Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1193: Another team

Seeing her disguised as a maid, Li Yun heaved a sigh of relief, at least she would not violently hurt others.

He had discussed with the eldest lady before, this Ren Xiaoxia didn't seem to be sabotage, at least he didn't seem to be a murderer, so she let her continue.

"I don't think we need to go down, go to the 74th floor and wait for her to come up."

Li Yun smiled, "However, even if she pretends to be a maid, she doesn't have a pass..."

Before she finished speaking, Ren Xiaoxia in the screen had already taken out her pass card and entered the elevator, and she pressed the button on the 74th floor.

Li Yun was slapped fiercely, and suddenly he couldn't hold back, and said a little strangely: "Where did she get the pass? Did she attack a maid?"

The eldest shook her head and said that she didn't know, she followed into the elevator and said, "Let's go to the 74th floor."

Xiao Ai said: "I analyzed the induced electric wave in that card. It looks like a normal card, but it's not original."

Li Yun nodded. It is very likely that Ren Xiaoxia got a pass card, and then found someone to make a similar one and cheated the elevator authentication device.

"and many more!"

Li Yun and Missy were about to go to the 74th floor, Xiao Ai's voice sounded, and directly stopped Ren Xiaoxia's elevator, making her unable to get up and down between the 60th floor, and her face paled in fright-of course, She couldn't see it with makeup.

Li Xiaoai can control all the things connected to the Internet in Dingwei Building, so it is natural to stop an elevator.

"what happened?"

"Brother, someone broke into the building again!"

Xiao Ai quickly called up another picture. Because Li Yun and Missy are in the elevator at the moment, the picture is directly displayed on the call screen in the elevator. This screen was originally used to communicate with the outside world when the elevator is stopped. Talking is just like Ren Xiaoxia is doing at this moment.

Ren Xiaoxia was in a hurry now, and after a panic, she began to wonder if she was exposed.

Li Yun saw another picture on the screen. The surveillance camera on the 11th floor was facing the window. It caught a blurry figure flashing past the building.

Xiao Ai paused the playback of the screen, and Li Yun could see that it was a man wearing a black tights and a black headgear passing the window.

There are a total of five people. Judging from their movements, these people climbed up with suction claws and ropes.

The man in black does not climb up step by step, but uses the suction claw to aim at the floor above his head and launches. After grabbing the wall or solid glass, he activates the powerful stretching device to lift them up in one fell swoop .

This prevents people in the building from seeing them, even if they accidentally see them, they will only think that they are dazzled.

Li Yun's expression became serious, "Where is Aaron from the Security Department? Xiao Ai, immediately connected them."


There are three protection forces in Dingwei Building. One is the ordinary security guards led by Aaron, who are responsible for daily patrols and ordinary security work.

The other is the Murong family's children. They were previously sent by the Murong family to protect the eldest. Although these people are not in Dingwei Building, they are eating, drinking and having fun in Zhonghai City, but there are still many people on standby every day.

Among them, the most powerful ones are the two elders of Fengzhu. They are husbands and wives, and they are both in the middle of the innate cultivation base. The two cooperate very tacitly, and they are not lost in the battle.

They are also in Dingwei Building at the moment.

The third protective force is Li Xiaoai!

She is the weakest and the most powerful.

Xiao Ai has no fighting ability, but can monitor the entire building, and no abnormalities can escape her eyes!

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