God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 902: The door is welded!

The crowd fought defensively around Jiang Chen.

Tang poetry has a better understanding of Yue family's routines.

The killers of the moon family usually use the power of space to assassinate the fighting beasts to create chaotic battlefields.

Masters can even turn the tide of battle with one blow!

Everyone in Chang'an is miserable.

Jiang Chen is not easy at this time!

"Punch to the left, attach to the right, cushion your waist, and stab your abdomen!"

In the mental matrix, Jiang Chen frowned, and big beads of sweat dripped from the bridge of his nose!

It can be seen that this trial is for Jiang Chen, Alexander.

To be precise, Jiang Chen has been in the matrix for two years.

He doesn't know the situation of the outside world, and he doesn't know whether these two years are real time.

All he can do is to repeatedly attack and be attacked.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen tried to use his Royal Beast to forcibly resolve the battle.

But almost immediately, his imitations will become as strong as him!

Synchronized action, synchronized power!

Jiang Chen is shaking with himself, it is almost impossible to win!

In desperation, Jiang Chen gave up using Yu Beast.

After the baby beasts stopped their actions, the imitation beasts formed by the power of the elements also stopped immediately.

In the matrix, there are only two Jiang Chen blasting each other.

This battle is two years.

In the past two years, Jiang Chen has used almost every trick.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a prolonged attack, it is all useless!

Imitations not only possess Jiang Chen's power, but also Jiang Chen's skills and wisdom!

But now, Jiang Chen finally found a way to crack it.

Now, Jiang Chen threw out the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine in his hand.

The body is flexible to avoid the attacks of imitations.

"Just remember all the steps of the attack, avoid the past, and finally, at a critical moment, suddenly change!"

"The advantage is like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger!"

"The opportunity is here!"

In order to stop Jiang Chen's Purple Emperor Immortal Vine, the imitation also took out the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine that had been transformed by the power of the elements.

When it does this action, huge movement flaws inevitably appear!

Jiang Chen, who had seized the opportunity, suddenly jumped out, and Long Hua made a feint attack!

The Zidi Immortal Vine suddenly waved the thorns, and penetrated the imitation Jiang Chen with golden light before the imitation product recovered!


Imitated Jiang Chen's body shape collapsed!

Suddenly, the power of the elements in the entire space disappeared.

A fragment of memory slowly appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes, and a memory record was playing.

"The successor should have part of the Titan's supernatural power, at least able to predict the battle and lead the battlefield!"

"If he can't do the most basic things, then he will not be eligible to inherit the Titan inheritance."

"Even if it is passed down, it will still be destroyed in the end!"

Zi Zi Zi!

The memory fragments began to melt.

"This is the most critical link in the inheritance."

"My people and I have set up very strict protective measures and screening conditions to ensure that the inheritance can proceed smoothly!"

Zi Zi Zi!

Another burst of interference.

"Accept the power of the Titan Heart! Open your mind!"

Speaking of which, the memory fragments suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded.

It seems that the technology of the Titans has not yet reached the point of permanent preservation.

Even the memory fragments are shattered halfway through!

Just when Jiang Chen couldn't help but vomit, the sound of metal clanging suddenly came from his ears.

Around Jiang Chen, countless spatial arrays jumped around.

call out!

A machete suddenly swung down!

Zheng! !

The cold light burst, and the scimitar was approaching Jiang Chen!

But in Jiang Chen's eyes, this scimitar picture was another scene.

I saw a light flashing from Jiang Chen's eyes.

In an instant, all the flaws in the action of the lizard assassin were transmitted to Jiang Chen's brain!

"The wrist is not exerting force! The master's spatial array is slow for a second!"

"Shishi can come to rescue me, block the escape route, this lizard assassin must die!"

With a sudden change in his mind, Jiang Chen suddenly turned his hands into claws!

Use an extremely powerful force in your heart!


With one claw down, the wrist of the lizard assassin was crushed by Jiang Chen!

Tang Shishi arrived at once, raised the flame spear and blasted towards the lizard assassin!

At the feet of the lizard assassin, a silver light flashed, and the lizard assassin was preparing to escape.

Jiang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth.

After two years of crazy training in the mind matrix, the enemy's every move will be predicted by him!

A terrifying black flame spouted from Jiang Chen's chest.

The Titan curse was twisted and twisted.

In an instant, an unmatched powerful force burst out from Jiang Chen's mortal body.

The title of Humanoid Royal Beast is not counted by Jiang Chen at this time!

Jiang Chen's hands quickly fisted, and his arms disappeared into phantoms.

The lizard assassin couldn't hide, and was instantly hit by the fist curtain.

Yu Beast's strong body suddenly seemed to be blocked by Gatling's gun, and it was constantly swayed by the huge force.

Jiang Chen's hand turned into a burst of bullets at this time, blood flying everywhere he went.

A lizard assassin was beaten to pieces!

The comfortable laughter burst out of his mouth uncontrollably.


Jiang Chen exudes a black flame.

The huge Titan phantom burst out loudly, floating high.

The extremely tyrannical coercion exploded.

I saw the corpse of the lizard assassin who was shattered into rotten flesh was teleported back to the owner from the teleportation circle.

For a while, the Yue Family Assassin was shocked.

Jiang Chen looked around for a week, and he knew the state of the enemy on the battlefield at a glance!

The more he urges the Titan curse in the middle of his chest, the clearer the enemy's actions!

This time the Titan Curse was passed down, and the moment Jiang Chen passed the trial, he was fully integrated with Jiang Chen.

In addition to the curse seal making the Titan more powerful, the curse seal of the Heart of Titan also brought Jiang Chen a talented magical skill of the Titans.


With the Titan curse in his heart, Jiang Chen can predict the enemy's every move!

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yue Family’s spatial teleportation routines at this moment will no longer be difficult for Jiang Chen!


In Jiang Chen's laughter, the Titan phantom skyrocketed again.

Jiang Chen's figure instantly turned into a phantom.

A lizard assassin was about to sneak into the space circle to avoid Jiang Chen's attack.

The moment its arm entered the space circle, time slowed down!

The power of the flaming Titan hits at an astonishing speed.

The huge Titan Fist was swung down!

Boom! !


The body of the lizard assassin was shattered as flesh and blood flew!

All Yuejias were shocked at this moment!

"Jiang Chen! That is Jiang Chen?"

"Why can he fight the monster beast!"

"What is the phantom behind him? The pressure is so powerful!"

While several people were talking, Jiang Chen's figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Heh! You won't know anymore!"


The mighty power of the Titan blasted on the two-month killer.

The two men in black were blasted into pieces! Instantly turned into a black smoke!

After turning around, Jiang Chen forcibly dragged out the two assassins flying out of the space circle!

The huge Titan phantom suddenly fell down!


The metal is twisted!

The two lizards were immediately hammered into the ground!

Jiang Chen turned around and saw all the killers' movements in his eyes.

The sharp eyes shocked all the killers.

I saw an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with contempt.

"Come on! I'll pick you eighty!"

With a big wave, the technology gate of the Titans behind it slowly began to close!

"The door has been welded to death, and none of you will want to get off today!"

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