"Hehe hehe... Zipper boy, let me see how you run away this time."Moonlight Moria walked up to Aeron with a smile and looked at him condescendingly:"It's time for your boring 'gangster game' to end. Don't worry, I will try to keep your body intact. You will definitely be an outstanding zombie general!"

"I don't understand……"Aeron coughed twice, but the shock made the broken ribs in his chest hurt even more. Moonlight Moria also held the big scissors and looked at the painful expression on Aeron's face very patiently. After a while, Aeron took a breath and continued to ask with heavy breaths:"Huh... I don't understand why you want to return to the West Sea. Huh... Isn't the scenery in the Devil's Triangle to your liking?"

Moonlight Mo The corner of Leah's mouth raised, revealing a hint of a smile:"You are still smooth-talking at this time, should I praise you for having"spine"?" The shadow mud surged around him, forming a huge wide chair, and Molly Ya sat comfortably on it, holding the big scissors and continuing to chat with Aeron:"I returned to the West Sea just to retrieve the treasure that was originally stored on Solinalfa Island. Your new intelligence officer is an unexpected surprise."

Elen didn't bother to raise his neck. He slumped feebly among the gravel and said weakly:"……Damn luck!"

Moonlight Moria laughed loudly and strangely:"Hehehehehe!! That's right, if you hadn't met me, maybe you could have successfully entered the Great Channel and made a career. It's a pity that fate did not favor you~"

As he said that, Moonlight Moria stood up, and the shadow chair behind him turned into a huge shadow beast that stared at him. He raised the gleaming scissors 'Morrigan' in his hand, He said in a melodious chant:"Hehehehe~ So, 'Vicious Chain' Aeron, I, Moonlight Moria, recognize your strength, and hereby grant you eternal sleep, and you will contribute your My body has become a sharp blade in my hand!"

"it's over! Use this Morrigan to bring an end to your life! '"

The tip of the huge scissors suddenly pierced Aeron's chest!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the tip of the scissors penetrated deeply into the empty ground.

Moonlight Moria looked up suddenly, and only saw Aeron. Holding his chest and standing staggeringly among the ruins not far away, the sparks floating around him were gradually dissipating.

Metal Zipper·Spark Tour.

At the moment of life and death, Aeron transformed a zipper from behind and forcibly connected with the zipper on the ground. , using the power of the zipper to automatically close, he moved himself to a safe area.

Moonlight Moriah pulled out the big scissors and brought up a pile of gravel. He looked at Aeron who was swaying and seemed to be unable to stand, and his face showed Sarcastically:"Look at how miserable you are, even if you escape this time, can you escape next time? I planned to give you a treat out of pity, but you don't seem to appreciate it?"

The huge shadow beast behind Moonlight Moria let out a ferocious roar.

With his head lowered, Aeron exhaled a breath of turbid air that smelled of blood, and the left hand covering his chest also dropped. Everything seemed so quiet.

At this time, Moonlight Moria felt something was wrong. When he lowered his head, he saw the cracks in the ground that were broken after he pulled out the scissors. There was a faint metallic luster inside. Metal?... Not good!

"Knife shadow!!"

Without any time to think, Moonlight Moria suddenly reached out and made a move. The shadow beast beside him instantly turned into a surging stream of shadows, and instantly condensed into a huge shadow lizard with its limbs constantly crawling in the air. Its head was like a blade. The sharp flat blade tip, and the whole tail end pulled out a long tail composed of an ever-extending black shadow. With the moonlight, Moria waved his hand violently, and this huge shadow lizard sword was like a black lightless meteor flying at high speed. He rushed straight towards Aeron with an unstoppable and rapid momentum!

At the same time, the ground under Aeron's feet instantly shattered and cracked, and countless zippers surged out from the cracks. This was when he used the moonlight Moria to talk nonsense. The 'material' for making transformations in the underground layer! He held the zipper in his right hand, and thousands of zippers were quickly twisted and condensed into a huge knight's gun. Its tip was made of a circle of barb-shaped ferocious chain teeth. It was made up of a spiral, and every chain tooth on it was spinning at high speed!

Aeron firmly held the handle of the gun with his backhand, then twisted his whole body and threw it hard at the Shadow Lizard Sword that was coming towards him!

"Vicious Chain·The Great God’s Declaration!!"

The shadow knife and the chain gun collided violently!

Then, extremely violent fluctuations instantly shattered the ground of the church hall! A violent roar came from the ruins of the church in Luozhong Village! The gravel on the ground rolled, and the earth seemed to be torn apart. It was like overturning!

The huge chain gun rotating at high speed collided with the giant shadow lizard knife trailing a black tail. The collision between the gun tip and the knife tip made a violent metal friction sound that was so strong that it almost tore the eardrum! The chain on the surface of the chain gun thrust like an electric drill and became more and more violent, and the shadow at the tail of the Shadow Lizard Blade changed into a jet shape and rushed forward!

As if by coincidence, the huge chain gun and Shadow Lizard Blade suddenly shot towards each other at the same time. It tilted downward, and then the two murderous weapons exploded with powerful thrust and sank into the underground floor of the church hall. There was a period of silence at first.

Then, the entire ground suddenly swelled upwards, and a huge explosion occurred underground!

The chain gun in the underground At the same time, the Shadow Lizard Blade could not withstand the huge impact of the opponent and self-destructed and exploded. The explosion was so violent that it directly destroyed the underground layer that had been half-empty by Aeron's Chain Fruit ability, and It further triggered a shock on an island-wide scale!!

The violent roar was deafening, and the entire church collapsed instantly. Then the earth with the ruins of the church as the center split rapidly, and the ruins of residential buildings were completely annihilated as the huge tilted rock formations were lifted up. Massive The rubble and smoke broke through the blockade on the ground and sprayed into the sky. Huge rocks carrying a lot of soil rolled over the broken earth, as if the end of the world was coming!

Bell Island ushered in its end.

The disintegrated church Two figures, one large and one small, emerged from the remains! With the help of a zipper, Aeron jumped onto the beam of the grandfather clock that was relatively intact, while Moonlight Moria was pushed onto a huge rock by the surging bat swarm. , and then countless shadow hands temporarily stabilized this huge rock.

"Aeron... your ribs and left arm should have been shattered by my previous attack. Why can you still stand up!"

Moonlight Moria's face was very ugly. In order to kill Aeron completely just now, he poured his own shadow into the 'horned knife shadow', making it powerful and lethal. But he didn't expect it. Such a powerful 'Horned Blade Shadow' was also destroyed by this kid, and he suffered a lot of backlash.

Standing on the beam of the big clock, Aeron pulled off his tattered black suit, revealing a relatively A better shirt. He slowly rolled up the cuffs and said with a smile:"Thank you for this, Moonlight Moria. If you hadn't given me a winner's speech there and given me enough time, how could I have successfully rejoined all the broken bones with a zipper?"

Although Aeron acted calmly on the surface, he understood that the trauma he suffered was definitely not small. Even if he urgently used resin zippers to rejoin all the seven shattered ribs, left arm bones, and damaged internal organs in his body, his physical strength was exhausted. It's too big. In order to use the 'Great God's Declaration' just now, he transformed almost all the steel bars in the basement of the church hall into zippers.

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