Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1227: Boss Joe makes another appearance

Li Yun stood up.

Guo Fuhua's family also stopped talking. Although some people around had spoken to help them just now, none of them stood up.

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Deneng's eyes, and he said in a threatening tone: "Boy, I advise you to think carefully before doing things!"

Although Li Yun is quite famous, he is not the protagonist on every famous occasion. For example, when the Dragon Soul Conference is held, the protagonist is Xiao Ai instead of him.

In addition, I have specially put on makeup now, so everyone is familiar with him, but they can't recognize him as the chairman of the famous Yuyue Group.

"Do you know Boss Joe?"

Ignoring his threat, Li Yun smiled slightly, "It's Qiao Wenbin, Qiao boss."

Liu Deneng's face changed suddenly.

The young man in front of him, who looked not very old, knew Boss Qiao and dared to name Boss Qiao directly? !

You know, whoever knows Boss Joe respectfully calls him "Boss Joe" to show his respect for him?

After all, the first half of Boss Qiao's life was too legendary. People who have been on the road in Zhonghai City have heard Boss Qiao's name as long as they have been around for a while.

Even if he is half-retired now, it is heard that Boss Qiao has climbed into a reclusive family of wealthy families, and some monsters in Zhonghai City are even more afraid to call Boss Qiao by his name.

"Do you know Boss Joe?" Liu Deneng asked calmly. As the owner of more than a dozen nightclubs and hotels, he couldn't be scared by a single sentence by a teenager.

The people around seemed to sneer, and Liu Deneng's face couldn't hang up for an instant. After all, he was still scared by Li Yun, otherwise he would not ask him questions.

"Where did you hear it?" Liu De was able to wink, and two tall black bodyguards quietly surrounded him.

As long as he judges that Li Yun is bluffing, Liu Deneng must give Li Yun a good look, otherwise he will be so ugly, don't want to hang on in Zhonghai City!

Li Yun took out his cell phone, dialed Boss Qiao's number, and turned on the hands-free, and said, "If you want to listen, you can listen to it. Fortunately, he still has his mobile number."

Liu Deneng's face changed again, saying that he would contact Boss Qiao if he contacted Boss Qiao?

The movements of the two bodyguards also stopped, and stood aside in fear, uneasy thinking, is this boy really related to Boss Joe?

"Hello? Is that Mr. Li?"

The phone soon heard a familiar voice from Boss Qiao, and Liu De was able to startle him with a shiver, and his body shook three times.

Boss Qiao actually spoke to the boy in front of him in a respectful tone?

Who is he? !

Li Yun smiled lightly and said, "Just call me Li Yun, and you bothered Boss Qiao to drive me back to Zhonghai City."

"Hi! What's this, don't mention it, Li Yun."

Boss Qiao hit the snake with the stick and immediately changed his name excitedly.

He used Li Yun's name directly at the beginning, because although Li Yun had a close relationship with the eldest lady before, he did not confirm the relationship, and it is not clear how to follow.

But now, Li Yun has done many shocking deeds, and the company under his name has shocked the world. Even if the relationship between the eldest lady is not added, the boss Qiao dare not think of offending him at all.

"Li Yun, did you ask me for anything?" Boss Qiao thought of Li Yun's affairs, and his heart was hot. If this thigh was held by him, it would really mean having a ticket to a higher level.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you, do you know someone called..."

"Boss Joe, it's me!"

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