God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 891: Your son-in-law? !

I don't know if I felt Jiang Chen's determination.

Tang Chuan, who was unconscious, turned awake slightly.


When I opened my eyes, I first saw my sister, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Tang Shishi said quickly.

"Brother, this is Jiang Chen, here to help you heal!"

Tang Chuan forced a smile.

"Jiang Chen, oh, you are from Shishi..."

"I heard that you have a sacred vine to cure all diseases, so please take a look!"

The patients nodded in agreement, and the others had no face to say anything else.

Jiang Chen gently held up Tang Chuan's hand.

I saw that the meridians were dark purple and blue, and the meridian necrosis was actually caused by the poisoning!

The blood vessels are also swollen and swollen, as if I love the one to burst open at any time.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, Tang Shishi immediately handed over paper and pen.

I saw Jiang Chen writing on the paper.

"The meridians are damaged and the blood vessels are fragile, so medication is not suitable."

The collaborators looked at it and immediately began to contempt.

"Cut! It's not inappropriate to use medicine!"

Jiang Chen gave the person a blank glance, made a silent gesture, and continued to write.

"Repair first, then detoxify."

"Two coins for land ding, two coins for five-step Andrographis, three coins for parsnip, scrophulariaceae, rhubarb, gentian and phoenix clothes."

Jiang Chen finished writing and handed it to Liu Yun.

"Auntie, go get medicine first!"

Several famous doctors took the prescription.

"Young man, you want to drive similar to us!"

Jiang Chen smiled softly.

"Doctors, heart disease, heart doctors, the beastmaster's disease also has to be treated by the beastmaster!"

"Wait for the leisurely people, I am going to treat Big Brother Tang Chuan!"

Tang Shan waved his hand, Tang Feng and other cronies began to invite everyone out of the ward.

Jiang Chen's wrist flicked.

The emerald green bracelet softens the twist.

The purple emperor fairy vine revived.

A thin vine gradually wrapped around Tang Chuan's body.

Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Tang Chuan, please bear with me a little bit."

"Your meridians are already fragile and endangered. Everything needs to be done carefully and not sloppy."

After that, the endless vitality came out majestic from the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine!

Tang Chuan immediately felt that there was a strength between his muscles slowly recovering.

The muscles and veins that were originally unconscious have gradually returned to life.

The power of the element instantly swept Tangchuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and he not only took a long breath of comfort.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen nodded in relief.

Liu Yun, who was delivering medicine outside the door, covered her mouth in disbelief.

Seeing that his mother-in-law was coming, Jiang Chen quickly took the medicine.

Afterwards, taking advantage of the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine to revive Tang Chuan's body, Jiang Chen began to sacrifice the soul-changing pill.

This is an elixirs that can denature the elements in the body.

But the toxicity of this pill is precisely aimed at restraining the poison in Tang Chuan's body!

Two hours later, the medicine was concentrated.

Jiang Chen used the Xuanming Domain to modify the attribute ratio in the medicine.

Finally, Tang Chuan took it down cautiously.

At this time, Tang Chuan has almost recovered.

As long as there is the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine, he will not be agitated to death by the two poisons.


As soon as Tang Chuan swallowed the pill, he saw a terrible lump bulging in his solid chest.

A group of Tang family members exclaimed as they were about to rush in.

The bump disappeared on its own!

Immediately, Tang Chuan gave a long hiccup!

I saw that the rich and colorful elemental aura spurted directly from his mouth.

Scattered and disappeared into the air.


Power burst!

A carp in Tang Chuan thumped from the bed to the ground.

Vigorous, full of spirit!

Some geniuses outside the door are scared silly!

"Fuck! This young man! Really energetic!"

Tang Chuan couldn't even wear his shoes, so he hugged him with his father, mother and sister.

Then he said loudly.

