Windrew directly filtered out little Jack's nonsense and looked at the list photos. Suddenly his eyes widened and his whole body leaned forward suddenly.

Little Jack, who was gushing incessantly, was startled, and he chuckled in a low voice:"Old man, if you don't like what I say, then I won't say anything. Who made me, Little Jack, so smart, cute, and considerate?"…………"

"Go and bring this person here immediately. Remember, your attitude must be normal and no unnecessary nonsense is allowed."Wendrew seriously laid out one of the lists on the table, pointed to a photo and said to little Jack.

30 minutes later,

Wendrew's office was knocked again. Wendrew, who had already adjusted his condition, cleared. Clearing his throat, he said warmly:"Please come in."


The door was pushed open, and a young black-haired woman stood in front of the door with a calm expression.

Windrew smiled and spread his left hand forward:"Please sit down, Miss Robin."

"In other words, our Miss Robin has always been lurking among the Suleiman Family?"

Ellen took out a bottle of whiskey with just over half a bottle left from the wine cabinet, leaned over and poured a small glass for Windru himself:

"It's so dark under the lamp. I almost thought she had left Xihai... Everyone says you are a wine tasting master, please."

Wendrew stood up and bowed slightly to express his gratitude. After taking a sip, his eyes lit up:"Johnnie Walker produced on Wave Island, good wine! He put the wine glass gently on the table and said:"I have given Miss Robin the note as you ordered before, and told her that you will be returning soon." She said she would stay at the headquarters temporarily and wait for your summons at any time.

Aeron said gently:"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Windrew." Please also inform our Miss Robin and say that I am waiting for her in this large conference hall."

"Yes, boss."

The old man drank down the remaining whiskey in the glass, picked up the hand-knitted coat and bowler hat on the hanger, bowed slightly to Elen again, and then quietly left the room. After

Elen put away the drinking utensils He leaned back on the high-back chair and closed his eyes to relax. After a while, there were two knocks on the door:"Boss, the person you made an appointment with has arrived."

"Ask her to come in."

Iron opened his eyes when he felt someone walking into the room, and then showed a smile.

What appeared in front of him was a tall woman who looked about 20 years old. Her long black hair was simply tied behind her head. The black hip-hugging leather skirt and leather high boots highlighted her perfect figure, which was convex and curvy. There was a little makeup on her face full of intellectual beauty. At this moment, she was holding a note in her hand, and her expression was a little uneasy.

"First time meeting, boss, my name is……"

"Ah, no need to rush to introduce yourself, my dear lady. Please sit down and have some tea?"Ellen stretched out his hand to indicate to the woman in front of him that she could sit down wherever she pleased.

"Ah, no...tea is not necessary, thank you."The black-haired woman calmed down a little and found a seat not far from Ellen but not too close.

"Nicole Robin, can I call you Miss Robin? very good. After seeing Robin nod in agreement, Aeron smiled and said,"Look, our start is perfect, right?"

He picked up an old wanted poster from the table and pushed it in Robin's direction:"To be honest, I didn't expect Suleiman Shah, the Gun-Tailed Snake, to have the courage to kill you like this." A wanted criminal with a bounty of 79 million berries is under his command."

The photo on the wanted poster is of a little girl with black hair, and underneath it is written clearly,"'Son of the Devil' Nicole Robin, with a bounty of 79 million Berry, life or death.""

Robin's face turned a little pale, and Aeron continued to say leisurely:"Even if the 'Suleiman Family' is not annexed by the 'Coral', it will not be long before it is destroyed by the navy that comes after hearing the news. Haha, the 'Guntail Snake' was obsessed with sex, but he didn't realize that he was already in trouble."

"‘After the Guntail Snake was defeated by me, the remains of the Suleiman Family were also fully taken over by the Coral. You realize that this is an excellent opportunity, because Suleiman wants to occupy you and has not mentioned your identity and bounty to others. Once he is dead, you can take the opportunity to lurk in the 'Coral' as an ordinary gang member. Among them, even if you are discovered, you can use your beautiful appearance and outstanding strength to convince me to accept you, until 'Coral' is completely destroyed by the navy that is hunting you.

Robin couldn't help but said:"I, I never thought of taking advantage of you."……"

Aeron shook his finger:"You were attracted by the content written on the note that Mr. Windrew gave you, and you found out that I brought a strange and beautiful woman with me when I came back from this trip, so you thought that because of your outstanding appearance, You can convince me, who is lustful. But I need to remind you that my dressing sense is good but my makeup skills need to be improved."

Elen spread his hands and said gently:"These words are a bit direct and rude, but I think there is a need between you and me. It was a simple and lively exchange, and I hope you don’t mind, Miss Robin."

Robin’s eyes turned red and he bit his lip, trying not to lose his composure:"I didn’t use my beauty to seduce Mr. Suleiman! He was in urgent need of someone at that time. I am a handler of underground intelligence, and I am just suitable for this job! I have no intention of using 'Coral' or your boss as a shield for me. The reason why I came here is just to ask my boss why you want to leave This is my note!"

Her emotions were a little out of control. After all, she was only 20 years old at this time, in the prime of her youth, and did not have the maturity and stability of the 28-year-old in the comics.

There was a name written on the note thrown on the table - Olvia

"You specifically wrote that know who she is, right?"Robin's voice was trembling.

"Nicole Olvia, the beautiful silver-haired explorer."Ellen's eyes were a little wandering, as if he was recalling long-lasting memories:"I was only 4 years old that year. When the expedition team she was in passed by my hometown of Keli Village, they took a break for a few days to replenish supplies. During this period, this knowledgeable lady also taught me some lessons. I learned a lot of words. To be honest, I am very grateful to her for treating me, the son of a poor fisherman, as an equal."

Ellen looked at the stunned Robin with soft eyes and said,"She mentioned that she had a daughter named Nicole Robin. You must have been 7 years old at the time."

"Later I learned that several years had passed since O'Hara Island was wiped out."Ellen shook his head and sighed softly:"And your name appears on the wanted poster. So, Olvia also died in that disaster, right?"

Robin didn't know what else to say for a moment. She had been hiding in Tibet for 12 years just looking for a place to stay. At this time, she suddenly learned that the largest gang leader in the West Sea was her mother's old friend.

Ellen said gently Said:"Don't worry, Robin. Your mother told me that the things you O'Hara studied were by no means bad or forbidden. History should be known to the world!"

Robin couldn't hold back his tears anymore and threw himself into Aeron's arms and cried bitterly.

Is this really the case?

Most of it is true. When Aeron was 4 years old, Olvia led an archaeological expedition. The team did stay at Corrie Island for a few days. During this period, Olvia had a good impression of this beautiful boy who was taciturn but serious and studious. She specially taught him many uncommon words and left a few books for him before leaving.. But how could she reveal the forbidden knowledge O'Hara studied to a strange boy she had only met for a few days?

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