn't see him.

Everything was ready, Li Yun looked back at her, Yu Mei'er stood at a loss like a wronged little wife.

"Let's go, and worship the mother-in-law again."


Everyone came to the cemetery of Granny Mietian again, where you could see the sea of ​​peach blossoms underneath, and the scenery was excellent.

But even so, Yu Mei'er did not have a half-hearted expression. After the worship, she looked at this small grave in a daze, as if she was reminiscing little by little about the life of Granny Mietian.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

Seeing her unconsciously, Li Yun had to forcibly hold her hand and walked forward with the staggered Yu Mei'er.


She shed tears again. She wanted to go back, but didn't dare to defy Li Yun's words, so she sulked and said, "I'll go back and see if the door is closed."

"The doors are closed."

"Where's the window?"

"It's closed too." Li Yun said lightly.

"Where's the kitchen? There may be a surplus fire, and it will be miserable when it burns up."

"I splashed water and it must have gone out."

"...My clothes are still drying, I have to go back and pack them."

"I threw it away, and I'll buy it when I go out."

"Maybe there is still something in the cave that I haven't taken out."

"Those things are useless, no need to bring them."

Yu Mei'er also tried to find an excuse to go back. Li Yun listed a lot of things in a row, and said in a ruthless tone: "...The dishes have been upside down, and there will be no dust in it. In addition, I wrote. Put a piece of paper on the table and someone breaks in by accident, and it won’t burn your house."

The conversation between the two made everyone amused, and now only Li Yun can stop Yu Meier.

After searching for an excuse, Yu Mei'er finally gave up, looked back at the place where she had lived for 24 years, then turned her head cruelly, and strode forward quickly.

"I don't see it, there's nothing to look at. The house outside is better, huh. By the way, my mother-in-law asked you to take care of me, and you slept with me. You have to prepare a good house for me."

"This is all such a mess."

Li Yun knocked this guy on the head, slapped her, and glared back angrily.

Everyone laughed, Yu Mei'er's words that day made people feel strange, but also a little funny.

Wang Mengyan said: "Li Yun, please be considerate of sister Mei'er. She has lived here for so long, and if she rushes out, she will definitely be a little uncomfortable. But it doesn't matter, we will help sister Mei'er quickly adapt to your outside life. "

"Mengyan, you are the best, hehe~"

Yu Mei'er seemed to be happy, and took her hand to walk forward.

"Wait, that's wrong. Let's find horses." Li Yun shouted.

"Ah, yes, I want to ride a horse this time too!"

Yu Mei'er said happily, but soon everyone discovered a problem.

A horse is missing.

Before Su Tanmeng went back to look for Granny Shen, but she didn't expect Yu Meier to go out with them, so she didn't prepare her horse.

The final solution was that Li Yun walked and led the horse that Yu Meier was sitting on. It just so happened that she could not ride a horse.

Fortunately, as a congenital Li Yun walks fast enough.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

Yu Meier sat on the horse, and finally looked back at the faintly visible wooden house again, and then at Li Yun, who was helping her with the rope. The fear of the future in her heart was more than half dissipated.

With Li Yun by her side, the future will be all at his disposal, and the mother-in-law can't be wrong.

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