Later, when Ellen was 7 years old, she woke up from a dream and also learned about Olvia's origins. It's a pity that two years have passed since O'Hara was destroyed on the island, and he doesn't have the extra strength to go to sea to find Robin.

Later, Aeron was able to go to sea, but he could no longer find out the whereabouts of Robin. It wasn't until he became the leader of 'Coral' that he was able to use the organization's intelligence power to find Robin, but he didn't expect that she was hidden in the territory ruled by the 'Suleiman Family'.

It's not just because of Olvia that Aeron works so hard to find Robin. His ambition is to aspire to the top of the world, but the interpretation of historical texts is a big problem. His special knowledge, domineering 'Apocalypse' can only display items. Abilities act instead of translating words.

Either get gol·D·Roger's power to listen to all things, or find a translator!

Looking down at the intellectual beauty who was crying in her arms, Ellen was determined - the last piece of the puzzle was in hand, and the goal of the second stage was completed.

After completing the third stage goal, I can clear the West Sea and head to the Grand Route!

When she saw Ellen walking into the hall, followed by a beautiful woman with red eyes from crying, Perona squirted out all the juice in her mouth.

What's going on! ? Where did this tall, curvy woman come from?

Perona felt very tired. In the past, the standards of those crazy bees and butterflies were so poor that she didn't even take those little fangirls seriously. But since Mai Benihime joined the team, her sense of crisis has greatly increased. The peach-eyed Wano woman is particularly good at acting, and she always pretends to blush shyly in front of her brother. I gritted my teeth and spent my pocket money to buy a lot of clothes and delicious food, and finally established a good relationship with Wu Hongji. Why did a woman with an explosive figure appear just after returning to Alghero town?

Not to mention Perona who was freaking out on the sidelines, Krasner and Capone Becky, who were sitting at the round table in the hall playing poker, were also stunned by Robin's beauty. The two of them looked at each other, and for a long time they could only shake their heads and sigh at the same time:"Another one... As expected of the BOSS/boss."

Elun clenched his left hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, coughed twice, and then said:"This is Nicole Robin will be the new intelligence officer of 'Coral' from now on."

After introducing Robin to everyone present, Aeron began to arrange the important affairs of the gang and assign everyone their respective tasks.

In this way, with the efforts of Aeron and many cadres, 'Coral' began to develop rapidly using the huge wealth obtained from the Kingdom of Flowers, and changed the bad style of the previous Pippin era, defeating several invasions of surrounding islands and villages. In the pirate group, people are becoming more and more accepting of 'coral', and some people began to secretly call Aeron the"protector of weak civilians". half a month later

‘There is a spacious closed training ground underground at Coral's headquarters, where a shirtless Aeron is practicing alone.

He felt that there was still more room for growth in his knowledge and domineering skills. In the early days of the"Cake Island Arc" in the manga, Luffy's power of knowledge was at an ordinary level, but after a fierce battle with Katakuri, the"leader of the three generals", his power of knowledge actually reached the top level of"foreseeing the future"..

Aeron never believed in the fatalism of blood. There's no reason why he can't do what Luffy can do! But what he needs is a strong opponent, an enemy who can bring him an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Only when the pressure reaches its peak will unparalleled strength be tempered under heavy pressure!

What he needs to do most right now is to practice his armed color Haki and develop devil fruits. The notebook that Cai Yi gave him that recorded the training methods of armed domineering had long been burned by Yi Lun. The contents in it were familiar to him and required hard training.

As usual, Aeron was immersed in the movement of power throughout his body. Gradually, strange power emerged from within his body.

Especially noticeable are his hands. The skin of the hands first turned orange-red from the inside out, like metal heating and then turned black as if it was cooling, and the surface shone with a metallic luster.

Breathtaking talent! In less than a month, Aeron had initially mastered the principles of armed color domineering. It's no wonder that Aeron's fighting talent is so rare in the world that even Chief Instructor Black-Wand Zefa, who has taught several general candidates, instantly fell in love with talents after hearing the description of Navy Colonel Crone.

But they still greatly underestimated Aeron's talent. The black metallic luster of Aeron's hands slowly spread to his whole body, and his bare upper body became like a finely cast black iron block.

Then, the black slowly turned back to flesh color. Aeron closed his eyes, feeling the domineering and domineering state of his body just now. Then he stretched out his fingers, and the tops of his fingers turned into metal zippers that seemed to be coated with black dye.

Armed color domineering and extended entanglement.

Aeron felt that the progress of his armed color training was now at an all-time high, and he no longer had the awkward feeling at the beginning. As expected, everything is still difficult at the beginning. Aeron nodded with satisfaction.

He has already told Perona and Wu Hongji about the Armed Color Haki cultivation method that he has personally experienced and improved. How far they can exercise depends on their own understanding ability. In fact, for them, seeing, hearing, sex and domineering are more important. It's a pity that I was born with the domineering power of knowledge and color, and I really don't know how to enlighten my knowledge and color.

Dulu... Dulu... Dulu...

The phone bug placed on the ground suddenly woke up and started beeping.

Ellen grabbed the towel on the side and wiped her sweat, then answered the call:"Mr. Becky?" The caller's appearance turned into a fat face with sinister eyes and stubble:"……BOSS, they are here, the location is Luozhong Village"

"Very good, call Wu Hongji and Perona, I will come right away."

Iron was silent for a while after putting down the phone, then slowly put on his shirt and left the training ground. At the Sound Pier in Alghero Town, Ellen stood in front of the small caravel sailing ship 'Cheese Pizza' and talked with Ka Pen Beki talking

"The BOSS has been confirmed. It is the vanguard of the 'Zombie King'. It should have landed in Luozhong Village by now."

"What about the villagers in Luozhong Village?"

"According to your instructions, let Little Jack and Tarrou assist them all in evacuating to Katsuri Town in advance."

"I want to operate in secret this time, so I will only take Perona and Wu Hongji with me, and leave the town of Alghero to you."

"Please rest assured, BOSS. If anyone dares to attack, I will kill them directly!"

Ellen nodded with a smile and patted Capone Becky on the shoulder:"As expected of Mr. Becky, this is really reassuring. Then I'll set off."

After saying that, Ellen turned around and walked onto the sampan. Behind him was Capone Beki, who held his hands on his chest and bowed deeply.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts, BOSS."

Looking at the sailing ship fading away, Capone Becky took out a cigar box from his coat pocket. This cigar box was given to him by Ellen during that prison visit. After opening it, there was still a cigar box made by Wiffle. The top cigar of the island.

Capone Becky put the cigar under his nose, took two deep breaths intoxicatedly, then lit the match and slowly burned the cigar body.

At this time, he heard only himself from the right side of his forehead. Audible voice:"Boss, the time has finally come!"

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