Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1206: Fingertip Golden Needle Dance

Li Yun was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized.

He tore off Jin Liuli's clothes just now and then discarded it. Isn't this behavior just like a pervert who wants to be unruly?

"Why is your body so slippery?" Li Yun shrugged and said that he was also helpless. Jin Liuli would be very difficult to deal with if he didn't use his weapon. If there is no mental attack, Li Yun really can't help her.

"Shut up, shut up!"

Jin Liuli took a deep breath and stabilized her emotions, then raised her hand again, and gently twisted her fingers out of her weapon-a few golden embroidery needles!

"Show your weapon, in front of my grandmother's fingertips, Golden Needle Dance, grandma, I want to see if your pervert is really capable!"

"Fingertip Golden Needle Dance?"

Li Yun looked over in amazement. There were indeed a few shiny silver threads wrapped around her five slender, white fingers.

Connected to the end of the silk thread is a small piece of soft needle that reflects golden light. This thing seems to be able to soften and harden at will with the manipulation of Jin Liuli, reaching the point of killing invisible.


Jin Liuli was quite proud to hold the gold needles and play for a few moments. In an instant, a few gold needles flew up and down, driving the silver thread attached to it to fly in the sky. The sound of the thread breaking through the air was very sharp, which made people feel terrified. Cutting something to a person is absolutely comparable to a sharp dagger, cutting the skin is not a problem at all.

She danced extremely fast. For a time, several silk threads were unfolded like a large net made of silver threads. If she directly attacked, Li Yun might be really scared and **** by silver threads.

The attack method of this thing is really weird, comparable to the undefeated Oriental in the movie holding the embroidery needle, but it is much more beautiful.

"How?" Jin Liuli retracted the silk thread and gold needle back into her hand, looked at Li Yun provocatively, and threatened: "This trick was passed to me by my mother. It comes from a place that scares you to death. If you do, you can let me go, I don’t want to hurt you!"

"Awesome!" Li Yun smiled and applauded, and observed her black leather jacket. It fits her body tightly. She doesn't know what material it is made of. Judging from the performance just now, this body The clothes are very extensible, and they should be specially made to match the winding magic.

It's just that the black tights are too tight, Jin Liuli's graceful girl figure is fully shown, just like a racing girl, even much tighter.

Through this magical black tights, it did not know how to make it, and it actually sank inward, so that Li Yun could see the shape of her belly button and the traces of the underwear she was wearing, everything was full A sultry daydream.

"What do you look at!"

This time Li Yun's peeking didn't hide her from her, Jin Liuli blushed again, "This dress is my secret treasure from the Stealing Pavilion. It is called the Night Walker Treasure. It is not... bad clothes. !"

She herself seemed to feel very ashamed, this dress was too thin and too tight, and it looked like she was not wearing it, making her particularly uncomfortable.

It is also the first time for Jin Liuli to show such a dress in front of others, but she secretly swears that she will definitely add another close-fitting dress in the future, otherwise it will really make people feel very shy!

"Nightwalker Treasure?"

Li Yun retracted his peculiar thoughts and smiled faintly: "Are you stealing the heavenly pavilion, aren't you the masters who traveled thousands of miles at night? You actually said this in a grandiose way. It seems that you don't have any shame. It's an evil faction."

"you you you!"

Her sect was framed by others, and Jin Liuli's face was flushed red, and she yelled, "You don't slander people, we never do anything that hurts the truth!"

"At most... inquire about private information at most, and then sell it to interested people." She added weakly.

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