Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1255: Flurry of Demons

The more the jelly monster clones eat, the larger the body and the faster the peristaltic speed. Within a few clicks, they are actually much larger than the body.

In the end, they swallowed all the blue liquid flowing down from Elder Li, and even the bottle that fell on the ground was corroded into black residue by them, and swallowed together into the belly of a certain jelly monster.

After eating all of them, only Elder Li's body was still present with the smell of blue liquid.

Thousands of jelly monsters jumped around, jumping around Elder Li more and more happily, they are urging, they are cheering, they can't wait to evolve!

"Guck! Guck! Guck!"

"Guck! Guck! Guck!"

The dense blue monsters are constantly bouncing, and the corrosive liquid splashed by them inadvertently splashes around, corroding everything around it as if it has suffered an acid rain. The acid rain in nature is a version that is 10,000 times stronger.

After being splashed into the corrosive liquid, the surrounding objects emitted thick smoke, which turned into black residue in the sizzling sound.

But these jelly monsters did not eat these residues. When there was a blue liquid, none of them would want to eat that kind of food anymore. They had better choices.

"Guck! Guck! Guck!"

Countless jelly monsters jumped more and more fiercely, and the scene of the wild dance of demons shocked everyone present. Jin Liuli and Xiao Mingxi were even more shocked.

Previously, it was just five. Even though it is very corrosive, it is still within the scope of human common sense.

But now in a blink of an eye, five of them have replicated thousands of them, and they have become a blue jelly legion that can corrupt and kill them in a few seconds.

Life was threatened strongly, and it was no wonder that Elder Li was so scared that he could not walk.

Finally, a jelly monster couldn't help it anymore. It ejected onto Elder Li, who had already accepted his life and was waiting to die, and firmly stuck to his thigh.

Because there are those blue liquid remaining on his legs.

The ejection speed of these jelly monsters is amazing, even the innate masters can hardly escape, let alone he has been contaminated with blue liquid, it is impossible for these monsters to let him go.


Elder Li let out a miserable cry, and the jelly monster with his thigh injury began to secrete corrosive liquid, which quickly melted and carbonized his skin, turning into a colored residue that was swallowed by the jelly monster.

Facts have proved that in the face of pain, Xiantian is no different from ordinary people. He and Guo Lide were fainted by the pain, and then came back sober.

However, innate masters have an advantage that ordinary people do not have.

The painful Elder Li raised his right hand and slapped his head fiercely with Zhen Qi. With a bang, his head was smashed and he didn't have to suffer the pain of being eaten by corrosion.

"very scary……"

Jin Liuli was shocked and overwhelmed. Li Yun glanced at her. She should have covered her eyes like Xiao Mingxi earlier.

Jin Liuli is only 17 years old after all, and she has never seen such a terrifying picture.


Sun Tianlai cursed in the distance, observed these jelly monsters, turned his head and said to the other three people: "You throw another bottle of nutrient solution to them."

The three of them looked horrified and shook their heads.

Just kidding, it has now become a slime **** over there, whoever goes to die, and it is a painful death, who dares to go!

Sun Tianlai's face sank, he felt that his prestige was greatly challenged.

"Three elders, you go." Sun Tianlai directly called.

"Head, this..." The third elder was taken aback, and quickly found an excuse: "Head, the adults of the gods said that if you want to fight the blue monster, you only need a bottle of nutrient solution. !"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Sun Tianlai cursed, "You didn't see us bringing five monsters? It's normal to feed four bottles. Bring the remaining three bottles of nutrient solution and throw them away. This time you just throw them away, Li Yun and others. Dare to come forward and stop."


The three elders agreed rather reluctantly.

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