Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1600: I am sorry

Le Zhiyin glanced at him with a complicated expression, and suddenly thought in his mind that finding Granny Mietian this time meant that Li Yun helped him once?

If, if Li Yun helped her twice in the future, would she...

Li Yun said: "Yes, you see, aren't we talking about these topics easily now? In your heart, I am afraid there will not be much... well, you understand."

Le Zhiyin's IQ is not bad, so he naturally understands what he means.

Being able to easily talk about the relationship between them indicates that Le Zhiyin's love for Li Yun is only superficial and doesn't care much.

But is this really the case?

"It's not you who made it crooked."

Le Zhiyin's face was a little blushing, and said, "Perhaps you are right. I forgot after a few months. I'm sorry, Li Yun."

"Nothing I'm sorry."

"What about you?" She asked another difficult question.

Li Yun knew she wanted to ask if she would forget her after a few months.

"If I hadn't had this conversation now, maybe I would forget it soon, but now, I should remember it for a long time."

This answer was beyond Le Zhiyin's expectation. Wasn't it quickly forgotten, or remembered for a lifetime, but was she impressed by her confession?

"I...so, maybe."

Le Zhiyin hesitated for a while before speaking, then sighed slightly, and said: "Li Yun, your answer is always so convincing, I can't find a place to hate you."

Don't you hate it, that is, you will like it more and more?

"This... I'm just telling the truth." Li Yun didn't know how to interpose her.

"be honest?"

Le Zhiyin was stunned again. After watching Li Yun for a long time, he said, "What a truth, Li Yun, your answer surprised me again."

"what's happenin?"

There is something philosophical about each of his words, and Li Yun felt that Le Zhiyin thought too much.

"Because it's just telling the truth, that makes me appear so sincere, which convinces me."

Le Zhiyin smiled softly at him and said: "I like people who are honest and opposite...Uh, it's not the kind of honest relative, but the true sense of honest relative."

Li Yun felt inexplicable, "I know what frankness means, and frankness means treating someone or something honestly and honestly. Is there any other meaning?"

Le Zhiyin suddenly made a big blush, and said, "Uh, uh, that's what it means."

She was so ashamed that she almost hid her face and fled back. What is she thinking about! So longing!

Or is it because I am enamoured of Li Yun that I remember those bad words?

Li Yun saw her blushing face at the moment, and Hong Xia became more and more dazzling and beautiful under the moonlight, so he couldn't help but look more.

Le Zhiyin became more shy, but this time, it was because of Li Yun's gaze.

It turned out that he was not indifferent to her beauty, and her beauty was enough to arouse him.

"Zhiyin," Li Yun said eagerly, looking at the shy expression on her face, seemingly emotional.

He remembered one thing.

"What, what's wrong?"

Le Zhiyin thought he was going to make some slightly more polite requests, his voice couldn't help but tremble, and his heart became numb, not knowing whether he should agree or refuse later.

She wanted to say no, but she took the initiative to confess just now, but she felt a little embarrassed and inappropriate to say yes. After all, she...

Le Zhiyin froze. After listening to Li Yun's words, the shyness on his face faded, turning into a thick surprise.

"You said, your body is abnormal, will you unconsciously make girls like you?"

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