"Xiao Mingxi!"

Guo Fuhua yelled and looked at her fiercely, and said bitterly: "I thought you were different from other rich people and could help me sincerely, but unexpectedly, you are still no different from other people, especially this. When the guy is together, every move makes me sick! Is your money all his? Unexpectedly you are that kind of woman!"

"Did you make a mistake?"

Xiao Jiayu sank his face and said coldly: "My family is not short of money. My name is Xiao Jiayu, my sister's father is Xiao Yu, and the chairman of China Overseas Property Group, have you heard of it?"

"China Overseas Property Group... the richest man in China Overseas City?!"

A greedy enthusiasm flashed in Guo Fuhua's eyes, and Li Yun couldn't help but think of Jing Xiucheng.

"Sorry, whether my family is the richest man has nothing to do with you, you have no chance!"

Why didn't Xiao Jiayu know what Guo Fuhua was thinking now? She just wanted to catch up with Xiao Mingxi and get a huge return, and even put the entire Xiao family in her bag. She was already too familiar with this greed.

Xiao Mingxi looked at him with complicated eyes, and said: "Just for this little money, you cooperate with these bad guys. I used to think you were a little strange and you are still very nice. But now I want to say that I really misunderstood you. Up."

"This money?"

Guo Fuhua sarcastically said: "In the eyes of you rich people, a billion is equivalent to a few yuan. How about a share of my family?"

Everyone was shocked by his theory, and the money of the rich was not brought by the wind.

"He is stunned, leave him alone."

Li Yun said faintly, turning his head and glanced at the blue jelly bouncing on the ground. I don't know what this thing is waiting for. It seems that its actions are not controlled by Sun Tianlai and others. They eat as they please, without too much regularity.

"Let's go." Li Yun whispered. If there are five people on the opposite side and one blue jelly, there should be no jelly monsters in front, and you can pass safely.

Xiao Mingxi glanced at Guo Fuhua and followed her sister without hesitation, regardless of his life or death.

Guo Fuhua hurriedly yelled to people in the distance: "My lord, they want to run. Stop them. I don't need your money. I just want to kill them. No one knows what happened today!"

Now, this is the only way he can think of.

As long as no one goes back alive, Guo Fuhua is still a student of Tianhua International, and no one can have evidence to arrest him!

"Jie Jie Jie~!"

A few of the five people on the roof jumped up, and one of them smiled wantonly: "Boy, you are right, everyone here today will die!"

"My lord is really amazing!" Guo Fuhua flattered happily.


Jin Liuli cursed: "Everyone including you must die for what they said!"

Guo Fuhua's face was startled, "This, this is impossible, it is impossible for the adults to kill me, I helped the adults..."

But when he turned his head and looked around, he found that the five people on the opposite side seemed to have acquiesced to this fact and did not even bother to answer him.

After these Kongming sects took refuge in the religion of God, they betrayed their faith and were ruthless and determined just like the people of the religion.

"Are you Sun Tianlai, the head of the Kongming Sect?"

There are five at least congenital obstacles in the front, and the devouring jelly monster in the back. Li Yun couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"It's me, old man!"

The leader replied in a low tone.

He is probably over forty years old, ignoring his cold-blooded and ruthless expression, but he looks like a sect, with a handsome appearance and a majestic appearance.

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