Not to mention Wu Hongji, who was hugging"Hong Siam" and laughing so hard that her face turned red. Krasner shook his head first, picked up the civilized staff in his hand and said:"I'll forget it, boss. My swordsmanship is nothing like this. A sword in a stick is better suited."

Capone Becky puffed out a puff of smoke and grinned:"I don't know how to swordsmanship, so it's useless to hold this thing."

Perona smiled and shrugged her shoulders, she was a fruit A capable person who doesn't play with swords and guns.

Mim had no say at all, and Aeron was afraid that he would cut himself when he took the knife.

"Then the 'Wind Pearl' will be stored with me first."Iron stood up, put the 'Lei Yu Zuo' and the 'Wind Pearl' into the zipper space in the palm of his hand, and said loudly:"Go at full speed and return to the town of Alghero!"

"Let's go home!"

At the Sound Pier in the town of Alghero, the merchant ship 'Croissant' docked slowly.

There were some traces of gunfire on the ship. This is not surprising. Since the pirate king Goldo Roger shouted out before his execution in 1500 A.D. With those words that changed the times, the era of great pirates began.

Countless pirates rushed to the sea just to compete for the legendary One Piece that represents endless wealth. Of course, there are also the traditional pirates who like to rob homes and homes.

From Hua When returning from the country, Aeron and his party encountered at least 4 pirate raids. One of the pirate groups was very smart. They recognized the 'Coral' flag before attacking. Then they contacted the recent newspaper reports. How could they dare to attack? Robbery before? They didn't even dare to say anything about the situation, so they sped up and fled.

The other three pirate groups were not so lucky. Not only were all the pirate ships sunk, but the surviving pirates all took the gangplank and fed the sharks. In this regard Capone Becky was particularly knowledgeable, so Aeron let him and Krasner handle it.

However, these pirate groups were all very unscrupulous, and none of the captains offered a bounty of more than 10 million. During the battle Aeron asked Perona to directly bomb the problem from a distance, and by the way, he discovered that Mim was actually very talented as a gunner, which was an unexpected surprise.

On the Xiangyin Pier, there was a large group of gangsters in black standing in the dark, standing straight in two lines. , waiting for the ship to dock completely.

The first person to get off was Aeron, who had his half-length blond hair hanging down casually. He was dressed in a black exquisite suit. Originally, Perona wanted to put a black velvet cloak on him, but he refused because the weather was too hot.. Then came

Perona, who was wearing a black pleated short skirt and red and black striped knee-high socks. She held up a small sunshade umbrella and followed closely behind Ellen.

Then came Capone, who was wearing a striped suit. ·Becky, Krasner in a black coat and holding a civilized stick, and Mim in a shirt and overalls.

The last one to come out was the red girl, wearing a red dress that Perona bought in the Land of Flowers, carrying The famous sword 'Red Siam' was a bit awkward.

All the gang members present put their hands on their chests and bowed deeply, shouting loudly:"Welcome back! Father!"

Ellen smiled and waved his hand, and said gently:"You have worked hard during my absence. Go back to the headquarters.

Not far away, a middle-aged man with deep forehead lines and a floral shirt frowned and looked at Ellen and his party on the pier, and asked in a low voice:"Who is that woman in the red skirt?""

The plainclothes sailor on the side checked the information carefully and said:"There is no specific information, I only know that she is the trigger of the war between 'Vicious Chain' and 'Cinder Eyebrow'."

"Evil chain?"Middle-aged Navy Captain Crohn turned to look at the plainclothes sailors.

"It was the nickname given to him by the branch. After all, this guy was too cruel in his attacks. That 'charcoal eyebrow' was covered in blood.…………"

"Okay, okay, I get it. Crohn waved his hand to signal the sailor to shut up. After seeing the photos of the body of 'Cinder Brow', he wondered if this Philia Yron had some psychological shadow or tragic past in childhood. Otherwise, how could he be like this? Psychopath."Young man, you are full of blood, it is understandable. Crohn looked at the red-skirted beauty with a blushing face and nodded:"If this girl looks like this, no matter where she is, a group of young men will break her head and fight to the death. Philia is a 17-year-old boy after all, haha"

"So should we continue to monitor him, Colonel Crohn?"

"What are you monitoring? As usual, just guard the entrance to Upside Down Mountain. Crohn dug into his pocket:"Have you brought any money?""

"ah? Take it, take it, there are 20,000 berries."Hai Bing took out his wallet in confusion.

"20,000 berries? That's enough, let's go and buy grilled cheese bagels from Simon's Cheese Ring. Crohn nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left with the sailors.

Ellen, who was surrounded by the gang, glanced in the direction Crohn left and showed a smile. The

Coral Headquarters in Alghero Town, Large conference hall on the 3rd floor.

A white-haired old man in a smart suit is holding a stack of documents and reporting one by one to the returning Elen.

"…………The above is the general situation of the gang in the past month. The specific details are recorded in these documents. Please review them in person later."The old man respectfully handed the document to Aeron with both hands.

Aeron took the document and put it aside. He smiled gently and said,"Mr. Windrew, you have been troubled these days. But I have one more thing, the person I asked you to pay attention to before I left last time……"

Wen Drew's face became more serious:"Boss, the person you asked me to find... I really found it."

Elen perked up and sat up straight:"Please sit down, Mr. Wen Drew, the specific situation is still there." Please explain it in detail."

Windrew did not refuse. He sat on a chair on the side of the round table. After sorting out his thoughts for a while, he said,"That's it. After you set out last time, I started collecting according to your instructions. I had no clue about the possible existence of that person, but on the fourth day…………"


Set the time back to 21 days ago.

It's the fourth day when Aeron and his party set out for the Kingdom of Flowers.

The town of Alghero.

Wen Drew, a white-haired old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, sat in his office, looking at a pile of scattered documents on the table in front of him, with a sad expression on his face.

The new boss Aeron is undoubtedly much better than the previous Talma Pippin. He is gentle, polite, strong and very intelligent. He is really the most suitable leader. Because of this, Wendrew didn't want the first task assigned to him by his boss to hang at the starting point.

There was a knock on the door, and after receiving permission, a tall man with short blue hair pushed the door open and came in:"Mr. Windrew, the restoration work in the town center is about to enter the final stage."

"Got it, Mr. Tarrou. Windrew took off his gold-rimmed glasses and rubbed his eyebrows:"Where is little Jack?" Before the blue-haired strong man Tarrou could speak, a red-haired young man squeezed in from behind him and shouted energetically:"Old man, are you looking for me?""

"……Be careful, I haven't made any progress after following Mr. Tarrou for so long."Wendrew felt that a few more of his white hairs were about to fall out:"Have all the gang members left by the 'Suleiman Family' in Katsuli Town been brought back?"

"oh oh! Brought it back, here is the list and photos. Little Jack handed over the list nonchalantly:"There were a few disobedient ones who were kicked by me, Little Jack!" Click! That's it……"

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