The huge ghost roared and punched hard, but the old scholar easily avoided it by taking two moon steps.

He was in mid-air, stepping on the moon step with one foot, and curled up the other foot to gather strength. His whole body was like a volcano about to erupt, and he roared with a deep voice:"I have been immersed in the six postures for many years. In addition, I can continue almost indefinitely." Apart from the moon steps, I am most proud of my 'Lan Jiao'! Today, let you, a bastard girl, see the secret of me!""Lan Jiao · Red…………Um?"

Before he finished shouting the name of the move, and before the old scholar could kick out this move, he suddenly found two huge milky-white arms in front of him. His whole body was not as big as its palm. No, it's not the one opposite. The arm of the silly big ghost scratching his head was... stretched out from behind?

He raised his head somewhat stiffly and saw an extremely huge ghost face appearing directly above him, staring at him!

This was another A gigantic extra-large ghost appeared quietly and hugged the old scholar from behind. The old scholar was horrified to find that not only were all his escape spaces blocked, but the shoulder he was facing was injured. The extra-large ghost also roared towards him.

"Who told you that only one of my extra-large ghosts can exist? Goodbye, old man, home~"

Perona winked playfully, retreated quickly surrounded by hundreds of mini ghosts, and raised her little hand to snap her fingers.


Two extra large ghosts mixed together. It became a huge hollow ball, trapping the angry old scholar in it, and then suddenly expanded!


There was an extremely violent wave impact in the sky!! The thick clouds in the sky were dispersed by this unparalleled huge explosion wave, and the bright giant full moon hung above the battlefield, staring indifferently at the tragic ruins of the battlefield.

Perona, who had already retreated to the safety of the sky, stood proudly with her hands on her hips for a while, and then quickly flew towards the battlefield where Aeron was.

The battle over the residential area on the west side of the ruined battlefield of Luozhong Village——

——Winner, Perona.

Let’s go back in time a little bit again.

The central church square of the ruined battlefield of Luozhong Village.

Being chased by a large number of shadow bats, Aeron threw Perona in the direction of the residential area on the west side. Although there was a Navy Sixth Form master there, Aeron believed that Perona, who had been trained hard, would not lose to that kind of old man.

The unburdened Aeron suddenly stopped at his feet, raised his hands with his fingers spread out, and the tips of each finger shone with metallic luster. Then he crossed his arms and waved violently, and the ten golden chain blades extended like meteors at extremely fast speeds, and then crossed into a huge net, a deadly net composed of sharp chain teeth!

"Metal Zipper·Mian Shen Spinning Wheel!"

Sparks erupted from the overlapping position of the chain blades, and then a new zipper quickly sprang out to connect with the opposite side. In just an instant, the entire network of chain blades became airtight, and hundreds of people chased after it. Not a single shadow bat left in the group was intercepted and wiped out by the violently trembling sharp chain net! The corpses of the shadow bats were scattered on the ground and melted into a lightless black fluid, which quickly condensed into a huge torrent of shadows. The dark shadows Like a giant python, the river slithered along the ground towards Aeron at an extremely fast speed!

On the other side, Moonlight Moria, holding a huge scissor, quickly attacked this side. At this time, he was not like the one in the comics in the future. He is so obese, his body is only slightly bloated, but more of it is strong muscles! Coupled with his huge body that is more than 6 meters high, you can imagine the oppression it brings. It only takes

2 or 3 seconds. , when Aeron finished retracting the zipper with both hands, accompanied by a ferocious laugh, the huge scissor blade of Moonlight Moria also appeared above his head, and the stream of shadow turned into a huge shadow when it was still about 3 meters away from Aeron. The beast roared and bit at him!

But Aeron's whole body suddenly disappeared. The huge shadow beast bit into nothing, and Moonlight Moria's huge scissors that shone with cold light were deeply inserted into nothing. On the ground.

Moonlight Moria noticed that a zipper was quickly closed where Aeron was standing before, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more ferocious:"Good boy, I really have you!""He raised his hand and made a move, and the shadow beast immediately turned into flowing black mud and rushed towards his hand, and then turned into a huge long-handled horn gun.

He weighed the shadow gun in his hand, and then pointed towards a He was suddenly thrown into the open space! And at that position, a zipper opened just in time. As soon as Iron came out of the zipper space, he was directly hit by the extremely ferocious and huge shadow horn gun, and his whole body was directly cut into two pieces at the waist.!

Before Moonlight Moria was overjoyed, she discovered that there was no blood or internal organs in the cut on Aeron's waist, but a deep zipper space, which was a 'resin zipper speckled pocket'! Aeron relied on his strong sense of sight when he could not escape. Domineering combined with the ability of the chain fruit to directly open a decomposition zipper on his waist!

Then the zipper breaks in the upper and lower parts of Elen's body directly shot out small zippers as links, forcibly pulling the body back into one. He stretched his right arm back The index finger flashed with metallic luster, and he was about to throw out a violent steel chain finger when he suddenly turned his head to look at the residential area to the west.

Perona was in danger!

Before Ellen could think about it, he waved his right arm violently and made an infinite extension. The metal chain blade was like a golden meteor and directly smashed away the Lanjie vacuum blade that was about to hit Perona in the distance! The opportunity was lost! A stream of extremely fast shadows appeared in front of Aeron, and then Moonlight Moria came from it. He jumped out, smiled evilly, waved his huge fist covered with jet black luster, and hit Aeron hard!


Aeron felt as if his whole body was directly hit by a train moving at full speed. His chest and side of his face went numb first, and then the surrounding scenery quickly receded! I saw Ellen being raped by Moonlight MollyThis powerful punch covered with armed domineering power flew away, smashing into the ruins of several residential buildings, and then smashed into the church hall in the central square of Luozhong Village! boom!!!

The already half-destroyed church shook violently! Rubbles and dust fell, and the interior of the church was filled with smoke.

"Hehehehe!! Zipper boy, you actually have the guts to be distracted while fighting me? Yes!"Every step he takes will cause the ground to tremble slightly. Moonlight Moria, who is laughing maniacally, quickly walks towards the half-ruined church. A large amount of shadow tide first pours out around him, and then turns into various ferocious shadow beasts. Surround and kill towards the church

"Yes, surround him like this! You can't run away, Zipper Boy! Get 'Morrigan! '" The Shadow Fountain held up a huge pair of scissors. Moonlight Moriah grabbed the scissors and strode directly into the church hall.

It would be difficult for this church to accommodate a body as huge as Moonlight Moriah's. , but due to Aeron's huge rotating chain blade sweep that covered the island, the upper part of the church was directly destroyed. At this moment, the half-ruined church hall was filled with smoke and dust, and Moonlight Moria waved his hand impatiently The huge scissors were used, and the smoke and dust were swept away, revealing Aeron lying on a pile of rubble and the remains of broken tables and chairs.

Aeron looked very pessimistic at this time, he lay motionless on his back among the rubble. , blood continued to overflow under his nose and at the corners of his mouth, and his fine black suit was now full of scratches and cracks and covered with dust. He did not move his limbs, but barely raised his head to look at Moonlight Moria, who was slowly walking towards him.

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