Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1236: Countermeasure

"Not only to chat with Xiao Xi, but also..." Caixia looked at Xiao Mingxi.

"What else?" Xiao Jiayu asked, the expression on his face not very good.

"I also read the poems he wrote to Xiao Xi in public. The content was written about his love for Xiao Xi."

"Ah, Caixia, stop talking!"

After Caixia said these things, Xiao Mingxi's cheeks flushed with shame, and her cute face became more lovable.

Xiao Jiayu took a deep breath and said angrily: "Xiao Xi, today my sister is giving you a good shot, so I have to teach this kid a lesson!"

"Sister!!" Xiao Mingxi glanced at Li Yun, "You are too impulsive, Brother Yun didn't say anything."

"I think it's good."

"Huh?" Xiao Mingxi was surprised now.

Li Yun smiled and said, "Although what Guo Fuhua has done may be out of the ordinary, it also proves that Xiao Xi is very popular, isn't it?"

"Brother Yun is really annoying!"

Xiao Mingxi walked over and grabbed Li Yun's arm, and said nonchalantly: "I don't want to be liked by him, and I only like you, Brother Yun~"

These words made everyone look surprised. I don’t know if Xiao Mingxi is talking about ordinary siblings or the relationship between men and women...

Li Yun flicked her white forehead, the smooth girl skin felt very comfortable.

"If someone shows love to you, just answer boldly. Whether it is to refuse or agree, hiding it will make people misunderstand."

Li Yun explained: "Guo Fuhua probably thought you were interested in him, so he kept pestering you. If you don’t like him, just tell him directly. If you like... you can’t accept it now. You’re still young, at least. High schools and universities will consider these again, and they can't do anything rude.

In this way, I think that is the proper way to deal with it after all, Jiayu, Xiao Xi, what do you think? "

"Are you bold?" Caixia and Caiwei looked at each other, and then the twin sisters lowered their heads shyly. They were bold...

Xiao Jiayu looked at Xiao Mingxi and saw that she was a little embarrassed, so she shook her hand and said, "Then refuse. When you find a chance, I and Xiao Xi will go and talk to him."

"Yeah." Xiao Mingxi looked at Li Yun, "Where is Brother Yun?"

"He comes too."

Xiao Jiayu took over for Li Yun. This guy has a very powerful mouth, can speak well, and has a set of principles, which will definitely be useful for him.

Zhang Muling's mother said angrily: "Just kick him out of Tianhua International. This black sheep in the province also harms other students. If he climbs other girls, it would be terrible."

Zhang Muling said, "Mom, they didn't make a mistake. How can I expel him without evidence? The grades are fine, you can't help him."

"They're back, don't talk." Jin Liuli reminded quietly.

Everyone accepted the topic, pretending that nothing happened, leaving Li Yun speechless for a while.

It is really not a good thing to count a teenager behind.

However, for the sake of his sisters and Xiao Mingxi, he had to do it.

Liu Deneng came back panting with half a bucket of water. With Guo Lide following, his bodyguard would not be effective. After all, if Guo Fuhua came back and said that he didn't carry water, his previous performance would be completely ruined.

"Yes, can you plant trees?" Liu Zhikai was too tired, standing by the pit panting.

"Xiao Xi, let's come together..." Guo Fuhua was about to say that he would plant trees together, but he could not find any saplings.

"Ah, oh, I forgot to pick up the young sapling, Caixia picks Wei, let's go~!"

Xiao Mingxi spit out her little tongue embarrassedly, and took the sisters and ran to the hillside to collect the saplings.

Guo Fuhua, who stayed in place, looked at Xiao Mingxi's silver-white figure with flying hair, and opened his mouth to say something, but Xiao Mingxi had already ran away, and in the end he could only sit down and rest in anguish.

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