Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1443: Wang Mengyan on stage

Wang Mengyan's baby face was full of gritty expressions, which set off her immature and cute face, which seemed to be a little mature at the moment.

"Little Junior Sister, you... why?" Zhang Qitu looked at her with complicated eyes.

"Because, I think Big Brother, you are very powerful! You have been like this since childhood."

Wang Mengyan said: “It’s just that everyone’s expectations of you are too high and the pressure on you is too heavy, which led to this failure. But I don’t think there is anything shameful about failure. Take courage and continue fighting. This is what I wanted to tell. Big brother, your business."

Zhang Qitu was extremely ashamed. The younger sister had a much better temperament than him. He was really useless as a big brother.

"To shut up!"

Chen Tong listened to Huo Da, and sneered: "If you lose, you lose. No matter how much courage you have, it's useless! Zhang Qitu, you can kill yourself."

"You just shut up!"

Wang Mengyan pointed at him with a sword and said: "You have been coming to this sect to be humble and bowing to please before you were born. You want to gain the experience of entering the nature, but once you are lured by the Kongming faction, you immediately become arrogant and domineering , A talent like you should commit suicide to thank the world!"

Li Yun was stunned in the audience. Is such a Wang Mengyan really the Wang Mengyan who hid behind the big rock with him last night and shyly expressed his favorite?

She wanted to jump off the cliff last night, but today she came to the stage to encourage her big brother to come. There was no expression of losing confidence in life on her face, which made people wonder if she was her last night.

The changes are too great.

"Little beauty, you are right."

Chen Tong was not angry, but looked at Wang Mengyan squintingly. Her eyes were drawn to Wang Mengyan's ups and downs because of her shortness of breath.

"Han Xin can endure the humiliation under the crotch, why can't I? I came to the Bagua Sect today, just to defeat your Bagua Sect, I will be ashamed!"

Chen Tong said awe-inspiringly, then looked at Wang Mengyan's perfect giant wrapped in thick clothes, and said with a lustful smile: "However, if the little beauty defeats me with your tricks, I am very willing to give in. Today's competition How about even if you win the gossip door?"

Wang Mengyan's trick?

The Bagua Sect disciples present are very familiar with Wang Mengyan. Although she usually likes to wear thick clothes, the occasional spring light in the test room between her and others is enough to spread Wang Mengyan's perfect pair of things throughout the Bagua Sect.

But this was only the content of the disciples' late-night slumber talk, which was not visible. At this moment, Chen Tong said it on the spot. The Bagua Sect disciples immediately drew their swords one by one, cursing that they wanted to go on stage together to avenge the younger sister.

Li Yun couldn't help thinking that when Wang Mengyan hugged him last night, in order to comfort Wang Mengyan, he had no other thoughts. Looking back now, when he held her, he did feel that amazing softness.

"Guilty, sin."

Li Yun quickly threw away the dirty thoughts in his mind, Chen Tong is a vulgar person, he is not Li Yun! Absolutely not! !

"Huh, my trick is Li Yun!"

Li Yun was about to go on stage to help Wang Mengyan, when he heard her say such words, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

The trick is me?

what's the situation?

Wang Mengyan turned her head and showed a bright smile at Li Yun, then turned her head and said to Chen Tong: "Li Yun can definitely defeat you, but before that, do you dare to try swordsmanship alone with me?"

Try the swordsmanship alone, that is, you don't need True Qi, but rely on your own strength to fight.

Chen Tong gave Li Yun a fierce look, dissatisfied with the fact that Little Beauty paid attention to him.

"Why not dare!"

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