Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1235: So making money

With a monthly income of tens of thousands, this is not a poor person.

Li Yun frowned and asked, "What happened later? How did he get disliked by so many classmates?"

"He takes the blame!"

Zhang Muling said disdainfully: "The classmate who lent him money knows that his family has developed, they go to get back the money he lent him and ask him to pay interest, because at the beginning, the money was half investment. If you lose money, you don't have to pay it back. If you make money, you will pay back the principal. If you make more money, you will be treated as an investment by that student, and you have to pay interest.

The amount of money borrowed was 100,000. In one year, he paid him back 110,000. In fact, it was not much. Moreover, the upstream company of that classmate also gave many other resources. "

"Finally, Guo Fuhua didn't repay the interest?" Jin Liuli said in surprise: "I earn tens of thousands in a month, but I refuse to repay the interest of 10,000?"

"The principal has not been returned." Zhang Muling added quietly.

"... scary!"

Jin Liuli showed a contemptuous expression on her face, "I didn't know that there is such a shameless person in the world. Didn't I borrow it when I borrowed it?"

Zhang Muling said helplessly: "It's all classmates, so I don't need an IOU. The 100,000 yuan is just the pocket money of that classmate. He doesn't bother to get this too much trouble."

Li Yun thought, is it possible that in the minds of Guo Lide's family, is there an excuse like, "It's just your pocket money, and I have to pay it back. This is too stingy"?

It's really knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing heart.

"The classmates before him were not upset, so I went to the head teacher and asked the school to stop the subsidy given to him. After the school investigated, they also believed that Guo Fuhua's family did not need to receive any more subsidies.

But when Guo Fuhua learned about it, he rioted with his father in the office of the school leader, saying that their family conditions were very poor and they were not comparable to the others in the school, so the school needed to continue to subsidize them.

When some people in the school saw their dress, they also believed that the school had dealt with it unfairly, protested, and helped Guo Fuhua's family get the subsidy qualifications.

After that, Guo Fuhua may have tasted the benefits of pretending to be shabby. In the past, he appeared to be very poor, poorly dressed, poorly eaten, and intentionally or unconsciously sought media exposure, which caused the school to be forced. Increased his subsidy from one hundred thousand a year to two hundred thousand. "

Zhang Muling finished talking about the deeds of Guo Fuhua's family in one breath, leaving Li Yun stunned.

There are people in the world who make money like this!

There are such shameless people in the world!

"Two hundred thousand?!"

Jin Liuli's big cute eyes widened, "The subsidy is so high? Tianhua International is amazing!"

"Our tuition fee is 5 million a year, 200,000 is not too much."

Zhang Muling's words made Caixia and Caiwei both exclaimed: "So high tuition?"

"You don't even know?" Zhang Muling was even more surprised, and then said with a strange expression: "So you are the local tyrants."

The local tyrants don't need to report the five million their way to go, but only need to pay the tuition.

"What's next?" Xiao Jiayu asked, "Xiao Xi what happened between you and Guo Fuhua? He seems to care about your appearance."


Xiao Mingxi's face turned red all of a sudden, "Sister, you are necrotic, and I have nothing to do with him! Just helped him a little favor, and then he kept coming to me to chat... Actually, I had nothing to chat with him, he said What kind of literary works are all, but I am not interested and do not want to chat with him."


Li Yun laughed, probably because Guo Fuhua thought Xiao Mingxi's temperament was like Lin Daiyu, who was like a weak Liu Fufeng, and thought she definitely liked to talk about literature.

Don't you know that Xiao Mingxi could only read books because of physical reasons before, and was tired of literary works.

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