Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1250: Kong Ming sent someone

Four swallowing deformed jelly monsters hopped around, like four children who love to play, but the horrible corrosive liquid they carry makes people shudder.

After seeing the person, Guo Fuhua was surprised at first, but soon became angry again, and shouted: "Mr. Xiao, why did this monster you sent out even my dad attack?"

"Jie Jie Jie."

The five people standing on the roof let out an evil laugh, and one of them said mockingly: "Boy, you are really retarded, thinking that you can get one billion by bringing a person? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Such a good thing?"

"You!" Guo Fuhua trembled with anger. Not only is he unable to get the money, but he also offends Li Yun and others, plus his father's arm is broken, how should life continue in the future?

"Sure enough it is you!"

Xiao Mingxi had never been sure before, until now, after seeing the Kongming faction, did he confirm that Guo Fuhua was the accomplice of these bad guys!

"You bad guy, I won't forgive you, neither will the school teachers!" Xiao Mingxi said to him angrily.

"Unexpectedly you are so bad!" Xiao Mingxi made up the knife again, leaving Guo Fuhua's face full of iron.

"what do you know!"

Just now a series of things made Guo Fuhua's mind confused. After being accused by Xiao Mingxi, he became angry and yelled at her, cursing: "Do you rich lady know how we poor people live? You don't even know. !

Those **** talk about helping classmates, but every thing thrown here is like thrown to a dog, so you can only lick the soles of their feet. These **** rich people are willing to give you something ! "

Xiao Mingxi was overwhelmed by the scolding, and the five people on the roof let out another mocking laugh.

Li Yun calmly said, "Is the attitude of others bad, or is your so-called self-esteem too sensitive? Tianhua International has so many special admissions, and there are also a few in your class. Why do they not say that, you are the only Are people discriminated against?"

With Li Yun's words, Xiao Mingxi quickly cheered up and said: "That's right, Guo Fuhua, you are too sensitive. The classmates in the class are very good, and a few special enrollment students get along well with everyone. Why are you alone? Is there something wrong with people?"


Guo Fuhua's face flushed and reluctantly said: "The classmate who helped me at the beginning, he sent his family to investigate the situation of my home, and said that my father was picking up... garbage collection. At that time... At that time, the classmates in the class looked at me with pity, including those **** special admissions!!!"

Even in the special enrollment group, parents do not have such a humble job as picking up trash.

Therefore, Guo Fuhua became the most special person.

"In my countless dreams, I recalled the eyes of those people at that time!"

Guo Fuhua clenched his fists, and said in a bitter tone: "And I swear that one day I will develop, and I will let them kneel down and lick my shoes! Let them also taste the taste of discrimination!"


Jin Liuli couldn't listen anymore, and said contemptuously: "After all, they helped you, and they didn't tell you to kneel down anymore, but you fantasize about letting them kneel in front of you. You are really a blind eye. The story of the wolf, the farmer and the snake is about you, right?"

"To shut up!"

Guo Fuhua shouted angrily: "Do you know how many eyes I have suffered? You don't know anything!"

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