Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1234: Guo Fuhua

Jin Liuli suddenly exclaimed with dissatisfaction: "Xiao Xi, just tell me, what does it matter? What does he bully you, just tell me, sister Liuli, I will be the master for you today!"

She also patted her chest confidently, as if I could handle it well.

"I also want to know why."

Xiao Jiayu touched her sister's head with a smile, and said encouragingly, "Xiao Xi, just tell it, just tell the truth and don't say bad things."

Xiao Mingxi looked at Li Yun, and saw that he had no objection, then she said: "Guo Fuhua... is just a little strange. He is different from everyone in the class. It is not just the dressing, but the personality, which is very... especially."

Zhang Muling's mother couldn't help but said, "I think he is not very strange, but very strange!"

Everyone looked over.

The middle-aged beautiful woman continued: "Everyone wears school uniforms. Why does his clothes break a hole and his clothes look so old? How did he wear it?"

"Because the family needs him to work." Xiao Mingxi said weakly.

"Xiao Xi, you are kind, but this is not tenable." Caixia said with certainty: "Last year, my sister and I had to help the store at home, but every time we go home, we change our school uniforms before helping. I’ve heard of people who wear school uniforms to work. School uniforms are not something you can buy at will. They are not easy to change if they are dirty."

The question is, if this is the case, why is Guo Fuhua still wearing very old clothes?

Li Yun thought of Guo Fuhua's previous performance.

"So you were all cheated by him, his family is not poor at all!"

Zhang Muling's words surprised everyone present.

"Not poor? But he and his father drove a very old tricycle~" Jin Liuli said in surprise.

"To be precise, it's not poor."

Zhang Muling emphasized, "In the first year of junior high school, people in our class also thought he was a special enrollment student. There might be difficulties at home and could not keep up with the pace of school life, so they helped them a lot.

For example, I found a good job for Ji Xiankai’s parents, donated money to Wu Yufan’s sick father at home, and hired a doctor to give..."

She enumerated a few special enrollment students in the class and said: "Helping special enrollment is a tradition in Tianhua International. Given the background of our school students, giving some help to these classmates at home is nothing. After all, it is us. 'S alumni."

Zhang Muling looked quite proud, and wanted to be one of them who had helped them before.

Li Yun nodded secretly. It's no wonder that so many people want to enter Tianhua International, these wealthy classmates, casual help is enough to make ordinary families comfortable enough.

These benefits alone are worth the hard work of many people.

This is actually very much like a university alumni association, but junior high schools actually have a stronger alliance relationship than universities, because the younger you are, the more sincere your relationship is.

"Where is Guo Fuhua?" Caixia, who had transferred to another school halfway through, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well, it turns out that the family does pick up waste."

Zhang Muling said: “Later, a classmate who had a related recycling company in his class lent him money to participate in a higher level of waste recycling. That is, he opened a recycling station to buy waste. ."

"and after?"

"Later, Guo Lide used the name of that classmate’s company to say that he had a very good relationship with that company and attracted many people to invest in him. As a result, his family grew bigger and bigger in one year. Several recycling stations have been opened. Although they are all small, it is estimated that a monthly income of tens of thousands is not a problem."

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