"second question."

After Li Yun confirmed that they still have the desire to survive, he continued to ask: "I remember that you have a behind-the-scenes boss who seems to be from Huaxia. He used to forbid you to enter Huaxia, but now you dare to come here to do missions. Why?"


The three men in black all looked at their captain, and only he knew the inside story.

"Your Excellency Knight, you should know that our organization prohibits disclosure of information to outsiders, otherwise, it will still be dead." The black-clothed leader replied helplessly.

After thinking about it, Li Yun understood the meaning of his words.

The captain can reveal the situation, but if his team members have an informant, he will also be hunted down by the Shadow Organization.

But the person who took the initiative to inform has nothing.

What the leader in black really meant was that he wanted Li Yun to kill all his teammates so that he could tell the inside story.

"I know!" Another man in black hurriedly shouted without waiting for Li Yun to do it. "I also know why. It's because the shadow ghost boss wants to get rid of the masters behind the scenes, so when someone comes to invite us out , Use us as tentative pieces!"

"Just by him? Even if the shadow ghost has two efforts now, it is impossible to get rid of it."

"It's true. I heard that the shadow ghost boss has taken refuge in the gods. That's why I got the innate pill to enter the innate realm, and his body became invulnerable, very powerful!"

The man in black mentioned this in a tone of envy and fear.

Li Yun smiled. He remembered that he didn't know what innate was in the first place. He thought that these people didn't know either. He didn't expect that with the expansion of the religion, the term innate realm would soon spread to the whole world. The world.

However, the shadow ghosts of the Shadow Organization actually took refuge in the gods, and this has to be considered in the long term.

"Okay, I believe you, Miss, unlock the illusion."

"Illusion? Can we go... eh?"

The four men in black and Jin Liuli were horrified to discover that as Li Yun's words fell, the surrounding illusion suddenly changed drastically.

The fragmented objects hit by the guns instantly returned to their original state, and their injuries and pain disappeared without a trace. Except for the man in black who was slapped flying by Jin Liuli, everything else returned to its original state, just like real Had a dream.

Of course, the man in black's gun was unloaded, and suddenly there were two old men beside him.

"Yes, everything was dreaming just now."

"Dreaming...dream?" The black-clothed leader looked around in shock. When he saw a beautiful woman standing in the corner, his expression was shocked again.

What a nice view!

The four people in black all saw the eldest lady, and they were all shocked by her peerless beauty and dusty temperament, and they didn't move for a while.

While they were stupefied, Li Yun had already approached and said, "Although I promised to let you go, let's stop here for your efforts. From now on, life or death will be resigned."

As he said, he waved his palm to the head of the man in black.

"What is the difference between abolishing my skills and killing me?"

The leader of the man in black showed a fierce look. Since he is not injured now, Li Yun has lost that magical sword again. Is he still afraid of this little white face?

"I will abolish you first!"

The leader of the black clothed man also violently violently, a pair of giant pu-fan big hands slammed towards Li Yun's palm.


There was a sudden shock in his mind, and the leader of the man in black was stunned as if he was hit by a heavy blow, and then Li Yun's palm hit him firmly.

"What's going on...?"

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