Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1252: Sun Tianlai

"You killed my disciple Liu Gaojie, and my daughter Sun Qixue's white-faced butcher Li Yun?" Sun Tianlai's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger, and he wished to sack Li Yun immediately.

"The white-faced butcher dare not be, but I did kill Liu Gaojie."

Li Yun's faint response made the atmosphere on both sides suddenly serious.

"Okay, so courageous!"

Sun Tianlai said bitterly: "I wanted to kill your family and let you taste the pain of losing your loved ones, but I didn't expect you to come in person. It just so happened that I will avenge my disciple today!"

"Only you and these jelly monsters?" Li Yun smiled.

"Jelly monster? Jie Jie Jie~"

Sun Tianlai stretched out his hand and took out a glass bottle with blue liquid, and sneered: "I know you can control Wing Monsters, but do you think you can be invincible in this way? Jokes, you don't know the power of the **** How strong!"

After that, he opened the glass bottle, threw the bottle cap away, and threw the bottle toward Li Yun and others underneath.

Moreover, after Sun Tianlai threw the bottle of the thing, he and the other four people hurriedly fled from the roof, seeming to be very afraid of the thing.

"Enjoy the taste of being eaten raw by the Devourer! Hahaha...eh?!"

In the distance, Sun Tianlai was surprised to find that the bottle he threw out was steadily held in the air. Moreover, it happened to be in a pose with the mouth of the bottle facing upwards, and no drop of the blue liquid came out!

Everyone looked at Jin Liuli dumbfounded.

She used a gold needle to fix the bottle in the air, and asked curiously, "What did they throw here?"

"I don't know, it's probably something that activates these five jelly monsters."

Li Yun smiled and said, Sun Tianlai probably didn't know that Jin Liuli's weapon would be so special, so he could stop what he threw from a distance.


With a lovely cry, the jelly monsters jumping around all stopped their jumping motions, motionlessly ‘looking’ towards the bottle of blue liquid in mid-air.

"Grumbling! Grumbling! Grumbling!"

The five jelly monsters screamed frantically, their bodies jumping more and more, as if urging Jin Liuli to throw this bottle at them.

"Okay, so cute!" Jin Liuli whispered, and Xiao Mingxi blinked, obviously also very fond of this thing.

She has a soft body, can make a cute cry, and her appearance is very attractive to girls. No wonder these two people like it so much.

Li Yun looked at the other girl, fortunately Xiao Jiayu could stabilize...

"It would be great if I could raise one."

Well, when Li Yun didn't say.

"Don't think about it, this jelly strange smells." Li Yun said quickly: "Liu Li, quickly plug the bottle mouth, don't let the smell come out."

Although I don't know what will happen if the jelly monster swallows this blue liquid, the things Sun Tianlai throws are definitely not good.

"Oh oh."

Jin Liuli bound the bottle with silver thread, like it was wrapped with six tentacles, and lifted it into the air and ran forward.

The five jelly monsters turned around, as sacred as five guards paying attention to the officer, although Li Yun did not see where their faces were.


A jelly monster finally couldn't help it. After making a restless shout, his body jumped and slammed into the bottle held by Jin Liuli.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Li Yun repeated his old skills, hitting the jelly monster with the sword of love, and hitting it to the wall with another home run.


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