Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1254: Swallow, grow

Li Yun sent a powerful mental force to Elder Li, and at the same time, with a kick, a small stone whizzed towards the blue bottle in the air.


There was a crisp sound, and when Elder Li recovered from the dizziness, the blue bottle had hit him directly, and the liquid inside had flowed all over him.


Elder Li was frightened, letting the blue liquid flow from his waist to the base of his thighs, stupidly unable to make any response.

"Huh? Ah?! Ah!!!"

First it was unbelievable, then shocked and lost, and finally screamed in fear.

This congenital master was like encountering a tragic incident involving a male-male relationship by a hundred strong men taking turns. He uttered an unimaginable scream, his feet softened, and he fell directly from the roof.

Jin Liuli was dumbfounded, and said bluntly: "Is this guy a soft-footed shrimp? Or is the blue liquid venom, which has absorbed all his true energy?"

"Stay back."

Li Yun issued the order decisively.

The five jelly monsters are not crazy yet, but anyone can see their inner joy from their fast bouncing up and down. These jelly monsters can't wait to eat.

"Head, save me, save me~~!"

The blue liquid didn't look like venom, and Elder Li didn't seem to have lost his mobility, but he seemed to be exhausted, struggling to crawl on the ground, and wanted to climb to Sun Tian to pray for help.

"Is this blue jelly monster so powerful?" Xiao Jiayu saw an eye-opener, "I was so frightened by an innate master. We were not so embarrassed when we were fighting zombies in Xiangshan."

"Killing a zombie?" Xiao Mingxi looked at her sister curiously. After the incident, everyone kept silent about what happened at the beginning. Xiao Mingxi and Caiwei didn't know what happened in the beginning. They did not know what happened at the beginning. After class, I saw Li Yun and others wake up when I got home.

Jin Liuli also looked at it with a puzzled look. She had been in Xiangshan for a few days to understand some of the original things, but not in detail.

"Do not ask."

Xiao Jiayu turned her head and looked around, "Where are Guo Fuhua and his father?"

"Uh... probably took the opportunity to escape." Xiao Mingxi didn't notice them either.

Li Yun frowned as he looked at the jelly monster, this thing followed Elder Li, and there was some blue liquid remaining on the route he had climbed, and these jelly monsters swallowed it in.

Their bodies are very soft, and they will take the initiative to clone. The remaining liquid on the ground is what they actively split into some clones to swallow.

The bodies of the five jelly monsters still followed Elder Li, and his whole body was shaking more and more scared, and the water stains under him were a little bit different from the blue liquid.

"They are growing up?!"

Xiao Mingxi exclaimed, pointing at the things split from the jelly monster along the way and said: "Brother Yun, look, the clone is growing up."

"Yeah." Li Yun nodded solemnly, "Sure enough, these blue liquids are for them to eat. Sun Tianlai wants these things to be sorted and reproduced quickly. Let's step back."

Several people retreated and then retired, following the example of Sun Tianlai, Li Yun also took Xiao Mingxi and jumped onto the roof of a room, observing the jelly monster's every move from a distance.

On the road Elder Li crawled, densely ‘grown’ jelly monster clones, one by one they rose up like blowing balloons, and quickly filled the entire road.

"What a great monster! It looks like a mushroom."

Looking at these things, Jin Liuli thought of the mushrooms growing happily on the fallen tree in the spring forest.

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