
Li Yun talked about the abnormal condition of his body, and said with some embarrassment: "Although it is not very serious, I guess you are also affected."

If the average man knows that his body will strongly attract women, he will be pleasantly surprised, after all, who is not willing to be loved by girls.

But Li Yun felt that this was a big trouble, after all, he already had a girlfriend, and there was more than one.

"Is that really the case? Is it because of this that I like you?"

For some reason, Le Zhiyin felt a little empty in her heart, as if knowing this made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

She has always thought that she is an affectionate woman, but now she finally likes someone, but she got such a result.

Her liking is not from her inner feelings, but from the influence of Li Yun's body.

"It's estimated to be." Li Yun bit his head and said: "You think, we have only met for a few days, don't you think it's strange."

Le Zhiyin looked at Li Yun, her big dark and clear eyes seemed to contain a trace of sadness.

The relationship was denied by the other party before it started.

Even she is not really emotional, but just a fake fake.

Li Yun also looked at her, Le Zhi's voice is very similar to a Chinese classical beauty, quiet and elegant, but with soft and full red lips, the delicate little Yao's nose is beautifully born in her beauty. On top of her innocent and stunning beauty, coupled with her beautifully-lined white cheeks, and her battered pink face, she is truly a stunning beauty with a national beauty.

To say that he was not tempted, it was just a deception.

But Li Yun was still unwilling to conceal the fact that the male hormones in his body were different from ordinary people, even though it wouldn't do any good after saying it, it might make Le Zhiyin hate it.

"Li Yun..." Le Zhiyin said in a slightly inaudible voice, with deep sadness, "If my feelings were false, then before I and you, it would be no..."

She was just about to say, "Just as it had never happened." If you say it, it means that there is no relationship between Li Yun and her. Even the tacit conversation just now and the first confession in her life are just Some ridiculous behavior.

But halfway through, her heart trembled fiercely, and the sorrow and pain in her heart was like a big stick, hitting her head straight, making her unstable and almost falling to the ground.

"Zhiyin!" Li Yun quickly supported her, looking at her pale face, feeling extremely uncomfortable, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's not Li Yun, my feelings are not fake!"


"If it's just a masculine attraction, can a person's heart also be attracted?"

Li Yun couldn't answer. Le Zhiyin grabbed his arm excitedly and said eagerly: "Furthermore, look at Xiao Meng, she has been with you all the time, but she hasn't been affected by you, right? What? The women you have met before, do they all like you?"

"...Not all, but, uh, it seems a lot."

"That's right, hehe~"

Le Zhiyin finally burst into a smile, then, blushing again, leaning forward, and sniffing carefully in front of Li Yun's chest, the small and exquisite nose trembling slightly, this ambiguous behavior made Li Yun almost tolerate Can't help but reach out and pinch her nose.


Le Zhiyin smelled carefully for a long time before finally straightening up, nodding to Li Yun and saying, "You smell really good."

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