Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1420: Quell the audience

When everyone in the audience was stunned by Ling Jianlou and the Bagua Men, a slightly joking voice sounded.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and now anyone dares to tease these guys who are capable of breaking tiles?

"Which ignorant dare to take care of our affairs? It's impossible to find death!"

Brother Chen and the young man in Lingjianlou turned their heads to look. The person who spoke was not very old. He looked like he was under 20. His delicate facial features made people feel very comfortable, and his face was pale, not at all. It's a mess.

There was a faint smile on his face, but he revealed an overwhelming majesty, as if everything was in his grasp, his aura had never been revealed, but everyone in the audience was intimidated by him. Can't say a word.

"Lingjian Tower, Bagua Gate."

Under everyone's gaze, the delicate and white young man said lightly: "It just so happens that I was going to visit you. I didn't expect to meet here. What you did has really opened my eyes."

"who are you?"

Enveloped by his strong aura, Brother Chen said with difficulty.

The two people in Ling Jianlou were even more shocked. The aura on this delicate young man seemed to have turned into substance, pressing them down like a mountain, making them completely unable to resist any will.

What terrible exercise is this?

The two only felt that even when facing their head Duan Kaitian, they had never seen such a terrifying aura!

"Hey, this is my brother Li."

Only Liu Peng who was present didn't feel the aura exuding from Li Yun, and he took the initiative to show off.

"Brother Li...Brother Li, you are the white noodles...!!!"

The young man in Ling Jianlou didn't dare to say the word butcher at all, he was already frightened.

The white-faced butcher who slaughtered the Qian family and overthrew the ancient family was actually by their side? And they were still in front of him, discussing what about robbing beautiful women? !

The raised hands of Chen Ge were put down obediently, and the five of them stood there waiting for Li Ge to deal with them. They did not even dare to breathe.

"Good, so awesome."

Before Li Ge made a move, the actions that had already shocked everyone amazed the little beauty, her face was full of admiration and admiration for Li Ge.

As for the mature beauty, she experienced several big ups and downs, and now she saw the power of Li Ge again. She was so frightened that she didn't even dare to be jealous. She just stood by the hand of the little beauty.


Li Yun let out a cold snort, and the scared five people trembled three times.

Li Yun was quite amused, and said: "From your reaction, do you already know about the ancient family?"

"This... Senior, I'm very sorry that I ran into you, your lord!" Chen Ge replied respectfully.


This sentence made everyone present at the scene a little puzzled. Is this brother Li already very old?

And they didn't know that Li Yun, as an innate master, was the gap between heaven and earth compared with these acquired martial artists.

Seeing that the people of the two factions were unwilling to mention the ancient family, Li Yun did not force it, otherwise he would be bullying the small by the big, and spreading out would have a bad reputation for him and would easily arouse the resentment of the two factions.

"How to solve this matter, you guys tell me." Li Yun motioned to the two beauties.

The five people reacted immediately, walked forward quickly, bowed respectfully and apologized.

"Two girls, I'm sorry! We were wrong!" x5

The little beauty began to panic and shy again, the mature beauty snorted dissatisfied, and did not answer.

Everyone was completely stupid. The five people who were arrogant before, apologized when they said they apologized, and they still apologized directly to the public. This brother Li's face is too great!

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