Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1444: Eight Diagrams Sword Technique

The two stood still on stage holding swords, Wang Mengyan dressed in pure white exercise clothes, with a single ponytail, a waistband tied around her waist, slender and slender legs, and her tall figure was vividly displayed.

Chen Tong's eyes were all protruding, and his heart was even more itchy. He couldn't wait for a sword to pick up her clothes and get a panoramic view of her perfect figure.

Wang Mengyan was extremely annoyed by his obscene eyes. She didn't feel any strange feelings in her body, but felt extremely nauseous.

"Knowing thief, look at the sword!"

She screamed, tapped her toes on the ground, stabbing towards Chen Tong like a wind.

"Hey, little beauty, look at my sword too."

Chen Tongyi was not afraid, and calmly blocked Wang Mengyan's attack. At the same time, he grabbed her body with her left hand, which was naturally the most prominent part of her.

Wang Mengyan avoided his Lushan claws, her face flashed angrily, suppressed her anger, and once again used the Bagua Swordsmanship to attack him.

"Bagua Swordsman Kanshui Sword!"

"Bagua Sword Technique·Diantian Sword!"

"Bagua Sword Technique·Real Thunder Sword!"


The gossip swordsmanship was used smoothly, and the Bagua Sect disciples in the audience looked mesmerized.

Wang Mengyan's battle was not so much a battle with Chen Tong, as it was for all the disciples in the audience, especially Zhang Qitu, to give them a good teaching of gossip swordsmanship.

Moving clouds and flowing water, freely retractable.

Even if Chen Tong's reaction speed is fast, but without the innate speed, it will not be able to break through Wang Mengyan's tight defense. Moreover, Wang Mengyan's offensive keeps on attacking, and Chen Tong can only be forced to maintain it. Undefeated, it is impossible to attack.

Zhang Qitu's eyes straightened when he looked at the stage. Before, the younger sister said that he was great, and the usual swordsmanship competitions were all won and lost.

But now it seems that Wang Mengyan is much better than him!

She has been letting him!

Thinking of this, Zhang Qitu felt more ashamed.

Chen Tong's face is ugly. Before, she was attracted by the big rabbit who kept jumping in her arms because of Wang Mengyan's running, which led to her taking the lead. Now she wants to counterattack!

Everyone was shocked by Wang Mengyan's performance. Was the junior sister so strong?

"Mengyan, give up."

Li Yun shouted at this moment, causing everyone present to stare at him.

The little junior sister played well, so why should people give in? !

You say surrender and give up? !

"Okay, I give up."


Wang Mengyan slapped everyone present. When she heard Li Yun's words, she immediately closed her hands and jumped away, standing in front of Chen Tong and said happily, "I lost this competition."

Looking at her expression, there was no dissatisfaction, but rather happy, as if she had won.

Zhang Qitu was silent, and the little junior sister carried out Li Yun's words without questioning. He had already guessed the truth of the matter.

I am afraid that the little junior sister has completely put her heart on Li Yun, so she is acting like her husband and obeying Li Yun's words.

Zhang Qitu grew up with her, and they also know the behavior of the younger sister very well. She seems to be rebellious and does not listen to the words of her elders. She went to work in the military management department. But in terms of feelings, she was like a conservative ancient woman. value.

Chen Tong was very angry when he was hit by Wang Mengyan's previous continuous attacks. At this moment, seeing the expression on Wang Mengyan's face, his anger rose from his heart and evil turned to the courage. He raised his sword and slashed at Wang Mengyan's chest clothes.

"Hey, hiding so deep, show me how old you are!"

"Be careful!!"

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