After receiving Li Yun's call, Along hurried to the monitoring room, only to find that the people inside were fainted. No wonder they didn't respond when they were invaded.

You know, Li Yun has upgraded the security system of this building last year. Even if these people come in from the outside, they are also expected to escape the surveillance equipment installed on the wall of the building.

"Notify the person in charge of each company, let them evacuate employees, and try not to cause panic. This time it is not a religious attack, but an act of commercial espionage." If it is a religious invasion, it is impossible to use such a low-end invasion method.

Li Yun calmly ordered, "Along, you take people to the ground floor of the building to protect the employees from evacuation."


Aaron led the set off, and Li Yun informed the second elder Fengzhu to go up to the 70th floor. The second elder also had a residence on a certain floor of the Dingwei Building and could arrive soon.

As for the children of Murong's family, just ask them to assist Along.

At this time, the five men in black who were climbing on the Dingwei Building had reached the 50th floor and entered a clearer surveillance camera.

These people probably didn’t know that it was exposed. They should have been divided into two groups and went all the way to the stunned monitoring room, making the security of Dingwei Building think that the intruder has been in the building, but they didn’t know that the real enemy was attacking outside. .

Unfortunately, there is also surveillance outside the walls of Dingwei Building, and their plan is destined to fail.

"Miss, these people may be with Ren Xiaoxia. They are all here to steal business secrets. Where do you think they will go?" Li Yun asked her.

Now Ren Xiaoxia is trapped in the elevator and can't get out. It can be ignored for the time being. The only problem is that she doesn't know which floor to go to intercept the five men in black who are climbing outside the building.

"The 69th floor, or the 70th floor, if it is consistent with Ren Xiaoxia's goal. Let's go to the 70th floor." The lady decisively pressed the 70th floor button.

The 69th floor is the biological laboratory of the young lady, but generally few people know that if these people are here to steal trade secrets, they estimate that the 70th floor up is the most important secret place.

The 70th floor is the office of the eldest lady, and it is also a place for storing important information. Of course, similar probe technology and muffler technology will not be here. The 70th floor stores more contract documents and some important information that needs to be preserved.

"Xiao Ai, let Ren Xiaoxia reach the 70th floor later."

When the two arrived on the 70th floor, the lady suddenly said, "Let them meet first, and we will solve them all at once."

Li Yun pondered for a moment, and glanced at her calm expression, but did not object.

She was sure to deal with so many people, and Li Yun had no choice but to believe her.

Xiao Ai followed the instructions, but didn't start the elevator immediately, but waited for someone to come together.

Soon, Feng Zhu also came to the 70th floor, and when asked about the situation, he stood beside the young lady and was ready to protect her at any time.

But Li Yun conservatively estimated that with the current strength of the eldest lady, there was no need for the protection of these two at all.

The four of Li Yun sat in the office of the chairman on the 70th floor. When Li Yun came to Dingwei Building for the first time, he met the eldest here. She was wearing a professional suit. After that, he never saw the lady go through again.

When I was ready, it was observed that the people in black outside the Dingwei Building also came to the 70th floor outside the probe to observe the situation. Xiao Ai activated Ren Xiaoxia's elevator and changed the elevator target from the 74th floor to the 70th floor.

When the three parties were about to meet, Li Yun pulled out the sword of love. At this moment, the eldest lady said again: "Wait, don't say anything."


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