Both sides are in bad shape now, it just depends on who has stronger willpower!

"This island is going to be destroyed. But before it is destroyed, I will kill you first!"Moonlight Moria took the huge scissors 'Morrigan' from the shadow beast next to her and moved her shoulders.

"Everyone can talk big words, but let us speak with practical actions, Mr. Moria."A long sword with a blue patterned hilt slowly emerged from the palm of Elen's hand. It was the 'Lei Yu Zuo', one of the fifty skills of the Liang Kuai Dao.

At this time, a violent wave suddenly erupted in the sky! The original blockage The smoke and dust that filled the sky were directly dispersed by this extremely strong explosion shock wave, revealing the cold giant full moon.

"ha! God help me! The shadow appears!!"Moonlight Moria laughed wildly, raised the big scissors and rushed towards Aeron! And the shadow beast beside him also turned into a fluid black shadow and followed behind its master.

"Metal zipper·Five-string pipa!"

Iron held the sword in his right hand and lowered it. The palm of his left hand was facing up and the five fingers were spread out. The tips of the five fingers shone with a cold metallic luster under the bright moonlight. Then, the five metal chain blades were like trailing meteors towards the moonlight Moria. Shooting away quickly, each chain blade is packed with violent vibration and cutting power!

"Haha... so naive! Shadow Trend · Cursed Snake!"

Before the chain blade came into contact with Moonlight Moria, it was intercepted by the shadow stream that suddenly shot up from the ground. The shadow stream directly condensed five black pythons, and each bit the head of the chain blade fiercely! In an instant, the python's mouth A large number of sparks kept popping up, and the harsh friction sound was deafening. The giant pythons made of shadow fluid kept trembling, and it was obvious that they could not hold on for long.

But it was enough! Moonlight Moria was already far away from Aeron at this time. Less than 5 meters away, he swung the giant scissors, and the tip of the blade pierced Aeron hard!

Sparks appeared under Aeron's feet, and he suddenly moved back, and then stepped on the beam. The edge stood up and jumped into the air.

The huge scissors in Moonlight Moria's hand lost their target and directly cut off the beam of the big bell, and then cleanly split the floor-length clock into two. Sparks were flying, this represents the symbol of Luo Zhong Village The symbolic ancient relics have completely become history.

After jumping into the air, Aeron closed the five fingers of his left hand and violently flipped his palm. The five metal chain blades instantly twisted into a twist, and the five shadow pythons opposite him immediately disintegrated and disintegrated! Then they twisted into a twist. The chain blade reorganized into a ring-shaped whip, and each ring rotated at high speed. A large number of sparks instantly burst out from the surface of the whip body and made a harsh buzzing sound. As Aeron swung with all his strength, the chain whip struck Moonlight Moria fiercely. Take away

"Metal zipper·five-string pipa·note string!"

Moonlight Moria's whole body was directly scattered by this powerful and heavy chain whip. No, it was directly turned into flying shadow mud, while Moonlight Moria himself appeared in the distance.

‘Kagemusha's positions are swapped!

"Try...this trick!"Moonlight Moria's right palm was facing up, and she slowly raised her right hand with difficulty, and then shook it hard!

The shadow fluid scattered on the ground spread instantly, covering Aeron's body in mid-air. The bottom was completely shrouded. Then, countless shadow stakes rose from the ground, scrambling to stab Aeron!

"Shadow trend! Shadow execution!!"

Unable to avoid it, the blade of the famous sword 'Lei Yu Zuo' in Elun's hand suddenly broke and turned into a chain knife. Then he swung it towards the distance. The chain blade flew out at high speed and hooked a particularly huge sloping rock block. Automatically and quickly pulled together.

Countless sharp shadow stakes rising into the sky intertwined and bit into one place, but missed. At the critical moment, Aeron was directly pulled out of the fatal execution attack area by the chain knife. He fell to the huge rock. After landing on the block, Aeron immediately squatted on the ground and touched the rock surface with his hands. A large number of metal trickles spread along the rock surface, and the entire huge rock began to tremble slightly. The moonlight Moria in the distance first stared at this scene. My eyes widened, and then I suddenly realized it, and laughed loudly:

"transformation, remote control…………Hehehehehe!!! I see! I see! You really got a rare fruit, Zipper Boy! Born with a special semi-awakened superhuman ability? Your path to fruit awakening will be more difficult than others in the future hehehehehe!! But don't worry, you won't have to worry about that anymore, because I'll kill you right here! Come, my shadows...come to your master!!"

Moonlight Moria opened his hands and roared loudly. Countless black shadows poured out from the scattered zombie remains. In response to Moonlight Moria's call, they turned into billowing black mud and gathered at his feet.

"Shadow gathering place!"

There are new shadows constantly blending into the shadow group at the feet of Moonlight Moria. Gradually, his figure changes.

Aeron maintains a half-crouched posture, expressionlessly watching the figure opposite him gradually It became extremely huge.

Compared with 8 years later in the comics, Moonlight Moria at this time is undoubtedly much more powerful! Not only is he still possessing armed domineering at this time, but more importantly, he has a strong influence on the shadow gathering place. His control! At this time, his figure had directly increased to 20 meters, and the muscles all over his body expanded and expanded as if they were inflated. The massive black shadow fluid turned into a dark cloak and draped over his body, and there was a surge of water under his feet. Moving the huge pool of shadows.

The legendary image of the great devil is nothing more than this

"Phew... 700 shadows…………So what if there is no overlord color! I will use the powerful power of this 'Army of the Dead' to fight for the throne of the Pirate King again! how? Zipper boy, can you beat me? Defeat me, the 'Shichibukai', the greatest zombie king in history.’?"Moonlight Moria's eyes were bloodshot, veins appeared all over her body, and her expression looked extremely crazy. He looked at the stubborn and short thin figure opposite him, and for some reason he suddenly thought of himself who challenged Kaido but failed miserably.

Even though his chin was beaten to pieces by Kaido, even if all his subordinates were massacred, even if the domineering color and domineering color disappeared forever, even if the armed color and the knowledge color began to decline uncontrollably, he never gave up on that dream from the beginning to the end..

The throne of the Pirate King is mine!

Aeron finally stood up. The huge rock beneath his feet had turned into a metal warehouse storing a large number of zippers. A trickle of zippers is constantly flowing on the surface of this metal warehouse, and a huge number of zippers are stored inside for Aeron's use.

He carried the famous sword 'Lei Yuzuo' on his shoulders, with unparalleled determination in his exhaustion:"Of course...I said I can, I can"

"Because, I am Philia Aeron, and I will become the BIG BOSS who will rule the world in the future! You're just a 'King of Zombies', don't block my way!"

The countdown to the destruction of Luo Zhong Island has entered.

And the final battle on the ruins of Luo Zhong Village has begun!

Perona maintained the flying form of 'the dead are good at dancing', struggling to pull Wu Hongji to fly slowly in the sky

"Pepe, can you fly faster? I am very worried about Aeron."Wu Hongji was held by Perona and hung in the air by her hands. Her posture was not very elegant.

When Perona was flying east to look for Wu Hongji, she found that the female swordsman was having a hard time walking on the shaking and bumpy ground. Out of kindness, she Perona decided to give her a hand and fly together in the relatively safe sky.

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