God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 901: Mind mapping matrix

Everyone in Chang'an just felt the cold wind whizzing behind them.

Jiang Chen continued to explore.

At this moment, Jiang Chen only felt his arm tingling.

The location of the Titan curse was burning again.

Flame energy poured into the wall.



There was a huge mechanical interlocking sound.

The entire circular cave suddenly flashed golden light!

It is as if the sensor light is on.

Shangguan Kitty turned his head and found that there was a blue light structure on the ceiling of the wall!

"Look! There is a projection here!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen looked up.

I saw the light quickly construct a magnificent mountain and river pattern.

Jiang Chen once again marveled at the power of the Titans.

Virtual imaging is still restarted today after countless years.

Jiang Chen looked at the projection carefully.

The blue light turned into countless cursors.

"This fantastic circle looks like a computer!"

Jiang Chen urged the Titan Curse Seal.

Trying to connect with the ruins again through the curse seal.


call out!

The blue virtual projection slowly fell.

The icons are slowly arranged around Jiang Chen.

Li Xiaofu tried to touch, but couldn't touch anything.

"Brother Chen, you said this is like a computer, so how about we download a League of Legends to play?"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"How can I understand Titan's totem circle!"

"If you accidentally press the self-destruct button, then our brothers will all be done!"

Jiang Chen didn't dare to operate rashly, so he could only flip left and right at will.

He found an icon that looked like a folder and looked harmless to humans and animals.

Ding, Jiang Chen operates an ancient computer, click on the picture

Afterwards, everyone saw a set of pictures.

Over and over again, Jiang Chen discovered that the picture seemed to be some kind of medical record.

The virtual human figure stands in large characters.

Some words that everyone can't understand are marked in the heart of the phantom.

This kind of picture is common in hospitals and generally indicates surgical conditions.

Looking at this building again, no one can see the hospital.

Jiang Chen's eyes rolled.

"This may be a laboratory!"

"An ancient civilization laboratory that has buried countless years."

"Moreover, since my curse seal can control this, it means that this laboratory is related to the Titan inheritance curse seal!"

Jiang Chen's voice just fell, only to hear a click.


Energy is constantly vibrating and radiating.

The curse mark on Jiang Chen's hand is brighter!

Everyone looked in the direction from which the energy came, and it was the sculpture in the center of the laboratory!

In the center of the circle, electric current surged wildly.

The ring of pure gold on the mysterious sculpture began to rotate continuously.

The golden light in the middle was driven by the ring, forming a huge vortex!

But unlike the ordinary vortex, the majestic power of the Titan is constantly erupting in this golden vortex!

Behind Jiang Chen, on his right arm and left leg, the curse imprints were constantly squirming and expanding crazily by the golden vortex.

The dark Titan flame is burning, and instantly connects with the golden vortex!

Jiang Chen suddenly felt endless energy pouring into his body!

But it was suddenly blocked.

Under everyone's eyes, a tentacle-like energy stretched out from the rotating sculpture.

The tentacles slowly twisted and squirmed, forming a figure.

When the golden color receded, everyone discovered in horror that the phantom was actually Jiang Chen's appearance!

There is also an exaggerated blood bar on his head!

The violent elemental power is revived, and the entire laboratory is violently shaking!

The metal iron plate sloshed down, the cable tore, and the current spread everywhere.

I saw that Jiang Chen phantom with blood bars came straight to Jiang Chen, driving the elements!

At this moment, Jiang Chen could suddenly understand the surrounding icons and text!

"Mind Mapping Matrix" is written on the huge circle.

This thing is not a sculpture, but a tyrannical ancient weapon that can trigger a mental storm!

The vortex did not give Jiang Chen strength, but a spiritual link with Jiang Chen, so that he could obtain Jiang Chen's information.

I saw two slender figures formed between the power of the elements.

His wings shook slightly behind him, and they turned out to be two Ah Leng!

Later, Xiao Hei, Xiao Dong, Dai Jin, Xiao Kun Kun, and even Zi Li were all copied one by one!

The appearance and coercion are no different from the real Yuju!

But Jiang Chen knew that this was just an illusion caused by the mind mapping matrix!

Jiang Chen smiled evilly.

It seems that this is the challenge before the succession spell!


A virtual Titan text appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen could understand these words completely through the heart connection.

"Games start!"

Jiang Chen clicked to confirm, and the terrifying power of Titan burst out from his arm!

boom! !

Two Jiang Chen punched!

The huge explosion brought terrifying recoil.

The two figures flew upside down instantly.

When Jiang Chen was facing a powerful enemy.

Everyone in Chang'an is indeed dumbfounded.

"Brother Chen? Why are you stunned by Brother Chen?"

Li Xiaofu waved his chubby hand in front of Jiang Chen.

"I rub! Brother Chen is asleep!"

Tang Shishi ran over to take a look.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes tightly, absorbing the golden light energy frantically.

It turned out that the moment Jiang Chen was connected to the mental mapping matrix, he was already caught in a mental trial.

Tang Shishi did not know this.

She carefully observed Jiang Chen's body again, without a clue.

"It may be a state of enlightenment, just like a kitten!"

Wang Sicong immediately proposed.

"Since Brother Chen is enlightening, we must take care of him!"

After speaking, Wang Sicong raised the Frost Scepter in his hand.

At this moment, the power of the elements surged out of the whirlpool!

For a while, the indoor air pressure skyrocketed.

The ancient laboratory actually began to collapse.

Wang Sicong immediately summoned four icicles!


Icicles will hold the ceiling firmly!

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief.

Roar! !

Suddenly, a roar came from the gate!

Forty men in black flew in and shot one hundred and sixty cold darts!

Shangguan kitten yelled softly!

"Who is attacking!"

She stretched her hands, and the murderous blade swept wildly!

Clang clang!

The blade meets the dart and it cancels out instantly!

Tang Shishi suddenly discovered that forty lizard hunters behind the man in black were holding two scimitars, and the blades suddenly appeared cold!

Forty people in black squeezed out more than a dozen magic seals, and the silver-white space magic circle suddenly appeared beside the people of Tang poetry!

call out!

Forty lizard hunters suddenly appeared!

Ye Lanyi suddenly violent coercion!

The storm domain suddenly opened!

A strong cyan hurricane swept the laboratory!

Huh! !

Forty killer Yu Beasts were immediately bounced away!

But forty men in black struck again!

Dive close, the short knife in his hand stabs Jiang Chen suddenly!

At the moment of crisis, Li Xiaofu waved his hand.

The giant bear, Adumb, has a huge figure, and immediately opened the situation!

A group of black-clothed assassins backed away again and again, and they weren't squeezed to death by a stupid!

The overlord Xiong with crystalized armor roars up to the sky!


The crystal glow on the chest is surging!


A crystalline shell blasted out and went straight to the killer group!

boom! !

The iron plate shattered and the cables flew across.

The laboratory kept shaking, and everyone heard the sound of running water!

This relaxation took no more than two seconds.

The endless blade strikes again!

Eighty elite killers battle five people!

Tang Shishi and others immediately fell into a bitter battle!

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