Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1203: Magical dream building

After Li Yun took care of the four people in black, he asked Feng Zhu Er to drag them away along with the companion who fell under the bookshelf.

Seeing that the scene was under control, the two old men left Jin Liuli alone, so he felt relieved and left with the man in black.

"What the **** is this, this, this?!"

Jin Liuli saw that Li Yun and Miss Murong both looked over, and screamed back in fright. She put her arms around her shoulders as if you were a pervert.

"Don't understand yet?" Li Yun smiled faintly: "From the moment you were frightened to shoot the man in black, you have entered the illusion, Miss," Li Yun pointed to Murong Qingyue, "she created The illusion that comes out."


Jin Liuli still looked dazed, everything just now was too amazing!

"To put it simply, after you entered this office, except for shooting a man in black, all you saw and experienced were fake." Li Yun explained patiently.

"Fake? The shootout is fake, the shining sword is also fake, and the bad guys injured are fake?"

"Yes, they are all fake."

Li Yun smiled, the dream-building eldest lady was so strong, she easily pulled a few people into the illusion that she constructed, even in the early congenital stage like Jin Liuli, she was in a trance when she shot the man in black. At the time, I can't escape the control of Missy!

Li Yun said sincerely: "I have explained to you, now you should also tell me, who are you and why are you here?"


Jin Liuli had an angry expression on her face wearing a human skin mask, "So you have been lying to me! Why should I explain to you? Don't~!"

Li Yun is inexplicable, what's wrong with this person, shouldn't he be afraid when he encounters such a powerful thing as fantasy? Actually dare to be angry!

But even Jin Liuli didn't know that she was not angry about the illusion, but thought that she was fascinated by the handsome Li Yun incarnate as a god, and she was so ashamed that she became angry.

Jin Liuli's impression of Li Yun changed again and again, from the curiosity he heard from his mother, to the judgement that he was a big pervert when eavesdropping, to the handsome appearance of him raising a hand to draw a sword. It can be said that there are twists and turns, Jin Liuli's inner complex feelings are difficult to express in words, so she subconsciously uses anger instead.

Li Yun sank his face and said coldly: "Ren Xiaoxia, I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine. Since I am so angry, you will not accept it. It seems that you are very confident in your skills. Come, let me See how much you have the ability to provoke me!"

Not much nonsense, Li Yun rushed towards Jin Liuli after speaking, and at the same time, he waved a palm and slapped her abdomen quickly.

"Who is Ren Xiaoxia? Oh, it turned out to be my name~, hehehe~"

At this critical juncture of the battle, Jin Liuli still had a giggling expression, which almost failed Li Yun's attack.

He could see that Jin Liuli didn't intentionally act like this, but really didn't have the slightest preparation to fight back. Li Yun had never seen such a person!

Even so, Li Yun's attack fell without stopping, falling firmly on Jin Liuli's abdomen.

To Li Yun's surprise, Jin Liuli did not resist from beginning to end, but just stood there and let Li Yun slap him.

In desperation, Li Yun's original five-layer strength was once again collected four layers, and only one layer of strength was left to hit it out, otherwise, the little girl would be vomiting blood with one palm.


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