Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1442: driven to distraction

Zhang Qitu's killer moves were stern, and everyone in the audience cheered for the swordsmanship of the big brother, thinking that he could pierce Chen Tong through several big holes with a single sword.

Wang Mengyan screamed, and worries flashed in her eyes.

Sure enough, Chen Tong sneered, and the sword pierced out unhurriedly. With a clang, the two swords collided, sparks splashed, and Duize sword was broken immediately.

Zhang Qitu backed three steps in panic. Chen Tong didn't pursue it, and said slowly, "The first move has passed."

This time he said three tricks to let Zhang Qitu again, but no one screamed.

Everyone can see that Chen Tong's swordsmanship is enough to support his arrogance, and he is also capable of taking the three tricks of Big Brother!

Seeing the blue and white expressions on Zhang Qitu’s face, Wang Mengyan let go of her fright at this moment, and then she explained to Li Yun in fear: “The Eight Diagrams Sword Technique is derived from the Eight Diagrams, although Dui Zejian is not as soft as Kan Shuijian. , But he also pays attention to gentle moves, but the big brother was irritated by him, and his sword was quick and thunderous, and it could not achieve the purpose of Dui Zejian to confuse the enemy, so..."

So it's not unfair to lose.

Li Yun looked at Wang Mengyan in surprise, and exclaimed: "You have a good vision, you can see the flaws at a glance."

Just now through his superb vision, he saw that Zhang Qitu's sword was too hard, causing too much movement, and could not confuse the enemy, but instead got in by himself.

Wang Mengyan's face blushed, "I don't have true qi, and I can't practice, so if I'm bored, I practice swordsmanship."

Wang Qi snorted uncomfortably, "Boy, you can see Qi Tu's flaws, then tell me, how can he defeat Chen Tong?"

Wang Mengyan was stunned for a moment. Grandpa asked Li Yun a question. Doesn't that mean that she is testing her grandson-in-law?

Thinking of this, she was both nervous and shy.

Li Yun smiled faintly, "I wanted to say that with Chen Tong's reaction speed and strength, Zhang Qitu has no chance of defeating, but after all, people are humans, and things are unavoidable. If Zhang Qitu can maintain the rapid and fierce attack, it may cause Chen Tong was afraid and reacted slowly to defeat him, but now it seems... hopeless."

Wang Qi said with a cold face, but Wang Mengyan knew that Li Yun was right.

On the stage, after Zhang Qitu's Dui Zejian was broken, he suddenly became cautious. Chen Tong easily took over the Kan Shui Sword and Lihuo Sword of two consecutive strokes, and the expression on his face became more and more proud.

"Brother Zhang, the three tricks are over, it's time for me to attack!"

Chen Tong excitedly lifted his sword forward, and there were no moves, that is, the basic sword techniques of stab, cleave, slash, lick, and point. The movements cannot be said to be fast, but every sword can accurately seal Zhang Qitu's attack. , And it can cause an effective blow to create dangers that Zhang Qitu forced.

Seeing the big brother falling into the wind, the whole gossip door fell into a terrible silence.


The bad conjectures in everyone's hearts became reality, Zhang Qitu's sword was picked up, and Chen Tong's sword was placed on his neck. As long as a little bit of force, the big brother of the gossip gate would corpse on the spot.

"Hmm, hahahaha!!!"

Chen Tong laughed wildly, with a distorted expression on his face. The patience and grievance of more than 20 years have been rewarded today, which has made his self-confidence swell to a boundless situation.

And Zhang Qitu, can't wait to kill himself, make a fool of himself in front of the senior brothers and sisters, what majesty his senior brother will have in the future!

"Do you want to commit suicide in shame?"

Chen Tong sneered and slapped Zhang Qitu's handsome face with a sword, and said: "Before the test, I was full of confidence, but now I am completely defeated. You are useless if you are alive. If I were you, I would just kill myself."

Zhang Qitu's heart was ashamed, and he looked down at his sword that had fallen to the ground.


In the shocked eyes of everyone, Wang Mengyan walked up with a sword in her hand and a firm expression.

She doesn't have true energy, her jumping ability is much worse than her innate ability, and she can't make a jump.

"Little Junior Sister, you...!"

"let me help you!"

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