Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1253: Catch the bottle

The body of the jelly monster that hit the wall was also flattened, but it did not corrode and eat on the wall like the previous one, but quickly returned to its original shape. With this force, it flew towards the blue bottle again .

It's like a bouncy ball, being hit **** the ground and rebounding.

Li Yun hit it again, hitting it flying again, and the thing continued to bounce back unwillingly.

Moreover, the other four were also happily learning and jumping up on the ground, and flew into the bottle held by Jin Liuli.

Li Yun's double fists are hard to beat with four hands, and Xiao Jiayu also drew out her saber to help deal with this stuff.

But her swords were much worse, hitting them once, the sword made a piercing noise, and was corroded miserably by the corrosive liquid carried by the jelly monster.

Probably a few more times, this sword will be completely scrapped.

"Jiayu, try not to touch this thing with your skin." Li Yun reminded: "You still have the clothes I gave you? Use your clothes to block it, and don't use your body."


Because it may be dangerous today, Xiao Jiayu wore clothes made of specific cells when he went out in the morning, one of the four that Li Yun seized at the nanny base.

Five elastic jelly monsters bouncing back and forth, like five self-launched balls, constantly flying towards the blue bottle.

"found it!"

Jin Liuli escaped several jelly monster attacks, and successfully found the bottle cap that Sun Tianlai had thrown down before, picked it up with a golden needle, and put it back on the bottle.

After the lid was closed, the five jelly monsters stopped their crazy attacks and changed back to the appearance of lazily jumping and corroding the surrounding things and eating at will.

Li Yun suspected that the two previous attacks on them voluntarily were also because they had no brains about what to see and what to eat.

Standing on the roof in the distance, Sun Tianlai was furious. He turned his head and said to a man: "Elder Li, go and throw the bottle in front of them. Remember, you must pour out the liquid inside!"

"Head, this..." Elder Li scolded Sun Tianlai in his heart, he was the only one to do the drudgery.

"Go! What are you afraid of now?"

"Okay. Okay."

Elder Li had no choice but to take out the bottle he was carrying, and returned to Li Yun's head from the roof.

"More?" Jin Liuli shouted.

"Huh! This thing is just a nutrient solution, as much as you want."

Elder Li glanced around the lower circle, opened the bottle with a grinning grin, stretched it out, and slowly poured the blue liquid inside.

"Little girl, can you pick it up again? Hahaha!"

The five jelly monsters rioted again after smelling the smell, jumping back and forth on the ground, like chickens waiting to be fed.

"What, what to do?" Jin Liuli was frightened. Although I don't know what will happen after this thing is eaten by the jelly monster, it's right to not let the enemy conspiracy succeed!

Li Yun frowned. Even though he was only in the middle congenital stage, Li Yun was not sure to kill him before he poured out the liquid.

Moreover, it is best not to get close to the blue liquid.

"Hahaha, all die!"

Finally, the blue liquid flowed out and fell to the ground like a blue waterfall in mid-air. Elder Li had no time to taunt, and after confirming that no one was coming to grab the bottle, he hurriedly wanted to throw away his hand and ran back.

But how could Li Yun let him go!

"Psychic attack!"

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