Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1228: Before and after

Before Li Yun had time to ask, Liu Deneng pounced over and nodded and smiled at Li Yun: "Boss Qiao, I am Liu Feineng. This is all a misunderstanding. Don't worry, Boss Qiao, I promise you and Li. Mr. Satisfied!"

"Liu Feineng, it's you! What the **** is going on? Did you offend Mr. Li?"

Boss Qiao's expression turned, and Liu De was frightened once again with a commanding tone in his majestic and domineering tone.

Compared with before, Liu Deneng has changed from a mighty Tibetan mastiff to a Beijing Ba, almost shaking his head and begging Li Yun and Qiao boss to forgive him.

Li Yun smiled and said, "In other words, did the words of Boss Qiao work?"

"It works, it works, it works!" Liu Deneng nodded sharply.

"Apologize first."

Li Yun said lightly, Liu Deneng immediately dragged his son Liu Zhikai to apologize to Li Yun, and apologized very sincerely to Guo Fuhua and his son, including the two black bodyguards.

Everyone saw it was an eye-opener. The Liu Feineng family, who had been arrogant and domineering before, was taught by a teenager in a blink of an eye, and was convinced by the lesson, and did not dare to resist at all.

Tianhua International is really crouching!

"Mr. Li, look...?" Liu De was able to wipe the sweat from his face. Although it was a cold spring weather, after such a fright, the cold sweat had already wetted his clothes.

Li Yun said: "If you break someone's car, use your car to pay the Guo Fuhua family."

Everyone was shocked. This Bentley was worth at least ten million yuan. The boy actually said that Liu De could give it to others. Would he agree?

"Yes Yes!"

Liu Deneng had a distressed look on his plump face, but he obediently executed Li Yun's order, took out the shiny car key from his belt, and stuffed it into Guo Fuhua's father Guo Lide.

"I'm here for you!!" Liu Deneng said with a smile and a bitter face: "I hope you don't mind the previous thing."

"No, no, don't mind."

Guo Lide excitedly accepted the key to this Bentley car worth tens of millions. Li Yun noticed that he hadn't declined a single time, so he accepted the Bentley directly.

Li Yun frowned slightly, but he didn't think too much, only when they were afraid of being poor. Of course it is not polite to take money for nothing now.

This Bentley, even if you don't drive it yourself, is worth at least seven or eight million yuan. The average person's life is about this amount. Guo Lide is excited and can understand without refusing.

Even Guo Fuhua couldn't help but stepped forward and touched the luxurious Bentley, with a fanatical light in his eyes and his fists clenched tightly.

"Dad!" Liu Zhikai on the side immediately stopped doing it. He hurriedly said, "This is how our car was given to this scrap seller? No, I don't agree! Why!"


Liu Deneng slapped his son fiercely, and shouted: "Mr. Li says what it is, which is your turn to talk about it! I don't know, if you talk more, I will let your whole family drink northwest wind!"

Everyone laughed aloud, Liu Zhikai's whole family, including him, Liu Deneng.

Li Yun smiled at Liu Deneng. Liu Deneng was teaching his son, but in fact begged him for mercy and asked Li Yun to let him go.

Liu Zhikai covered his face and couldn't speak, his expression was very aggrieved.

Li Yun didn’t want to worry about this mess either. “I asked you to pay people’s compensation because you broke the other’s car first. In the eyes of Boss Liu, your luxury car is similar to a tricycle, and it doesn’t care how much it is worth. right?"

"Yes, yes!" Liu Deneng bent over to compensate Guo Fuhua with a smile, "If you break it, you will have to pay compensation. It is natural and reasonable. I am very convinced. I am convinced!"

"Okay, that's it."

Li Yun said: "You will ask the bodyguard to carry the tricycle away. Everyone is classmates. There is no big deal of grievances to get along with each other, so let this matter pass."

Liu Deneng was relieved.

But I knew in my heart that this incident could pass smoothly, and it was thanks to his son who was a student of Tianhua International. Mr. Li only spared his family because of this love.

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