Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1599: I am very happy

"I'm glad too."

Le Zhiyin turned around, and Li Yun seemed to see a drop of crystal light slipping off her face, which looked particularly dazzling in the dark night.

"Zhiyin, I'm sorry."

Li Yun was silent for a long time before saying so.

When the words were spoken, the two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Li Yun made the decision, but he was constantly interrupted, but was subject to chaos.

He already has two or even three girlfriends, and if he continues, he doesn't know how to face them in the future.

Moreover, Le Zhiyin is undoubtedly no less than all the confidantes of Li Yun. She should have her own lover, the only one who only likes her and can accompany her for life.

Letting Le Zhiyin become one of his girlfriends or wives will only tarnish her tenderness and beauty.

Li Yun was convinced that Le Zhiyin was only interested in him, and it was not the eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu, or Wang Mengyan's deep emotion that he did not marry.

Therefore, she still has a chance to look back.

The reason Le Zhiyin was relieved was because he didn't have to worry about whether Li Yun would agree to her.

She didn't know in her heart whether she wanted him to agree or refused.

Le Zhiyin clearly knew that she liked Li Yun, but she couldn't tell how much she liked it.

The first time she came into contact with feelings, she was like a blank sheet of paper. She couldn't bear it when she was about to be separated, and under the stimulation of Li Yun, she boldly expressed her feelings.

Maybe she knew Li Yun would refuse before she confessed, otherwise he would not say tactfully to refuse before.

"Li Yun, you really are such a person..."

Le Zhiyin was inexplicably relieved. She liked Li Yun but disliked people who were bothered. Li Yun’s previous performance made her feel very contradictory, but now he refused, saying that his previous girlfriends were all Take the initiative to chase him.

Although it is still bothersome, it is a little better than actively pursuing it.

Le Zhiyin uttered his guess and smiled slightly: "Li Yun, can you talk about Miss Murong and Miss Xiao? I want to know how lucky people got your love."

"Not that they chased me."

Recalling the bit by bit with them, a warm current rose in Li Yun's heart, "It should be said that the two love each other."

Taking a look at Le Zhiyin, Li Yun felt that she might not understand how to have feelings between men and women. So, with the mentality of personally teaching, he gave her a rough explanation of the process of meeting Murong Qingyue and Xiao Jiayu.

After listening, Le Zhiyin stared at him with widened eyes, and said in disbelief: "Did you save Miss Murong three times in a row?"

"Uh, it's a coincidence, and it's not a rescue."

"It's not just a coincidence, it's a natural fate."

Le Zhiyin said enviously: "If a man helped me three times, I would be tempted. Of course, the premise is that I don't hate that man."

Li Yun smiled and said, "Then don't let other men hear you, otherwise, they will definitely wait for the opportunity to help you three times."

"I like others, will you be sad?"

The question that Le Zhiyin blurted out made both of them embarrassed.

Just when Le Zhiyin thought there would be no answer, Li Yun said: "It shouldn't be. As I said before, these are just normal psychological reactions. People will have the idea of ​​possession of beautiful things. We only know it after all. In less than a month, it is a lie to say how sad I will be."

"Is it the same with me? Wouldn't it be too sad..."

Le Zhiyin muttered to herself, but Li Yun's confession made her more and more appreciated, feeling that men in the world could hardly have the courage to admit it.

Li Yun, what should I do with you...

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