Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1205: Night train treasure

Being looked down upon by Li Yun repeatedly, Jin Liuli, the top genius, became a little angry and said angrily: "If I can do it, I will come. If I don't want to fight you, do you think you are really that powerful? "

"Is it right? Try it."

Li Yun moved his feet, and rushed towards Jin Liuli again. At the same time, his right hand was grasping and grabbed Jin Liuli's arm.

As before, Jin Liuli did not evade, and Li Yun grabbed his arm straight.

But she didn't panic. The entanglement magical power that was unique to Thiotian Pavilion was activated again, and the real air flow turned her whole body into water, which was incredibly soft and smooth.

Li Yun only felt that he had grasped Jin Liuli's clothes, and after holding them hard, he realized that the clothes were still there. However, Jin Liuli's arms had shrunk in a circle out of thin air, and they were so smooth that they slipped directly between his fingers. go.

"Hehe, I'm leaving~, for nothing~" Jin Liuli smiled, but did not stop, a short body ran over Li Yun and ran out.


She ran away, but Li Yun held her clothes tightly. The two pulled hard, and the ordinary clothes tore suddenly, revealing the black smooth skin of Jin Liuli inside.


Li Yun was stunned for a moment before he could see that she was still wearing a piece of clothing, a black tight leather jacket, and her smooth and shiny appearance looked very slippery.


Li Yun called out and continued to chase Jin Liuli.

Jin Liuli's speed is not slow, it can even be said to be very fast, even Li Yun, who is about to reach the middle of his innate period, and his physical fitness is different from ordinary people, can hardly keep up.

"No, don't chase you pervert!"

Li Yun was getting closer and closer behind him, and Jin Liuli wanted to cry without tears, so she turned around and wanted to repeat the same trick, slipping away beside him.

This time Li Yun grabbed her other arm again and tore off her other sleeve.

Moreover, when she wanted to pass him and escape, Li Yun's ultimate move was finally revealed.

"Mental power attack!"

Suddenly, there was a trance in Jin Liuli's head, which made her want to continue to take steps. Then, she felt a fiery male body approaching her from behind, and her two big hands were also passed through from behind, tightly Hooped her slender and smooth waist.

In order to prevent her from escaping, Li Yun took the opportunity of a mental attack to hug her tightly with both hands. She should have no choice now?

The moment Li Yun's hand hugged her waist, Jin Liuli's body became stiff, and she felt that her hairs were standing upside down, and a great sense of fear came. This kind of feeling was unprecedented, making her petite body scared lightly. Trembling.

Afterwards, a good-smelling and powerful male breath came from behind, covering her like a big mountain, and all around her were enveloped in Li Yun's breath.


Jin Liuli was embarrassed and indignant, and wanted to scold him angrily, but an unfamiliar heat spread from her body, making her cheek flush.

In panic, Jin Liuli's entanglement magic power was activated again, and her body was short again out of thin air. Li Yun couldn't hold her tightly around her arms, and she escaped again.

However, the black and white maid's clothes on her body suffered again, and Li Yun was completely stripped off, revealing her elastic black tights.

"Stealing Heaven Pavilion's entanglement magical skill really has two effects." Li Yun looked at Jin Liuli who was standing not far away with shame and glaring at him in surprise, and threw away the maid's clothes with a little bit of her body temperature in his hand.

Jin Liuli looked at his behavior, his face flushed more and more, and she shouted in grief and indignation: "You... the big pervert!!! You will die for me!!!"

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