God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 893: Peacock King

The sky fell into darkness instantly!

The huge wingspan that obscured the sky and sun fell in full view.

The mighty state is like a king coming!

The blue breeze swept, and the colorful feathers fluttered.

I saw a half-human beast shocked to appear.

For a time, a hurricane swept the ring!

A light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and a set of data reflected in his eyes.

【Monster Name】: Weird Power Peacock King

[Monster Level]: Level 60 (Overlord)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster Attribute]: Variation Fighting System/Flying System

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: A tyrannical male Peacock warrior, possesses a trace of the blood of the Divine Phoenix

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Fighting

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

"Shishi! Just an overlord-level beast! Haibian has a meal!"

The collaterals are stunned.

Jiang Chen could see the ability level of the Peacock King with a single glance, which is a bit too awesome!

At this moment.

Feeling Jiang Chen's contempt, Guai Li Peacock King suddenly became furious.

With a big wave, a punch will hit the weak Tang Shishi!

The cyan wind blade was wrapped in the huge fist of the fighting system, the strong wind swept through, and the three green threads of Tang poetry were cut off.

Tang Shishi escaped the punch dangerously and dangerously.

boom! !

Guai Li Peacock King punched the ground!

The element of wind exploded violently and the stone bricks flew up.

Suddenly, an energy wave spread.

Looking at Tang poetry.

Her figure is extremely flexible, but the long dress and long dress are torn apart by the violent wind, turning into a little one-piece skirt.

Then Tang Menqing rushed to win the fight with Benn’t, it was all rushing to play hooligans!

The swollen pig-headed face also smirked.

On and off the stage, Jiang Chen Tang Poems were extremely angry!

Shishi's handsome little face is full of anger and hideousness!

I saw her wave a big hand!

The huge sun rises out of thin air.

Scorching eyes and scorching heat surpassed the rising sun!

The temperature of the air suddenly increased by several degrees!

Card! !

The crisp phoenix sounded through the sky!

In the huge Taixu fairyland, Taixu nine-color glazed phoenix flies in the clouds!

The mighty coercion will drop in the air!

All the sergeants in the audience felt like they were heartbeat and missed a beat!

This is Taixu Nine Color Glazed Phoenix!

Look at Tang poetry again, already wearing fiery red Feng Yu neon clothes!

The powerful Divine Phoenix Domain is opened, and the defense is doubled instantly!

Everyone was horrified.

This is the purest bloodline in the history of the Tang family!

If they observe carefully, they will also see the trembling shoulders of the Peacock King!

However, under the restrictions of Tang Menqing's blood contract, it still maintained the dignity of the overlord.

The Queen of Tang Poetry and Poetry is coming, with fire-burning wings on her back, spinning and dancing to the sky!

The phantom of the divine phoenix burst out, and the two divine phoenixes complemented each other.

Just listen to the poem of Tang poetry!

"The fire is coming!"

Tang Shishi turned on the killing mode, and the instant voice was like a queen, rationally cold and unfeeling!

Taixu Nine Color Glazed Glazed Phoenix immediately Fengming responded!

Card! !

Two pairs of Divine Phoenix wings full of pressure suddenly spread out.

The endless sacred fire spewed out, suddenly like pouring hot molten iron, pouring into the school field!

The terrifying temperature instantly burned the skin of King Guai Li Peacock.

The flames of the Divine Phoenix swept across, forming a chilling flame tornado on the ring!


Under the high temperature, Guai Li Peacock King screamed in pain!

Tang Shishi feels that it has lost its fighting spirit!

As a result, she gradually contracted her strength.

After all, the anger of Tang Shishi has nothing to do with the Peacock King of Weird Power, only that it has a **** master.

When the energy dissipated, the beautiful peacock feathers on the Guai Li Peacock King were burned to the ground.

Guai Li Peacock King's whole body was black, only the white of his eyes were dull.

Its owner, Tang Menqing, was equally bewildered.

But Guai Li Peacock King knew in his heart.

It can survive because Tang Shishi didn't hurt the killer!


The Peacock King is kneeling in public!

Phoenix is ​​the king of all birds! Should worship!

Jiang Chen rushed to the ring and put his intact gown on Tang Shishi.

This move can not help but make the YY fantasizing **** in the audience begin to curse Jiang Chen.

"Isn't it just looking at the eyes and legs! Stingy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen turned into an afterimage, dragon scales appeared on his body, and Titan phantom flashed across his body!


A dozen big mouths were snapping!

The few people with low-mouthed mouths were suddenly beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, vomiting blood!

Afterwards, Jiang Chen's pure golden dragon eyes swept over everyone.

Several bitches, including Tang Menqing, peeed their pants in shock!

At this time, the presiding elder reluctantly announced.

"Poetry and poetry wins Tang Menqing!"


The sergeants couldn't restrain themselves and started talking!

This time, the name of the Divine Phoenix Queen in Tang Poems was mentioned again!

Tang Shishi wore Jiang Chen's long gown, proudly on the court as a winner!

The audience was in an uproar!

But Jiang Chen quickly noticed that the elders of the Tang family didn't seem to panic at all.

Tang Feng's eyes followed Jiang Chen, and he immediately understood Jiang Chen's doubts.

"Brother Jiang Chen, they have actually won, because the direct line will have to win three games before they can choose the position of succession!"

"But now, no one in the direct line can play."

"And there are many divisions of the collateral family, and there are at least three or four genius-level strangers who have the power to fight!"

"Oh! If it wasn't for Brother Tang Chuan who was sick, how could these clowns show off their power!"

When Jiang Chen heard it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Tang Feng frowned and asked on the spot.

"Jiang Chen, how can you laugh at the moment of life and death threatened by the direct lineage!"

Jiang Chen covered his face and said with a smile.

"Hush, Brother Tang Feng, don't worry, there will be a good show later!"

After listening to Tang Shishi, she also smiled.

At this time, in the collateral camp, the major families discussed.

"The latest information fifteen minutes ago, Tang Chuan is still lying in the hospital!"

"Then you can directly shoot the middle horse and crush it down!"

"It's okay to send another horse, we are not without it!"

"Get on the horse and be full! Hahaha!"

"Look at the direct line, the rest is a bunch of helpless people!"

After discussion, a young little milk dog finally stepped onto the ring.

He stood proudly on the stage, and his temperament was quite contemplative!

Tang Feng said to Jiang Chen, "That young man is Tang Rufeng, who is the most famous genius beast master in the past three years."

At the age of nineteen, he has already crossed the threshold of hegemony!

But the only drawback is that he is still young and his blood vessels have not developed.

Originally, Jiang Chen had a passion for talent, and he still had such a slight affection for this little milk dog.

But then, the little milk dog, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, suddenly showed a face like a ruffian.

"Your direct line of these people, let me choose whom!"

"I don't even have an opponent, so lonely!"

"Look at your trash, I will give up the position of the direct line this year!"

"Lest you have to do it!"

Hearing that, the Tang family's direct line is angry!

The whole Tang Rufeng is too bullying!

At this time, suddenly an extremely tyrannical coercion blasted straight into the ring!

Being able to control the angle of coercion and opposing targets, this wonderful and meticulous technique proves that this person must be a top-notch master!

Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi saw the visitor and smiled at each other.

The visitor is Tang's family son! Tang Chuan!

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