Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1421: Apology for compensation

The five turned their heads to look at Li Yun and asked his opinion. Is this okay?

"I haven't seen people accept it yet?" Li Yun said: "Besides, what do you want to do if you want to arrest if an apology is useful? You frighten people, don't you have to pay for it? You say right?"

"Yes Yes!"

Brother Chen and the others hurriedly agreed, "It's just this... how do you compensate?"

"how could I know?"

Li Yun smiled and shocked the five people again. The two young men in Ling Jianlou quickly took out the two credit cards they had and stuffed them into the two beauties, saying: "With a little heart, I hope you two don't mind."

Seeing this, the three of Brother Chen also took out their valuables and handed them to the two beauties respectfully.

"Cici, we can't ask for it."

The little beauty really wanted to refuse, but the mature beauty Cici held these things with a struggling expression on her face and looked at Li Yun.

"Accept it."

Li Yun said indifferently: "These things are nothing to these big people, so they should be compensated for both of you."

"Yes, you two just accept it."

The smiles of Chen Ge and the few people were very reluctant, especially the wretched man, who was ironed by Li Yun with his previous words, and his heart was even more flustered.

"This, I'm afraid..." the mature beauty said hesitantly.

Li Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, no one dares to trouble you. If they dare to settle the bill after the fall, you will come to me. I live in Dingwei Building, Zhonghai City."

"thanks, thanks!"

The mature beauty was moved holding these things and bowed to Li Yun. This action made her plump northern hemisphere more prominent, and made all the men present shine.

The little beauty bowed similarly, and the two walked out quickly holding hands.

Liu Peng looked at their intimacy and touched his chin thoughtfully.

The two people in Lingjian Tower didn't dare to stay too long, but now they were leaving Li Yun afraid that they were chasing those two beauties, so they had to sit far away from Li Yun.

The two people at the Bagua Gate were unlucky. Brother Chen stepped on the tiles on the ground. At Li Yun's signal, the airport security came forward to take them away.

"When you go out in the future, you must remember that the current era is the rule of law. It is not a place where you people from the rivers and lakes can come here." Li Yunjing told.

"Follow the predecessor's teachings."

Brother Chen and the wretched man had bitter melon faces. Li Yun heard the boarding announcement, stood up and smiled at them, and said, "It's a coincidence, I'm going to visit your gossip gate."


Brother Chen looked shocked, and the three of them looked at Li Yun and Liu Peng leaving behind, staring at each other and wondering what to say.

The white-faced butcher is going to the Bagua Gate... this! !

"Brother Chen, Chen, shouldn't we call and tell the next big brother?" The wretched man walked forward with the security guards, but he didn't see the security guards around him at all and turned his head to ask.

"This..." Chen Gehan was raining, "Do you want it?"

The reason why they are so nervous is because the big brother of the Bagua Sect likes the younger sister Wang Mengyan, and the younger sister has always been chanting the name of this white-faced butcher during the recent period.

If you don't report, the big brother will get angry, if you report, how can this white-faced butcher deal with it?

"I, I don't know either." The wretched man is reluctant to take the pot.

Another person looked at the security guard next to him and said, "Brother Chen, we are detained now, so we can't use mobile phones."

"Yes, yes, hahaha." Brother Chen and the wretched man were both overjoyed. "This detention must start in fifteen days, and there is no way to inform the martial art that the white-faced butcher is going."

"Just do it!"

Zhenzhen and Cici left the airport, and the little beauty was really dragged along. Only then did she have time to say: "Cici, where are we going? Don't you want to go back to your house to see your uncle?"

"Of course to see how much money is in the card."

Seeing that there were enough ordinary people in the card to squander the balance of a lifetime, Cici excitedly hugged the little beauty, kissed her on her face and said: "It's a marriage given to us by God. They pay us a lot of money so that no one Oppose us, my family won’t work either, huh~"

"Um...oh, that's fine." The little beauty blushed without objection.

"Dingwei Building...Thank you, little handsome guy, I will visit you again in the future, hehe."

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