God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1254: Despicable lord

Vinci laughed.

"Haha! Jiang Chen!!!"

"I know your strength is more than that, and you don't care how a moderator commented."

"It's been long enough for you to come to Northern Europe incognito. Let me see your true strength today!"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Chen's gaze at Finch suddenly changed.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought Finch was a monster.

Now, I feel a little bit of the pride of this girl.

The old saying that people cannot be judged by their appearance makes sense.

"Okay! Then... you go first!" Jiang Chen said.

The corner of Vinci's mouth raised.

"That's good for advice!"

With a loud shout, Vinci's thin body suddenly burst into a raging mist of evil spirits.

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

The evil spirit mist was so magnificent that it gradually formed the form of a demon king.

Jiang Chen looked familiar with the appearance of this devil.

"Isn't this an ancient demon?"

The phantom formed by the black magic fog is the ancient demon that Jiang Chen had fought violently in the Western Regions!

But the nuances do have some differences.


Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the sky.

Jiang Chen knew that it was energy that moved the air.

What kind of ghosts and gods have such power that makes the sky change?


The demon phantom on Vinci's back burst out!

Aftermath bursts agitated.

Jiang Chen's figure was submerged in the black aftermath and it was difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion.

In the phantom, the air pressure suddenly increased, and a huge demon's body descended!

Dragon horns, bat wings, huge claws.

Frighteningly huge snake head snake body.

The pitch-black scales exude a black evil light.


A purple light burst out of the golden goat's eyes.


The roar blasted straight into the clouds, shaking thick fog.

The devil roared comfortably, and a hot steam spurted from his nose.

The appearance of the giant devil made Vinci's expression immediately gloomy.

At this time, Vinci seemed to be controlled by someone and became mad.


"Jiang Chen, see the power of darkness!"

Jiang Chen's forehead burst into blue veins.

After he saw the monster's data, his heart suddenly became irritable.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Despicable Lord

【Monster Level】: Level 77 (King Level)

[Monster Quality]: Legend

[Monster attributes]: Demon/Shadow

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Character of Monster Beast]: Ancient demon, anciently called the despicable and hypocritical monarch, calling himself Belial, the commander of the dark legion from another world.

The crimes instigated the kingdom of Judah to rebel against God's will, and the people turned to worship its sorcery, so that they were abandoned to God, and were eventually destroyed by Babylon.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Holy Spirit

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

This despicable lord is the same creature as the ancient demon corpse!

"It's worthy of being the warden master, who can collect such a superb monster!"

Vinci smiled.

"Hehehe~ My Royal Beast was not collected!"

"It exists in my mind, it is the combination of my will and the breath of another dimension!"

"Certainly ~ the abyss of soul, everything will end in darkness!"

Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"Tsk tusk tusk! Brother Finch, why is your will so dark!"

"Too dark is not good for your health! At a young age, you have the sunshine!"

Vinci was taken aback.

The audience was taken aback.

The host was also taken aback.

"Um, it seems that Jiang Chen is taunting Master Vinci?"

Vinci's eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you questioning my will?"

"What do you know! You are tall, handsome, powerful, and have endless fans. When have you seen bullying and neglect, and how have you seen the darkness of the human world?"

"Do you know how much pain my weakness has brought me? Do you know how painful it is to be bullied, humiliated, or even mutilated!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Vinci, the leader of the younger generation, but his story is like a dark history of mankind.

When a child was born with a natural disaster, his parents died.

Weak boys fall into the streets, are abducted and trafficked, and become male actors.

More unfortunately, the owner of Finch hated the man because of his ugly appearance, thinking that Finch's man was filthy in the world, and one day, he was brutally maimed.

Finch, who had lost his identity as a man, was thrown on the street again, leaving his wounds to rot.

Vinci was picked up by the gangster, and the woman didn't feel dirty and cleaned him.

Vinci thought this was a sign of happiness and treated the woman as his only relative, but unexpectedly this was just the beginning of despair again.

On the third day of Vinci's awakening, the two were taken in by the church, and the gentle priest entertained them with milk and bread.

Vinci went to sleep without warning.

That night, the priest hung Liu on the cross and abused him all night. By the way, he abused Finch, regardless of gender.

Vinci gritted his teeth and swore to the cross that he would pull out all the churches in the world that were honored by gods.

Before he wanted to go into a coma, the despicable Lord Belial got out of the cross and slowly squeezed into his head on the verge of collapse.

The fortune of the warden of the soul-killing book Finch can be seen in blood.

After the disaster, 104 churches built by the Nordic Alliance were attacked, and nearly 50,000 priests and priests were imprisoned, cut their noses, cooked their ears, and cooked them.

Within ten days, the Norse priests, whether male or female, were slaughtered.

Even more brutal, Finch used an unknown method to bring all the dead back to life, forming an army of corpses against the Holy See.

In the end, the Holy See had to send the cardinal bishop to eradicate Vinci who was in tyranny.

Unexpectedly, even the archbishop was beheaded one by one.

Since then, Vinci built a private prison and imprisoned all the clergy.

Later, Vinci was ordered by the Nordic Union, on the condition that the Nordic Holy See was illegalized, and he could no longer do evil in the Nordic countries.

When this incident broke out, the people of Northern Europe clapped and cheered.

It is precisely because of this that when the Hero Fortress was established, the voice of the folks for adding Vinci to the hero queue was extremely high.

But everyone knew that Vinci's tragic past was a deep scar in his heart.

In northern Europe, where heroism is advocating, no one will take the scars of heroes.

As a citizen of Yan and Huang, Jiang Chen didn't know Vinci's life experience at all, and a casual joke triggered Vinci's sick psychology.

At this moment, the two people who had eased their relationship a little became enemies instantly.

Faced with Vinci's extreme and extreme, Jiang Chen was speechless for a while.

"Dark Will! The living dead come!" Vinci shouted.

The evil spirit of darkness instantly filled the arena.

"Go to hell!! Don't be afraid of the dark waste!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of rotting corpses crawled out of the endless evil spirit.

Needless to say, this is the "prisoner" held by slaves in the hands of the Warden of Soul Eater.

Thousands of carrion corpses climbed on the ground, surrounding Jiang Chen layer by layer.

The stench was so foul, Jiang Chen had to fight back.

He wanted to be polite, but now that the opponent was furious, he didn't need to bother with those thoughts.

Thousands of dead bodies attacked, Jiang Chen concentrated on his energy.

call out!

Two rays of black and white light fell in the air.

The chant of heaven and the whispers of the devil sounded together, very strange.

The light instantly emptied the black evil spirit around Jiang Chen.

Vinci instantly realized that Jiang Chen's strength was not simple.

The two looked at each other from the air, the attack had not yet been tentatively tested, and their eyes had already clashed.

The players on the side of the stadium are very nervous, but the audience is very excited.

"Look, look! The king-level powerhouse is about to make a move!"

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