Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1603: Parting kiss

"Fate, is it?"

Le Zhiyin repeated Li Yun's words, stood with him, raised his eyes and looked at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him, and suddenly felt relieved.

Yes, if there is fate, the two will meet each other.

Just like this wonderful encounter.

Li Yun was not from the rivers and lakes, but went to the flower viewing party, and Le Zhiyin, she used to go every year. She planned not to go to the flower viewing party this year, but because she was uneasy about Su Tanmeng, she decided to go there again. Looked quietly.

Unexpectedly, just because of this, we would meet.

Fate is really a wonderful thing.

"Li Yun, if we..."

The light breeze messed up her hair, Le Zhiyin stretched out her pure white hands and pushed these naughty long hair behind her ears. Her movements were elegant and dignified, and she also revealed the charms of women, giving people unlimited imagination.

Le Zhiyin was about to talk to Li Yun, but found that she was looking over in a daze, with her eyes fixed on her, as if she was attracted by the movement of her hair just now.


Le Zhiyin's shy hands didn't know where to put them, this time the shyness was stronger than all the previous ones.

Because, the man in front of him was truly fascinated by her, and he was looking at him with eyes full of appreciation and obsessiveness. This kind of eyes seemed to carry heat, making Le Zhiyin's body feverish.

"Ahem, what did you just say?"

Li Yun knew that he was showing ugliness, and quickly changed the subject.

But now Le Zhiyin can't say it, she was able to talk to Li Yun about some shame without scruples, such as like, love, confess her heart and so on.

But after seeing Li Yun's possessive eyes just now, Le Zhiyin could no longer regain his previous mentality.

"It's nothing."

Le Zhiyin calmed down forcibly, her etiquette disposition did not allow her to show a strange expression, if it weren't for the uncontrollable emotions like before.


Li Yun didn't ask, making Le Zhiyin annoyed for a while, "Don't you want to know? Maybe it's important."

"If it's important, then you must say it." Li Yun smiled slightly, "Moreover, I already know what you want to say. Maybe after we are separated, you will know your heart better."

Le Zhiyin was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he wanted to understand the riddle that Li Yun had played.

After struggling for a long time, she whispered: "Then you expect it? Or refuse?"

Looking forward to meeting again, I still don't want to continue this fate.

Li Yun turned around and said: "I won't answer this question, but I think, Zhiyin, you must understand what I think in my heart. Let's go, go back."

"I see?"

Le Zhiyin followed Li Yun back with one foot deep and one shallow foot, constantly thinking about the meaning of this sentence in his mind.

Li Yun refused to answer, that is to say, this question is very difficult for him.

This also means that he both expects and wants to reject the ambivalence.

I look forward to it because he really has a good impression of Le Zhiyin.

Refused because of his girlfriend? Or is the two people's mutual understanding not deep enough?

But this is the answer, and it is enough for Le Zhiyin.

This unclear relationship is deep or superficial, so it is written with a stop. After that, whether it is a complete happiness or a regretful ending depends on the future fate of the two.

After Le Zhiyin figured it out, her mood became happy.

When he was about to return to the crowd, Le Zhiyin stopped Li Yun.

"what's happenin?"

"This is my first and first love, Li Yun, can you... give me a parting kiss?"

After Le Zhiyin finished speaking, she closed her eyes with shame, the white and flawless skin on her cheeks revealed a faint pink, her long eyelashes quivered slightly, her lips were delicate and delicate with rose petals, and no one had ever picked it before. Gently open and close together, exhaling an intoxicating breath.

Li Yun sighed slightly in his heart, Le Zhiyin seemed to sink deeper and deeper, and at the same time, he became more and more tempted to this knowledgeable lady. If she took away her first kiss, he might have to sorry Miss and them again. .


In the end, Li Yun's kiss fell on Le Zhiyin's smooth and full forehead, and the fragrant soft skin and moist lips touched, causing a warm current to flow in both of them.

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