"The poison in my body is transformed into pure energy by Brother Jiang Chen's immortal pill, which not only removes the toxicity, but also replenishes the energy! The power of the bloodline has increased dramatically!"

Jiang Chen stepped forward.

"Congratulations to Brother Tang Chuan for turning misfortune into blessing!"

Tangshan laughed happily in public.

A family of four is preparing to entertain Jiang Chen in the evening, and is also preparing to convene the division again to discuss the successor competition that failed to be implemented last night.

The collaterals at this time were all stunned.

They steal the total privately.

I think Jiang Chen is too terrible!

He must not be allowed to participate in the competition between the heirs of the Tang Family Patriarch!

So, it was the celebration dinner.

Eighteen collateral parents and six elders put pressure on Tangshan!

When the chopsticks didn't move, several parents jumped out.

"Although Jiang Chen has done a great job, he must never participate in the heir fight."

"Article 14 of the family rules stipulates that people with foreign surnames cannot participate in the Tang family affairs!"

"Fan Tongrong foreign surname, the crime should be punishable!"

Tangshan suddenly became dumb.

Tang Shishi immediately gritted his teeth angrily!

Because the Tang family's ancestral motto for choosing heirs is that the direct line must win three collateral lines to win the position of the heir of the paternal family.

Today, among the descendants of the Tang family, Tangshan has recovered from a serious illness. Although he can live a normal life, he cannot participate in the battle!

Therefore, only Tang Poems can participate in the competition.

If there is no Jiang Chen, who will play?

Tangshan hated him secretly.

This sideline everyone really made a good calculation!

At this moment, a contemptuous laugh came!

"Haha! Cut!"

When everyone looked at it, it turned out that it was Jiang Chen who laughed directly.

Before the elders began to curse, Jiang Chen had already taken the lead.

"Cut! A bunch of old stubborn!"

"What is the last name important?"

After speaking, Jiang Chen immediately took Tang Shishi's hand and rushed to the center of the hall.

Said directly in front of Tang's parents.

"My parents are here, I, Jiang Chen, joined the Tang family today to be the son-in-law!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was surprised!

What's surprising is that Jiang Chen's wave of Sao operation kills two birds with one stone!

After entering the family, Jiang Chen can be equal to the youth of the Tang family.

In this way, Jiang Chen is a member of the Tang family.

And everyone in Tangshan was suddenly shocked!

What is shocking is that Jiang Chen is the dignified City Lord of Chang'an, and he is also the commander of Tianwu and Qilin God!

He was actually willing to surrender his status and enter the family of Tang Zuo!

The price of this kind of love can be said to be unprecedented!

Tang poetry looks complicated.

She was surprised and reluctant at this time.

She also loves Jiang Chen.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was willing to make such a sacrifice for himself and his family, the first reaction in my heart was to let Jiang Chen do so.

But Jiang Chen immediately noticed the emotions in Tang Shishi's heart.

He said softly.

"As long as I can be together, I don't care if I get married."

"In my opinion, the wedding is just a form, not important at all."

"The true core of a marriage is the feelings between you and me!"

A drop of tears instantly slipped off the face of Tang Shishi!

Tang Shishi was moved to tears in public.

The mother-in-law Liu Yun was even more moved and covered her mouth, crying silently.

Tangshan waved his hand.

"Your mother and I, agree to this marriage!"


All the sidelines blew up the temple.

The buzzing mouth kept talking.

"My patriarch! This is out of order!"

"Even if you are married, Jiang Chen is still Jiang Chen, and has nothing to do with my Tang family!"

Jiang Chen smiled as he listened.

"These old idiots, I don't even have a chance to marry Tang Shishi directly!"

"This wave of operations simply won my heart!"

Tangshan resisted all opinions and gave a cold snort!

"My daughter's marriage, I have the final say!"

"Jiang Chen will do it tonight!"

"In the future, Jiang Chen will be the assistant elder of Tang Shishi, and can participate in the battle for the direct lineage!"

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