Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1226: Liu Zhikai

As soon as Guo Fuhua's father said this, everyone at the scene looked impressive, and Li Yun couldn't help but give him a high look.

To be able to say such a thing, to be able to show no arrogance or humbleness in front of people with money, position and strength, and to say rebuttal calmly, not only is the reason very tenable, but also from the righteousness, it makes people Can't find any rebuttal, the art of speaking can be said to be very superb.

After all, no one can say that turning waste into treasure is wrong. In terms of social morality, Guo Fuhua's father is already invincible.

After thinking about it this way, Li Yun was a little surprised.

It's not surprising that Guo Fuhua's father won him. What is strange to him is how can someone who can say such a thing and have such a calm way of handling things be unfamiliar?

Zhang Muling curled her lips and said nothing.

Liu Zhikai was speechless, his handsome face flushed with no rebuttal.

"Since Guo Fuhua is not wrong, and he came first to occupy the seat, then Liu Zhikai, you can let him go." Teacher Wang's tone also eased, "Everyone is a classmate, there is no need to make trouble so stiff."

Guo Fuhua's father smiled with a win-winner.

Li Yun probably understood how Guo Fuhua's character that is not afraid of power was developed, and 80% of it was passed on from his father.

To be honest, Li Yun admires their family's ability to drive a tricycle into these luxury car camps. Even if the family is poor, most of them will borrow cars from relatives. The Guo Fuhua family is not afraid of others. The behavior of strange gaze is not something ordinary people can have.

Liu Zhikai's face turned gloomy, and he shouted angrily to the luxury car Bentley behind him: "Dad!"

Two bodyguards in black immediately got off the Bentley. Without a word, they walked to the dilapidated tricycle, held one side by one, shouted together, and the tricycle stood up.

Then, with a bang, the tricycle was thrown into the open space not far away. The dust was everywhere, and the things on the car were scattered all over the place. The wheels could not withstand such a blow, and it detached from the body with a bang. Get out of the distance.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the Bentley slowly drove into the parking space.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhikai's father, Liu Deneng, a short middle-aged man with a big belly and a high-end suit walked out of the car.

Looking around the crowd, Liu De can calmly educate his son: “You don’t need too much nonsense to compare with this kind of stupid, just do it directly. The more you argue with them, the more arrogant they will be. Noisy will only lower your status, and winning is not worth it. Did you hear clearly?"

"Clear!" Although Liu Zhikai was scolded, his expression became arrogant again, giving Guo Fuhua another provocative look.

Everyone was silent, this Liu Zhikai's family was too domineering, they just started with theory, and didn't give the school and classmates any face.

Guo Fuhua and his father's faces were pale, the two bodyguards were tall and mammoth, and they were already too strong to compete.

Confronting people who are far superior to them and who cannot be theorized is tantamount to seeking death.

A ray of resentment flashed in Guo Fuhua's eyes, and his lips moved. He wanted to say something to save face, but his father stopped him and said in a low voice: "Go, stop talking."

The experience of this family aroused indignation, and they all accused Liu Zhikai, saying that he was too domineering and would bully ordinary classmates.


Although Liu Zhikai won, he was still very upset and cursed: "You know what a fart, although this kid collects scraps, but at home..."


A clear voice interrupted him.

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