God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 900: Titan Ruins

"A mirage, the genus of the scorpion, is also as big as a snake, with horns like a dragon, a red hyena, and the scales from the waist down, eating swallows."

"Able to breathe into the shape of a tower and city, see the rain, a mirage, and a sea market."

Jiang Chen had already kept Yu Beast's information in his heart.

Li Xiaofu's eyes crooked.

"Brother Chen, what do you mean!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Meaning, there is a big oyster below us!"

Li Xiaofu instantly opened his eyes and mouth.


Seeing the saliva stayed.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, the meat is not tasty!"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen's brows were radiant.

An inverse scale imprint blooms with purple and gold light!

Ouch! !

The majestic dragon chant resounded through the sky!

The unique coercion of the dragon clan bursts out!

The Purple Scale Dragon King swayed up, soaring into the sky, the purple gold claws directly tore the surrounding mirage!

The phantom mirage of the same genus immediately lost its intent to fight.

The illusion broke instantly!

For a while, the sun dissipated and the sand turned into black soil.

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly appeared in the tropical rain forest covering the sky!

The huge blue-black stone formation stood in front of Jiang Chen.

Beneath the boulder, a moss-covered mussel rooted in the soil.

In the dark shell, two red tentacles sprayed out thick and diffuse mirages.

Jiang Chen looked at the deep-sea fantasy mirage, secretly surprised!

This big guy actually reached the overlord level!

No wonder everyone in Chang'an can be dragged into the illusion without a sound!

"That thing is a dragon clan, are you hungry, Zilin?"

Zilin heard it, and there was a cheerful voice in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I eat charcoal grilled!"

Jiang Chen compares his thumbs!

"As expected of the Dragon King! Have a taste!"

Jiang Chen took out a short wooden stick, Tang Shishi snapped his fingers and lit it.

call out!

Jiang Chen threw the short wooden stick in his hand into the jungle like a grenade.

Suddenly, the fire raged up.

Smoky, the smell of wood was released.

"It's a pity the trees here."

The endless trees were burned down, and Shangguan Kitty couldn't bear it.

But Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"I burned them for a reason!"

"It can not only make the surrounding monsters retreat, but also make the trailing ones invisible!"

Everyone instantly understood Jiang Chen's intentions.

Poor that deep sea mirage.

I don't know how many years it has grown in this ruin.

But Jiang Chen burned it sweet and delicious.

With a pinch of the Zilin dragon claw, under absolute control, the mirage burst!

The tender and delicious meat is eaten by a group of royal beasts.

Xiao Hei ate, Gulu spit out a pearl the size of a head from his mouth.

Li Xiaofu's eyes lit up!

At this time, the mirage of Da Bai and Slaughter Emperor Beast also ate pearls.

Jiang Chen chuckled.

"This is a good start!"

"Keep it as a dowry for Shishi, this thing is taken out to dazzle other people's krypton dog eyes!"

After speaking, everyone divided the pearls and entered the cave.

far away.


"This Jiang Chen really plays tricks and chokes me to death!"

It was the Yuejia assassin elite with a crescent face who spoke!

They were forced to jump into the sea by Jiang Chen's tricks of burning the jungle.

When he returned to the entrance of the ruins, Jiang Chen had already got in.

A kind of assassin looks at a grotto as huge as the face of a Titan.

Moss is all over, vines entangled.

The leader gritted his teeth.

"Brothers, for Fenghou! Chong!"

call out!

Forty figures rushed into the dark hole.

Jiang Chen, Li Xiaofu and others walked slowly in the excavated cave where five of them could not be seen.

The first section of the road is not easy to walk, it is full of mud and sand flowing in.

But the drier you go in.

Amazingly, Jiang Chen could actually feel the flow of air in the cave.

Everyone felt that the environment in this cave was no colder than ordinary caves.

On the contrary, it is very dry and warm.

Even the flowing wind carries heat.

"This hole is not right!"

Jiang Chen said.

Wang Sicong also said.

"Yes, there is no elemental power in this hole!"

While talking, a natural stone bridge stood quietly in front of everyone.

On the natural stone arch bridge, weird fluorescent flowers of various colors grow.

What's even stranger is that under the stone bridge, in the darkness, is the endless surging river!

There is still water in this cave on the beach!

And the water element is completely restricted!

Li Xiaofu couldn't help saying.

"This hole is so evil!"

But Jiang Chen looked at the end of the stone bridge with a dull expression.

In front of the bridge guide, there is a steady stream of erratic golden light sources.

"Brothers, we found it!"

Everyone looked excitedly in the direction pointed by Jiang Chen!

I saw the golden light diffused, like little stars scattered all over the ground.

Void and ethereal, but there is something close in sight.

Jiang Chen took the lead and walked the narrow natural bridge first.


There was a fragile voice, and Jiang Chen stopped his steps instantly.

"I rub it! So crisp!"

The rock has been aged for an unknown number of years, and it is not so much a bridge as a trap!

Jiang Chen simply summoned the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine.


Thousands of tentacles of Zidi Immortal Vine stretched out to the opposite side, and a sturdy bridge was completed in an instant!

Jiang Chen smiled and clapped his hands.

"Come on, relax now!"

Everyone set foot on the vine bridge.

After walking for three minutes, I finally came to the opposite platform.

On this platform, there is a huge open metal gate.

The opening of the door is as wide as one person, and the thickness is about two meters.

From the outside, it looked like a narrow mountain crack.

The structure of the gate alone knows that it is by no means a technology of this era.

And that ethereal golden light, just behind this cross-age gate, keeps circulating!

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the Titan curse in his heart was constantly shaking!

The inheritance curse seal was inspired by the golden light, and the Titan phantom could not restrain it condensed!

Jiang Chen squeezed into the gate immediately.

At this moment, the abnormal change emerged.


The huge metal gate actually started to tremble!

The sound of metal crashing and the friction of gears kept coming.

For a moment, golden light enveloped everyone.


The huge gate slowly opened.

laugh! !

In the huge air pressure leak, everyone in Changan saw a shocking scene!

Inside the gate, it looks like another world! !

Behind the door is a huge spherical space.

In the middle is a statue of pure gold.

The sculpture is a number of rings close together.

Inside the ring, there is a constant shining golden fluorescence, which is the source of the enchantment with the Jiang Chen Titan curse.

Outside the ring, there is a gear shape with concavities and convexities.

The passage of time has dimmed the light of gold.

On the ground, the metal floor was also tilted, and the thick cables were exposed.

Dilapidation and incompleteness are all over the ruins.

The only sign that can prove that this place belongs to the ancient Titans is the Titans written almost everywhere in the ruins!

Jiang Chen looked at everything in front of him, his heart was full of waves! !

Everyone in Changan entered the spherical chamber cautiously.

There are several long slits on the circular wall.

With his keen sense, Jiang Chen realized that the flowing wind came from here.

He probed with his hand and the hot wind was blowing!

"Fuck! There are fans here!"

Jiang Chen yelled

Everyone was shocked!

Remains of the Titans.

Among the remnants of ancient times, there are fans!

Moreover, this fan is still running after an unknown number of years!

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