
A clear reminder sounded and the elevator reached the designated 70th floor.

"Mom, save me~~!"

A maid wearing a black-and-white dress rushed out of the elevator, with tears on her face and a very panicked look.

It was Jin Liuli who was scared to pee her pants.

She also didn't care where the floor in front was, she just wanted to leave the horrible elevator with ghosts and escape away!

Under the guidance of a strange will, she came to a luxurious office.

"do not move!"

While Jin Liuli was still in shock, a low and murderous male voice came from the other side. Jin Liuli quickly looked up, but before he could see it clearly, the person on the other side had already rushed over, with a palm facing her neck cut off.

"What, what?"

Jin Liuli's skills are much better than those of other people. At the moment of her death, she twisted slightly, and her body suddenly became soft and short like cotton candy, which surprised the crowds on the sidelines.

After evading the enemy's attack, Jin Liuli, who was scared by the ghost and scared his heart, didn't care about keeping her hand, and slapped it with a palm filled with anger in a hurry, patted the enemy's abdomen straight, and beat him like Just cooked dried shrimps, his body bowed, and the weapon in his hand also fell down, being caught by Jin Liuli subconsciously.


With a loud noise, the enemy was slammed and flew out. When he was in the air, a puff of blood spurted from his mouth. It flew out and knocked down a bookshelf, lying on the ground, countless books crushing him, maybe he was dead.

"I, I killed someone?" Jin Liuli was a little awake, looking at the man in black who was still alive and dead, and suddenly fell into another panic.

She has never killed anyone!

"You!" The four people on the opposite side wanted to attack, but they froze again when they looked at the weapon in Jin Liuli's hand.

Now the two sides are very close, and both are holding submachine guns, and they are all submachine guns with safety latches. With a light pull of the trigger, life and death are not in their hands.

Moreover, a gun battle may also attract the attention of people on other floors.

"you guys……?"

Jin Liuli looked at the four slender men in black and heavily armed, and then saw a big hole behind them, the wind from the upper floors of the building kept blowing in, and she suddenly understood.

"You are the ones sneaking in secretly!"

Jin Liuli yelled in the delicate voice of her little girl, which surprised the four people opposite.

"Aren't you? What is the little girl's name, wanting to die?!" A man in black threatened her with a submachine gun and shouted, "Give me, I be quiet!"

Jin Liuli suffered a terrifying blow in the dark elevator. She was so frightened that Huarong was eclipsed. The soft human skin mask on her face became no longer realistic, and the flaws could be seen at a glance.

Holding the submachine gun in her hand, Jin Liuli secretly observed the surrounding area, and she still had an unreal feeling.

She was scared by the ghost in the elevator just now and peeed her pants. In a blink of an eye, she killed a person, holding a submachine gun and confronting four killers, which seemed very strange.

"who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Both sides said at the same time, and then at the same time they said at the same time: "I will ask first!

The few people who watched the battle saw this scene, suddenly felt strange and funny, the two teams of invaders actually met in this situation.

And depending on their posture, this is an attitude of not giving up.

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