Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1607: Where do you not meet

"I know Senior Sister."

Yu Mei'er said seriously: "If this guy bullies me, I'll go to you, Baihuagu, right? I remember."

When Li Yun saw her talking, he took a special look. Obviously, this sentence was spoken to him.

With Yu Mei'er's senior sister, she coaxed Granny Shen with great joy. She didn't expect to have such a young senior at this age.

"Little Junior Sister, give you these, take it and spend it, and call me if it is not enough."

Grandma Shen asked Su Tanmeng to show her a few cards, and then gave her a piece of paper, saying that it had her phone number on it, so please call her if you have any difficulties.

Yu Mei'er held the gold card for a long time, and asked suspiciously, "How much can this sell?"


Everyone laughed, and Wang Mengyan smiled and said: "Sister Meier, this is not for sale... Well, I will tell you this later."


Yu Mei'er stuffed the jam into her old gray clothes. Grandma Shen looked at her clothes, and the wrinkles on her forehead couldn't help but beat a few times.

Now that she still wears this dress in this era, it feels like she is abusing her little junior sister, even if she doesn't wear this kind of dress at this age, let alone Yu Meier, a beautiful woman who is like a flower.

"Why don't you live with me for a while..."

"Hey? Don't worry, Senior Sister, I'm fine."

Wang Mengyan promised to take Yu Meier to buy clothes and daily necessities, and teach her everything, which dispelled the idea of ​​grandma Shen.


"Goodbye, everyone."

Everyone officially bid farewell. What surprised Li Yun was that Ren Tianhao took the initiative to call him by his name, and his attitude seemed a lot better.

"I won't give up Zhiyin, Li Yun!"

There was Ren Tianhao's voice transmission in his ears, and Li Yun realized that it was so.

Nodded at him, Li Yun smiled slightly, and his impression of Ren Tianhao changed a lot.

If Ren Tianhao really catches up with Le Zhiyin, he may be a little bit disappointed, but more, I am afraid it will be a blessing to Le Zhiyin.

However, Li Yun was inexplicably not very optimistic about them, because Le Zhiyin's gaze was always on him, the kind of hesitant expression in his eyes, the appearance of a spring girl who was brewing in all kinds of tenderness, made Su Tanmeng look towards him. Li Yun's eyes were like a sharp knife. If he could kill, Li Yun would have been killed by her thousands of times.

Finally, Li Yun nodded at Le Zhiyin and said, "Zhiyin, goodbye." After a pause, he said: "Where does the world meet?"

The heart that had been hanging in Le Zhiyin's heart suddenly fell. After hearing Li Yun's words, she knew that he was referring to last night's affairs, and she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and she gave him a gentle and sweet smile, saying: "If you are destined, we will meet again. Goodbye, Li Yun."

Seeing them going away, Li Yun exclaimed in his heart, the word goodbye really reflects the profoundness of Chinese.

Goodbye, forever.

Goodbye, see you again.

"Li Yun~?"

Although he was only sighing in his heart, the sensitive Wang Mengyan still saw the details and whispered: "Are you...reluctant to give up Zhi Yin?"


Yu Mei'er immediately turned her head and looked at Li Yun with a sullen face, motionless, as if a wife was catching a fishy husband.

Li Yun was immediately embarrassed and said: "No, no, don't think about it, between me and her, uh, I mean nothing happened last night, just normal friends."


"Of course, I didn't do anything beyond my friends."

He insisted that he just kissed Le Zhiyin's forehead, but this is not a thing beyond a friend, it should be said that it is above a friend, and a lover is not satisfied.

"Huh~" Yu Mei'er said suddenly: "If you have another woman, that's my wife."


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