God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 892: The Tang family competition begins!

The family banquet became an engagement banquet.

Tonight, Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi each have a new identity.

Tang Shishi truly became Jiang Chen's fiancée.

And Jiang Chen will always be the guardian of Tang poetry.

But because of the many sidelines, the expressions of anger could not hold back.

Therefore, they simply toasted the wine and then dispersed.

The scene seemed deserted.

But in fact, the people in Chang'an and all the direct descendants are happily.

As the most precious jewel in the hand of Tang poetry, Jiang Chen, as the leader of the brothers, naturally attracted attention on this important occasion.

Although the Tang family has strict management and serious militarization in its behavior, everyone relaxes on the happy event.

In the middle, Tangshan and Liu Yun retreated in time.

When the elders left, the young people began to cheer.

At this moment, Jiang Chen really drank with Tang Feng and stayed drunk.

The news that Jiang Chen was drunk was immediately learned by many collaborators.

These people, ignoring sleep and rest in the middle of the night, immediately gathered together and started a meeting.

"If Jiang Chen doesn't make preparations tonight, then tomorrow, we can directly raid!"

The traditionally conservative Tang and Song dynasties immediately changed their camps since their precious son was tattooed with the words Jiang Chen forgiving.

After he finished speaking, the elder next to him responded.

"Huh! Attacking him by surprise is the essentials of the military!"

"Tomorrow we will file a joint report and ask for a big match in advance!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the protagonists applauded!

It turned out that this group of people wanted to take advantage of Jiang Chen Tang Shishi's bad condition after being drunk, and directly start the competition!

Of course there is the most critical factor.

Because Tang Chuan was unwell, he couldn't participate in the war at all!

Therefore, only Tang Shishi and Jiang Chen can play in the direct line!

The collateral family members immediately felt that they were determined to win, and the meeting ended and went to sleep peacefully.

Just after dawn the next day, the sixty-four-divided family head came to General Qi's mansion!

Tangshan was still asleep, and he opened his eyes and was told that the collateral and elders were jointly named, and the time to inherit the big match was earlier!

When Tangshan came to the school grounds, it was discovered that the young talents of the collateral line had assembled!

And Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi just arrived at the arena!

Li Xiaofu cursed.

"You guys are sick, do you want to call me so early?"

"Is there no time for such a big event!"

Tang Feng said solemnly.

"Brother Xiaofu, this time the Big Competition is ahead of schedule with 64 joint names. I suspect they are deliberately launching a raid!"

Li Xiaofu patted his forehead.

"I wipe Nima! This bunch of old women!"

Jiang Chen snorted coldly.

Looking around, the three armies of Lingxiaoguan gathered.

There is a chill on the school field!

"Brother Tang Feng, those who stand in a row are sidelines?"

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the stands and asked Tang Fengdao.

Tang Feng nodded.

"Yes, any one of them is qualified to challenge you!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Challenge me? Dafeng brother, you still overestimate their courage!"

I saw Jiang Chen leading Tang Poems and came to Tangshan Liu Yun with a bow and incomparably calmly.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen akimbo.

"Look at my husband and beat you up!"

Tang Shishi blushed and hid behind Liu Yun.

Obviously she has not adapted to her new identity.

Jiang Chen jumped up.


With both feet on the ground, Jiang Chen proudly stands on the school ground!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The drums of war are thundering, and the conquest of the direct lineage is just the beginning.

I saw Jiang Chen standing like a warrior, his eyes sharp and sharp.

"Jiang Chen is here, who will fight!"

As soon as these words came out, an elder in charge hurried up and said to Jiang Chen.

"You are a direct line, and the direct line is a challenge! You are being challenged!"

Jiang Chen smiled embarrassedly.

"Which! Who will challenge me!"

The last word I kept echoing in the empty arena.

Seeing that, there are several figures in the audience ready to move.

Jiang Chen suddenly opened the Xuanming Chaos Realm!

The powerful ghost of Hades burst out!

The aura set off an explosive shock wave, and the sand was flying for a while!

Those eager young people immediately calmed down!

For a while, no one dared to look at Jiang Chen.

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth rose.

"Oh! Elder, what's the situation?"

The elders were also blinded.

Jiang Chen's prestige has reached the point where no one dares to challenge!

After a full two minutes, the presiding elder was relieved.

"Ahem! If no one challenges, then Jiang Chen will be judged to win!"

He urged, but the eyes of everyone in the audience were full of dodge, and there was still no one to fight.

In desperation, he had to announce.

"Jiang Chen won without a fight!"


There was a lot of discussion among the soldiers.

"No one in City Master Jiang dared to fight, this majesty is worthy of the generals back then!"

"Yes! I heard that when our generals were fighting back then, they also defeated the heroes, no one dared to challenge!"

As he was talking, I saw a beautiful figure flying on stage.

Tang Shishi joins the war!


Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi alternated with high-fiving on the stage.

Jiang Chen leaned into Tang Shishi's ear and said softly.

"Come on! Consort!"

Although Tang Shishi blushed, there was endless power in his heart.

Everything Jiang Chen paid for her is vivid!

Tang poetry is full of power!

"Tang poems are here, who dares to fight!"


The collateral in the audience began to restless.

Everyone started rushing to get on stage and battle Tang Shishi.

Because since childhood, Tang poetry is not only the jewel in the palm of the family, but also the dream lover of many young people!

To be able to show his strength in front of Tang poetry, all the collaterals are very desirable!

During the quarrel, a man in white stood out and floated up.

"Sister Shishi! Don't be safe!"

Tang Shishi took a closer look.

This person is the training head of the Lingxiaoguan Infantry Regiment, Tang Menqing.

The biggest characteristic of this man is that he thinks he is very hungry.

He fully demonstrated to everyone that it is not necessarily a prince who wears white clothes, but it may also be a waste product.

Everything on him is extremely sexy, and his expression is pompous and sensual.

"Hehehe, I have the honor to compete with Sister Shishi!"

"I have to say, I have always dreamed of sharing my family relationship with my younger sister, but I didn't expect to be preempted by the thief Jiang Chen!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fiery flame blew a hurricane on the field!

call out!

The shadow of Tang poetry drifts by.


A big mouth was drawn on Tang Menqing's face.

Suddenly, Tang Menqing vomited blood and his teeth flew!

"Smelly shameless, forcing Miss Ben to scold you!"

"**Wife with a husband! A shameful thing for the Tang family!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was applause from the audience!

"Good! Good fight!"

Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong shouted.

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded to Tang Shishi, applauding her for such behavior.

He also said with his lips, the point of starting!

On the stage, Tang Menqing was beaten up by Tang Shishi for several minutes.

His face swelled quickly, and his teeth leaked when he was talking.

"Don...&)! I make **** ¥*&!"

Tang Shishi is another mouth!


Then another one!


Jiang Chen scolded in the audience.

"Make you owe it! You look at your undue beating head!"

Tang Shishi's two faces were swollen like a pig's head on both sides of Tang Menqing's mouth!

Tang Menqing couldn't bear it anymore and immediately summoned his Royal Beast.

"Ruined my handsome face! Why am I going to kill you!"

For a time, violent winds surged, and endless coercion swept the three armies!

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