Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1195: Screaming Jin Liuli

Inside the elevator, in the darkness, Ren Xiaoxia, who was also Jin Liuli in disguise, fell into intense fear and self-blame.

At first, after the elevator stopped, she didn't take it seriously. She used the emergency call in the elevator to contact the outside world. After seeing the male security guard's face appeared on the screen, she quickly relaxed and just waited for the elevator staff to deal with it. That's it.

After waiting for a minute, Jin Liuli realized that after the elevator stopped, every second in such a small space was so unbearable.

"What's the matter, why haven't the staff come yet?"

Jin Liuli took a look at the time and found that 3 minutes had passed, but no one came to the rescue.

She quickly called another contact number and urged them to send someone to repair the elevator.

"Yes, we will deal with it quickly." The guard replied.

After talking with someone, Jin Liuli relaxed a little, leaning on the wall in a boring daze.


Jin Liuli suddenly thought of something in the flashing light.

"The guard was a little weird at the beginning!"

He cocked his face the whole time, and his tone was very cold, like an electronic sound, not like a human voice at all!

Jin Liuli couldn't help shivering. She was so flustered just now that she didn't notice any abnormality of the guards.

"Moreover, he didn't ask about my situation at all. Even if he knows which elevator is out of order, he should ask if I am injured right now!"

Jin Liuli started to panic, picked up the contact number and dialed again. The indifferent face of the guard appeared on the screen again.

The video dialogue device in the elevator cannot have high definition, so the face of the security personnel looks abnormally pale, like an old TV or movie, covered by many white spots, like a pair of passing The face that has been invaded by the ages is just like that.

It looks so terrible!

"You, who are you? Why don't you send someone to repair the elevator?"

Jin Liuli summoned the courage to shout, but the guards on the opposite side still stared at her with plain and indifferent eyes, looking at her like a dead person.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the elevator suddenly went out, and the surroundings were dark, except for the bright light from the screen.

Unusually conspicuous.


Jin Liuli screamed frantically, ignoring any disguise, directly using her original voice, and the delicate and beautiful voice of the little girl echoed in the narrow elevator.

"Quickly open the elevator for me!!! Quickly!!!"

She really regrets it now, and she shouldn't have said to her mother that she would come to do this, and she shouldn't have made her own way to investigate intelligence!

Jin Liuli now! Just want to go out! Get out! ! !

"You bastard, open the elevator for me!"

She roared toward the only light in the elevator, but to Jin Liuli's shock, the guards on the opposite side still looked at her with indifferent eyes, and were not moved by her situation.

The weird atmosphere began to spread.

There are icy walls on all sides, and the enclosed space is pitch black. In the only light, there is another indifferent and unforgiving security guard. The horrible atmosphere is enough to scare the children to pee in their pants.

"Would you like to go out?"

Suddenly an electronic sound came from the walkie-talkie, Jin Liuli was frightened for an instant, and she trembled: "I want to go out, please let me go, I'm just a child, I was wrong~"

"Okay, come, come here, do as I said." The electronic sound suddenly turned into a weird male voice, with a hint of bewitching.

Jin Liuli tremblingly walked over, looking at the indifferent man's face on the screen, "What, how?"

"this way!!"

A terrifying pale grimace suddenly occupied the entire screen.

"Wow!!! Mom, save me!!!"

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