Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1256: Jelly Monster

Li Yun saw from a distance that Sun Tianlai's people threw three more opened bottles of blue liquid in the past, but because they were too far away, he couldn't do anything about it. He could only watch the group of jelly monsters devour the blue liquid crazily.

"Bang bang bang~!"

There was a burst of firecrackers, and the jelly monsters swelled again. After eating a lot of nutrient solution, these phagocytic deformed cells finally came to the second stage of evolution.

Especially some jelly monsters that ate a lot of nutrient solution, their size is almost comparable to a truck, and the largest one is a monster that directly swallows a whole bottle of nutrient solution.

When it skyrocketed, it crushed countless compatriots, but its soft body expanded and quickly swallowed the same kind of corpse and everything around it. In the end, it grew into a huge monster like a courtyard house.


The five-story huge jelly monster let out a roar, as if it was stretching its strength. Its whole body was exuding blue Yingying light, and people could feel a powerful force surging.

"What kind of monster is this!!"

Because of Li Yun’s reminder, Jin Liuli had already been mentally prepared for what happened today. She had also seen the magical fantasy of the young lady, but when she really saw the 20-meter-high blue big meat mountain, Still shocked, he couldn't close his mouth.

"Wow~~~ The big jelly monster has grown its mouth!" Xiao Mingxi exclaimed in surprise.

From the middle of the huge jelly monster's body, a huge opening was opened, and it opened and closed several times, like a child who is just learning to speak, not very familiar with his own body organs.

Then, above the mouth, two huge eyes appeared. They were similar to human eyes. They were also black and white, and they were round and cute.

If you ignore its size.


The big jelly monster made a huge cry with his mouth, as if he was venting his mood with excitement, and his body also squirmed violently.

It seems, "Is it trying to jump?" Li Yun was taken aback. Can this thing jump when it is five stories fatter?

In other words, still want to jump?

Sure enough, Li Yun is just a crow's mouth.

I saw the big jelly monster's soft body lifted up, as if the human body was preparing to jump, and then the mass of flesh all over its body fell fiercely, with a loud bang, and its **** mass was fierce. Smashed to the ground, and the ground shook violently as if it had been subjected to a magnitude 12 earthquake. Numerous tiles fell swiftly, and the entire house in Chenqiao Village was shaken by this large mass of meat.


It made a happy sound, and its body leaped a hundred meters high. When it reached the highest point, the soft body of the big jelly monster turned into a flat pie. If someone looks up under it at this moment , This guy's blue body can be disguised as the sky without being discovered.

However, under the Jelly Monster, everyone in Chenqiao Village was terrified. When it jumped up, they fled out desperately, and didn't dare to stay longer.

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu alone held Xiao Mingxi’s arm, and ran out at extreme speed with her as if flying. Fortunately, Xiao Mingxi’s strength was not bad, and when her toes hit the ground, she kicked forward subconsciously. Do not slow down how much gold colored glass.

Moreover, she still has free time to look back at the sky.

"Wow~~ The big jelly has fallen off."

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