Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1604: Is it a couple?

the next day.

Li Yun opened his eyes from a deep sleep, with a warm and fragrant body in his arms, with an exquisite figure close to him, so that Li Yun thought it was Jiayu or Caixia Caiwei sisters, and recovered. Later, I woke up.

"Meier! Why did you run into my tent?"

Li Yun smiled bitterly and touched her little head, and pulled her away from her thigh, so as not to do something rude to the man who got up in the morning.

"Hmph, mother-in-law~, I don't want to get up yet~"

Yu Mei'er groaned, without opening her eyes, her body moved slightly, and she hugged Li Yun's arm and continued to sleep.

As a result, Li Yun originally coaxed her to sleep in her room before returning to the tent, but unexpectedly, Yu Mei'er woke up in the middle of the night, forcibly got into his tent, and brought a quilt. And pillows.

Li Yun was bothered by her mischievous behavior, so he agreed in confusion.

Fortunately, nothing was rude to me last night.

"Get up, you little slacker, it's time to get up and practice the sword."

When Li Yun got dressed, Yu Mei'er was still asleep, and he couldn't help squeezing her white cheeks.

Yu Mei'er wearing short-sleeved shorts and pajamas, there is no part of her skin that is not white, tender and smooth. After closing her eyes, she has red lips and a little other color. In the small tent, this The allure of Sleeping Beauty is amazing.

Her skin felt very good when she touched her skin. Yu Meier heard the word practicing sword in a daze, and finally opened her sleepy eyes. She felt a man beside her dimly. She woke up in a moment of fright and screamed. All the people in the surrounding tents were pleasantly surprised.


Seeing Yu Mei'er with messy long hair and red cheeks walking out of Li Yun's tent, everyone looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Avian. Beast! No, avian@兽 is not as good!"

Among the crowd, only Su Tanmeng would be scolded like this.

Ren Tianhao was very envious. After Yu Meier put on her clothes, she glanced at the white skin only slightly exposed on her neck. Just seeing her like this, Ren Tianhao could already imagine Yu Meier’s fascination when she was sleeping. The charming posture of that day is definitely a man's ultimate enjoyment.

However, it seems that nothing happened to the two of them last night, and Yu Mei'er still doesn't know how amazing her physical talent is.

Unfortunately, these have nothing to do with Ren Tianhao.

"Ahem, nothing happened last night, hurry up and pack up."

Ignoring Ren Tianhao's disappointed and envious eyes, Li Yun quickly changed the subject after clearing the truth of the matter.

Among those present, Su Tanmeng was the only one who didn't believe it. They both slept together. Yu Mei'er must have been touched by Li Yun all the time!

But Wang Mengyan and Le Zhiyin, two people who have been in close contact with Li Yun, knew that Li Yun would definitely not do that kind of thing.

The crowd began to pack their luggage, and Yu Mei'er, who was in a daze for a while, said suddenly: "Li Yun, we are sleeping together, are we married?"



Su Tanmeng tightly held Le Zhiyin's hand and looked at Li Yun with a vigilant look, for fear that this guy would also do something to her Zhiyin.

Wang Mengyan felt sour. Even if nothing happened last night, Yu Meier would still sleep with Li Yun. From now on, she will definitely be Li Yun’s girlfriend...

"Hurry up and pack up, and I'll tell you when I have time, it's not what you think!

For a pure fellow like Yu Meier, Li Yun has a big head. How can I explain to her that even if men and women sleep together, they are not so simple to become husbands and wives. They need to go through...some painful and happy things. Row!

But Yu Mei'er seemed to think so. She glanced at Li Yun, held her head high as if I already knew you could not fool me, and went upstairs to pack her own things.

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