Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1204: Soft and smooth golden glass

Li Yun quickly noticed a scene. He patted Jin Liuli's abdomen with his hand, as if he had photographed a soft and slippery jelly. There was no force at all.


Jin Liuli let out a silver bell-like laugh. With the help of Li Yun's palm, her incredibly soft body flew to the door of the office, and also spit out a pink tongue at Li Yun. , Holding his fingers and pulling down his eyelids, making a grimace and provocatively said: "Big pervert, bah bah bah, actually touched my body, I won't play with you, I'm leaving~"

Let's talk, keep walking, rushing to the outside hurriedly.

"This... what's the situation with her?" Li Yun was a little surprised.

"She should have been born in Stealing Pavilion."

The eldest lady explained: "They have exercised since they were young, and their bodies have become extremely soft. After they become innate, they will become weak and boneless and can easily grow and shrink when they cooperate with the exercise "Twisting Magic". It is said that even a blunt weapon can't split their bodies."

Li Yun was stunned, "Is there still this kind of martial arts?"

He knew Stealing Heaven Pavilion, which was also one of the four gates on the rivers and lakes, and he usually did some work of investigating intelligence and selling information, no wonder Jin Liuli would appear here.

"Li Yun, leave it to you." When the matter is over, the eldest will also go back and continue reading. The remaining Jin Liuli and Li Yun will definitely be able to handle it alone.

"Okay, I'll go and catch her."

Li Yun confessed his fate to chase outside, Xiao Ai continued to monitor the entire Dingwei Building, Jin Liuli could not escape by elevator.

Moreover, she probably wouldn't have dared to take the elevator alone for a long time, and she was scared by the ghosts that Xiao Ai had made before.

After a simple search on the 70th floor, no one was found. Li Yun decisively ran up the stairs. If nothing else, Jin Liuli wanted to escape from the stairs.

The 69th floor is the Missy’s laboratory. There is no one here. There is a sealed iron door between the 68th and 69th floors. This door cannot be opened easily except for passing through with a special pass card.

Sure enough, Li Yun saw Jin Liuli scratching his head in front of the iron gate from the stairs.

"Ahhhh, I hate you, how come this place is blocked!"

"Ren Xiaoxia!"

"Wow, why are you so fast!"

Jin Liuli was taken aback. There was no one in the laboratory on this floor, and naturally there was not much light. There was only one lamp in the aisle that was almost broken. The dim and dark illusion made Jin Liuli scared. Yes, I was frightened by Li Yun again and almost thought that the ghost was coming out again!

Li Yun walked up to her and said solemnly: "Immediately put down the resistance, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

"You scared me to death." Jin Liuli patted her chest to suppress her inner fear, but she didn't know that her movement also drove her well-developed breasts, causing Li Yun on the opposite side to be attracted.

Although not too big, the arc formed by holding up the clothes is so perfect that people can't help but want to find out.

Fortunately, after Li Yun was scolded so many times by the keen little maid, he could have long been quiet, and ordinary movements would not be exposed at all.

Li Yun just glanced at Jin Liuli's chest faintly, and said without any turbulence: "Ren Xiaoxia, do you really think I can't help you?"

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