Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1419: Face change

The Bagua Gate and Lingjian Tower belong to the top forces in the "one valley, two families, four schools and eight schools".

Especially this Lingjian Tower, where the leader of the martial arts leader Duan Kaitian sits, has the momentum to surpass Dragon Valley and become the No.

Of course, the Murong family, who owns the top genius Murong Qingyue, cannot be underestimated.

Li Yun was very surprised. Why did two groups of people appear in the waiting room of Haihua City? What kind of wind is this blowing?

But thinking about the only major event that happened in Haihua City recently, Li Yun probably guessed the reason.

"It's me Ling Jianlou."

A young man who stood up smiled, his tone was full of pride, and he glanced at Brother Chen and the others like torches, and said loudly: "The gossip door is really getting more and more arrogant, and he actually started to rob civilian girls. Do you think No one cares anymore? A joke! Don't think the gossip is so powerful, in front of my Ling Jianlou, you are still far behind!"

His aura is strong, his figure is tall and straight, and his mighty aura even overwhelms Brother Chen, making him completely afraid of confronting him.


The people around couldn't help applauding and cheering for the two righteous young people.

The little beauty also looked at each other with excitement, even the mature beauty couldn't help but a slight strangeness appeared in her eyes, although she quickly dissipated, she whispered a complaint to the little beauty, with indescribable resentment and jealousy.

Heroes to save beauty have been the best choice to win the hearts of beauties since ancient times.

Li Yun sat down again, it seemed that he didn't need to play.

It's just strange in my heart, is this Ling Jianlou a decent or an evil sect? Or is it that Duan Kaitian did not know what his disciples did?

"Ling Jianlou!"

Brother Chen whispered bitterly: "Don't be too proud, it won't be long before the Kongming faction can kick your leader from the position of the leader of the martial arts!"

"what did you say?!"

The young man who was born in Lingjian Tower was immediately furious, stretched out his hand and drew the long sword from his waist, but found that he didn't carry it at all.

The two sides are at war, but here is a big crowd, and they can't do anything.


The young man pulled his face down and turned his head to look at the pair of beauties. A faint flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Why hadn't he noticed this pair of beautiful urban beauties before.

These fashion-dressed beauties have nothing to compare with those strict women in long skirts on the rivers and lakes that cover their bodies.

The young man rolled his eyes and smiled at them: "Hey, beauty, we saved you now, how about it, should you also show it?"

His tone was extremely frivolous, and everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

How come the front foot is still the hero to save the beauty, and in an instant it becomes the two sides robbing the beauty?

"Humph." Brother Chen snorted disdainfully, and said mockingly: "Ling Jianlou is not a good thing either. You are the one who dominates the rivers and lakes by relying on your boss, and you are the one who has done the most to rob civilian girls, don't His mother put on a face of justice."

"So, are you still not convinced?"

The young man immediately said tit-for-tat sarcasm: "Would you like to compare? Whoever wins, these two beauties belong to whom."

"Hehe, come here, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

The wretched man immediately proposed: "Let's take away the two beauties first. Whoever wins will get the priority of these two beauties."

The scared legs of the little beauties and mature beauties trembled, and these people might really dare to take them away in the public!

They looked at the people around them for help, but although they were very sympathetic, they didn't dare to come out without authorization. The tone of this group was too domineering and the strength was very strong, so they could only call the police and dare not say a word.

"Beauty, come with us." The wretched man walked towards them with a smile, "rest assured, we won't take what you do, and it will bring you unimaginable benefits. I won't lie, climb up to us. The people of you are your blessing."

"What kind of blessing is so good? Let me get some light too."

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